Should’ve dubbed the original one I had with PCCW marketing callers thus as well… So then this makes #2…
Me: Hi, I’m calling about the order we placed an hour ago and just received –
Pizza Hut Lady: Wait a moment, madam. Your phone number please?
Me: (Give her my phone number). I already got my order, I –
Pizza Hut Lady: And your name please?
Me: (Give her my name). I’m saying I already have my order, but it’s wrong –
Pizza Hut Lady: And your address?
Me: Uh.. I’m trying to tell you I already received my order, but –
Pizza Hut Lady: Is your address <reads out my address>
Me: Yes it is, but –
Pizza Hut Lady: And <reads out rest of my address>
Me: Yes, but –
Pizza Hut Lady: May I take your order please?
Guess what happens next?
Come on, Aileen. Go to your happy place.
Cute baby animals.
Cute bathing animals. (Have you seen a more shiok face?)
I glance at Rockstar busy devouring his 2 large thin ‘n crispy slices in front of Nina and the Neurons, who are discovering How Elevators Work Today, oblivious to the fact his pizza is light on the extra black olives and pineapple he requested (I gave him the slices with the most toppings, but didn’t actually pick out the toppings from the rest of the pizza for him – btw I had a local Hongkie ex colleague with slightly older boys who would have them stick with certain “mis-orders” say, if their pasta came with creamy white sauce instead of bolognaise, because she thought it would get them used to “adapting to surprises”).
Then I close the kitchen door.
Me: You have not been listening to me. I am lodging a complaint. Please put it in whatever database you have where you obviously also keep my name, number and address that you charged us for 4 extra toppings that are not on the pizzas.
Pizza Hut Lady: Can I get my manager to call you back in 5 minutes?
Me: No. I spent enough time waiting for you to pick up this line and a lot more time trying to get you to listen to me, I am not spending any more time talking to your manager.
Pizza Hut Lady: Madam. Can I get my manager to call you back in 5 minutes?
Me: I just said –
Ok so they didn’t call back. I asked them to put a note in their database somewhere that we got charged HKD 56 for non-toppings and rang off. Then when I open the kitchen door –
Rockstar: Mum! Finished!
Yup, we are.
wow….that’s one very ‘geram’ one-sided conversation.

Nice picture of the dog with shiok face.
Really like to read yr blog….sometimes i laugh, feel geram for u, ponder over yr post…. Makin lama, makin bagus ohhh.
Terima kasih banyak-banyak lah… Shiok Dog was enjoying the bring-your-own-shampoo baths at JD’s old training school in Sheung shui
HAHA! Hilarious. Sad but typical. I should learn from you and create a “happy place” I can go to at work.
Or, on the other hand, I can learn from Rockstar and just eat the darned pizza….
I missed the olives
but check out for happy place, I used to start my tougher days there, will make u smile bah 
If everyone is willing to forgo the pizza, is it possible to reject the pizza and not pay since it is not what you ordered?
Yeah shud b ok.. Just that on a weekend night you don’t even get thru to the hotline after 6pm without a wait, we would’ve had to wait really long for them to replace the order