Fortunately, the two don’t have any disputes over who sits right at the head of the boat – because Rockstar is concerned he might fall in. The dog secretly hopes she will. (Kings will scream at her if she sneaks overboard for a swim u c…)
Bet everyone was just dying to know that. All the people who come here to see pictures of JD on Lamma Island. And that virus attacking my site that is about to be quashed.
You can make out the firm grip Kings has on JD because he really doesn’t want her in the water… (We weren’t taking the little blue rowing boat, our ride is the brown one in the corner of the pic – we do see local bringing their kids and all, you can just go for a ride around the islands, or actually get off at one of the beaches… Something we’d really do if we wanted a beach fix for dog and child… There’s a little floating fishing place you can take a boat to as well, where for a fee you can catch something to bring home and cook… It depends on the ride, but as a general rule you have to watch out for getting scalped though – last time we had a family of 4 plus us, one of the boats quoted HKD 1,500 – which dropped to HKD 700 when Kings said he couldn’t remember paying more than HKD 1,000 for the ride – and the aunties in particular sound rude and pushy (they’re in competition) though I don’t think they realize it most of the time…)
Well the problem takes care of itself if you’re boarding to get to Lamma… Can’t remember the ticket price but it’s standard, and dogs have to be muzzled to board (JD is right at the 17kg muzzle requirement cut-off)… No one ever paid JD any mind, except to play with her – and she was often not the only much-loved dog on board…
Btw you may notice JD often has her eyes closed or is yawning or looking elsewhere… Like Rockstar, she has always liked to ruin shots – you can tell the two are closely related. Except Rockstar would want to tell you she has “Het-er-o-chro-mee-a,” the condition of two different colored eyes. Just so he can use the big word. It’s his new favorite game, learning long words Kings doesn’t know…
Who knew a 4yr old could increase your vocabulary so?
Who knew obscure words no one really cares about could inspire you to hold your college degree papers in one hand and make a flushing sound and action with the other?
The bottom pic is someone’s house… Sometimes with the crazy property prices in HK I think expats in particular like to look for more land for their buck… Can totally relate to this though I love apartments far more than houses, because with Kings gone a lot I like to have building security and lotsa close circuit cameras around… I still do, but now I’m carrying a second one, I’m really hungry for a bit more space. Rockstar wants a bunk bed so he can “have a break when the baby makes (him) tired,” and I’m still figuring how to accommodate him.
But in the meantime…..
JD looks like she’s tilted crazily to one side, but it’s actually the rock face that’s tilted. Of course, she has to see if she can jump up because steep hills and rock faces call out to her, “Let’s See How Many You Can Clamber On Before Daddy Yells At You.”
(This is an excuse to dump a couple Shek O pics which I don’t know where else to fit)
When Rockstar saw these pics he said I’m to catch JD if she falls. And then he’ll catch me if I fall…
Ok sorry ah… back to Lamma…
Where we made friends…

Darn, can't believe I've forgotten the name of that puppy in the top pic - I could recall her name for the longest time, it's a nice human-girl name and I might have appreciated the name suggestion for my baby
Both Sai Kung and Lamma Island (and probably Discovery Bay too) have fairly aggressive Dog Rescues (by “aggressive” I mean in relation to Singapore or Malaysia or probably most parts of Asia as a very general statement), often with a lot of expat (but with locals as well) women actively involved, prompting another blogger once to refer to them as the “Disturbed Expatriate Women’s Canine-Worship Cult”…
(In case you wondered what passes for “cult worship,” Sorlo has a taste here Honestly we laughed and others might call them that, but it’s nice to see people aggressively championing animal welfare – and ironically right next to countries where people eat them… Can’t believe they don’t make “DEWC-WC” t-shirts, I would buy some in a heartbeat, kinda like Clothing Of The American Mind‘s irony during the Bush regime, where they sold tees with saying things like “Family Devaluers” and “This Child Left Behind.” This has nothing to do with me, I’m as American as Delifrance is French, I just like funny witty t-shirts. And so ended up possibly contributing to anti-Bush campaigns. Well show me some funny witty Republican t-shirts, I’d buy those online too. My current tee fix however is Out Of Print Clothing, which sells tees and things with a literary theme – Moby Dick iPhone case, anyone?)
Oh look, there’s our dog, ruining yet another shot. You almost want to just photoshop her into these pics, but then where would be the challenge?
And somewhere between the hill singing and not looking at the camera, my dog has lost an ear. So let us set about the rest of the good island of Lamma finding it…
Her face is like that because this was taken while a bunch of locked up dogs were barking their lungs out at her…

All the village houses... which look un-like Hong Kong as we are used to seeing, with all the hi-rise and busy roads...

