The night before we were due to celebrate the Miss’ birthday in school the next morning with cupcakes and lootbags, we were at the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce – Hong Kong and Macau‘s 1st AGM…
It should be noted that when I’m not posting cute pics of the kids, the more “serious” or “entertaining” issues I write about have to do with a) reflecting on the world as it is today, for yes, the kids someday (hopefully making it relatively entertaining for everyone else along the way), and b) the central idea of this blog, that in exploring our parenting, we invariably lay bare our true colours – our hopes, our dreams, our prejudices, our weaknesses, certainly an unexpected strength we never knew we had and which I hope is inspirational – through the choices we make when we raise our kids.
Now to this post – if you are a Malaysian reading this, some of the quotes below I believe to hold special meaning for you who have once lived or still live in Malaysia.
If you are not a Malaysian reading this, it might further flesh out your impressions of Malaysians.
MCCHKM is founded by Malaysians who live and work in Hong Kong and Malaysia, many of whom are firmly established and hold senior positions here. You may not be able to tell just by looking, who’s Malaysian and who’s not, given the huge multi-racial melting pot. To the best of my knowledge there is no secret handshake, but there is a love for nasi lemak (MCCHKM periodically holds very informative Nasi Lemak Lunch Talks)
Now, great oratory should inspire, it should “raise your heart rate, blow the doors off this place,” make us rush out for our next nasi lemak.
As spoken by MCCHKM Chairman Mr Gan Khai Choon:
“……Many friends in the HK business community… see many, many successful Malaysian entrepreneurs here in HK and also meet many who excel in other corporate activities… …They wondered why there was not a body to represent Malaysian businesses and HK businesses that are managed by Malaysians and other corporations that invest and do business with Malaysia in HK…
…As a new organization, Exco have laid the foundations of a chamber which can be strong, both financially and in its founding objectives… …Maycham will continue to operate fairly for all members, ensuring that general funds are only used for Maycham’s administration and participants in activities are to finance their share of costs…
– The Chairman’s Report in its entirety is at the bottom of this post, right after the selfie
Y-eah, when they presented the audited accounts they came across to me as downright frugal and careful, and yours truly was impressed by the attention to procedure and meticulousness. To be formed, MCCHKM must have the blessings and support of the Chief Executive of HKSAR as well as the Malaysian Government and even if you are not an actual businessman, there is a whole wealth to learn.
Now, long, long ago Kings advised me not to blog a looooong sea of words without having also a few pictures. So here’s an exercise for you guys:
Q: Can you recognise MayCham committee members who won prestigious 2014 Hong Kong Business Awards?
A: Dato’ Cheah Cheng Hye, Value Partners Ltd, and Mr. Song Hoi See, Plaza Premium Lounge Management Ltd
Oh, and besides picking up Best Businessmen awards, having a lot of fun with nasi lemak, and in general totally over-achieving to the nth degree……..
“……MayCham through the wide spectrum of members we have, will help build up a strong and reputable image for Malaysia…” -Mr Gan Khai Choon, Managing Director, Hong Leong International (Hong Kong) Limited; Chairman, Malaysian Chamber of Commerce – Hong Kong & Macau.
The formation of Maycham, HK & Macau in 2014 came about with the objective of providing Malaysian businesses in HK & Macau a platform to enhance their capabilities and resources, through better interaction and networking. A large group of founding members together with others ( 44 ) came forward to support the first Maycham Exco. The first Exco is made up of a group of
about 15 people who loved the country and wished to promote Malaysian businesses.
Many friends in the HK business community have always admired and respected Malaysians whom they have come to know, especially those they meet and do business with. They know that Malaysians are versatile, resilient, capable and are of high intergrity. They know that Malaysians grew up in a multi racial society and have high international education standards providing them skills that are very much in demand in today’s economy, especially in HK and NE Asia. They see many, many successful Malaysians entrepreneurs here in HK and also meet many who excel in other corporate activities. Cheah & Song were awarded businessmen of the year. They wondered why there was not a body to represent Malaysian businesses and HK businesses that are managed by Malaysians and other corporations that invest and do business with Malaysia in HK. Now we have Maycham.
I am deeply honored to be Maycham’s first Chairman.
Since Maycham is still in its infancy, I sincerely hope that, all of us in the Exco can continue to grow Maycham to be strong, with the recruitment of more members and also help create a culture of valuable activities for our members and friends, so that the people involved in the Malaysian business community will benefit. Maycham through the wide spectrum of members we have, will help build up a strong and reputable image for Malaysia.
As a new organization, Exco have laid the foundations of a chamber which can be strong, both financially and in it’s founding objectives. Maycham have been supported by many founding members and with the capital contributions of more than HK$2 million, we hope we will keep these funds as our “Financial Foundation”, and continue to grow it, and make Maycham always financially strong. Maycham have and will continue to organize many events and activities and for every one of these, we always aim to make it self-financing. Maycham will continue to operate fairly for all members, ensuring that general funds are only used for Maycham’s administration and participants in activities are to finance their share of costs.
There is a lot that Maycham can do and I hope I can continue to have this privilege to make Maycham stronger and contribute to Malaysian businesses.
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well I am impressed even if I am the first to comment! And thanks for believing in my music, I guess it shows in the title “raising rockstars” that you have such a great sense of the artistic, spiritual side of life in such a monetarist city.