From Rockstar’s school daily communications diary (before breaking for the hols):
“Your child has created a letter to Santa this week at Kindergarten. They believe that this letter is being sent to the North Pole (where Santa lives). We are sending this letter home so that you can have some insight into your child’s wishes. Merry Christmas.”
(Honestly, I was all Awwwwww, HOW freaking cool and thoughtful!)
Rockstar came home with a “Xmas goodie bag” of Christmas-related arts and crafts like Santa palm-print paintings, paper-mache-and-glitter-paint ornaments for our Christmas tree (there were ornaments all around the school too), a candy cane and several candies, Xmas cards from staff and other classmates.
This is him being picked up with his goodie bag from the school Christmas party (which included an informal Sing-along in the school playground that was just packed with parents with all the arms straining to hold their cameras high enough to get good shots like it was an Eminem concert – the only thing missing were the young girls seated on boyfriends’ shoulders lifting their shirts (fine, also Eminem. Boy, you guys are anal). Well of course everyone wants to see their rockstars sing! And that was also the first time I ever heard a Putonghua Christmas song either <sheepish>).
I did manage to get some videos and pics for Kings, in Indonesia at the time, to watch – by running up and down looking for a spot with which to sneak a few shots and a wave at Rockstar (who sees me and very gravely waves back <relieved – how is it possible he can take a Christmas party and Sing-along so seriously? Because he thinks it’s also “schoolwork”>) – but sorry, didn’t manage to get anything without other kids’ faces in it so better not put up
Well anyway Santa visited the Sing-along, and then of course the letter Rockstar has put into the school “post box” with enough “postage stamps” to reach the North Pole mysteriously and furtively turns up in his parent-teacher diary.
However as I read it, it seems Rockstar has forgotten he mailed that in school a few hours ago. According to the note, he’s told Santa he wants a race car, though he does correct me, “Super-duper race car.” There’s more, “He only brings you presents when you’re sleeping.”
Ok great. And how am I going to swing that when Rockstar is with me 24-7. Text Kings (a.k.a. accomplice). Then turn to Rockstar. “Daddy says he bumped into Santa in Jakarta, and he took the opportunity to drop off your Christmas present early – so Daddy will be bringing it home for Santa.” The Rockstar nods gravely. Acceptable.
“Uh… You don’t really believe in Santa, do you?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
“Do you think Santa is a bunch of guys in red suits at all the different malls and in school, or do you think it’s one guy who flies about everywhere at warp speed?”
<like I’m stupid> “There’s only one Santa, Mu-ummm.”
O-kay. The Rockstar believes in Santa. Glad we cleared that up.
I spy Rockstar’s photo on his bag – a personalised goodie bag – how nice of the school!
Yeah I think they do personalize quite a bit… Each child has a thick binder with samples of their schoolwork, plus some of the answers they give in class that you get to bring home with u when your child leaves the Kindy.. During parent-teacher meetings I read one that school staff had penned: After reading 3 Billy goats gruff they asked Rockstar to come up with an alternate ending and he said “After the troll fell in the water, he became a fish. The fish swam to Africa and saw camels.” I thought that was hilarious!