Why should what you're looking for be found in the last place you're looking? Carry on looking even after you've found it, then...
And then a meeting of tails, on a trail…
And a meeting of minds and whiskers…..
And so our day ends with a frolic on the beach…
(Or, A Study Of Border Collies And Physics: How The Long-ish Bodied Breed Stays Upright On Two Or Fewer Legs.)
Think this the end?
N-ot quite.
It gets more challenging – now we have two of them for pictures.
And so the story goes on………..!
Ps: No Rockstars or Border Collies were harmed in the making of this post. In the last shot, Kings was standing just outside the frame… This one was Rockstar’s idea – He wanted to launch himself off that ledge while yelling at the top of his voice and have Kings catch him. It was drizzling, but we were watched throughout by the (very) amused father of a little blonde boy toddler. No prizes for guessing who went up next……
Haha, Rockstar has stolen JD’s thunder in the last photo. Did Rockstar really launch himself from that height? Seems dangerous to me. King must be a very good catcher else it would be so risky.
I enjoy looking at JD’s various expressions in all the lovely photos above. The scenery is so beautiful. I wonder whether JD dreams of all the wonderful beaches and cliffs in her sleep.
Does she wish to go there more often?
I have not been to Lamma Island nor Shek-O (I like the looks of the rocks and cliffs there). Your photos reminded me to go there some day if I could.
The shop does look like a kedai runcit here but without the tree trunk. So now, more photos of Rockstar and JD? Oh, is it going to be three’s a company with baby sister too, hehehe.
Haha, Rockstar has stolen JD’s thunder in the last photo. Did Rockstar really launch himself from that height? Seems dangerous to me. King must be a very good catcher else it would be so risky.
I enjoy looking at JD’s various expressions in all the lovely photos above. The scenery is so beautiful. I wonder whether JD dreams of all the wonderful beaches and cliffs in her sleep.
Does she wish to go there more often?
I have not been to Lamma Island nor Shek-O (I like the looks of the rocks and cliffs there). Your photos reminded me to go there some day if I could.
The shop does look like a kedai runcit here but without the tree trunk. So now, more photos of Rockstar and JD? Oh, is it going to be three’s a company with baby sister too, hehehe.
I shall enjoy bringing the baby around, feeding her all the wholesome stuff and imposing “sleep” on her all I want – since she is in my tummy n has no choice.
There’s a pretty convenient BBQ area on Shek O near where we took those pics… But it’s far from where we live and not easy to clamber about so not very young-child-friendly…
I hope she doesn’t mind living a less adventurous life now, she gets a lot more routine walking/running since we made a point of moving to a place near a nice, dog-friendly park… Also, she developed the onset of joint pain about a year ago and has been on vitamin supplement to slow it down since (ie she is not a young dog anymore)… Since taking the supps though, touch wood she hasn’t had a sprain since… (btw apparently if you don’t want to get the vet-prescribed stuff Cod liver oil for humans also works)…
The first time Kings offered to put him up there Rockstar declined… Not sure if the development’s gardener standing above and calling to him had anything to do with it… We went on with our walk and when we turned around to eventually make it back to the car, he started asking to go back and try so we did…
Yes he really jumped after that… That was his idea.. Like, 3 or 4 times – he made me film it for him on his iPod touch…
Hmm Aileen… at least a couple of photos look like they were taken at Mui Wo… ;b
Paisay, wat is Mui Wo?
Er… Mui Wo is also known as Silvermine Bay, located on the east coast of Lantau? I thought I recognised the arch in the “See she likes mutts” picture — isn’t that located near the Man Mo temple in Mui Wo? Also, I saw a dragon head like the one in the “Will the real JD please stand up?” on/near the beach at Mui Wo… ;b
OIC!!! You might be totally correct dear, I don’t remember – we just hopped a boat, got off, kept walking, with no one to guide us. It wasn’t deserted and back then quite a few locals had little kids (while we didn’t even have one yet) so we barely asked around about anything. Just walkedand walked. Amazing you can recognize even the dragon-head boat, that’s so cool! If you asked us to go back and deliberately find any of these areas we took pics at we wouldnt be able to – we’d just hop the boat and walk around randomly again! (Some more it’s not like we only went once :P)
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