It’s just been too long since I had a dog post. Yes there are all manner of things I can do with “dog”+”post”. Truth is though, that I feel shitty about JD. Who’s lying at my feet while The Mens are at basketball (Kings badly needs to detox) and Little Miss is on a nap, having not napped all day after we had a big lunch with friends.
But really, have you ever? When you had your second child, a girl, having convinced your female border collie that the first male child mishap was your husband’s fault because he was literally just passing by some neighborhood when he saw baskets full of human infants and decided to bring one home with all manner of promises but obviously the dog and I would be the ones having to feed and walk Little Human That Makes That Noise?
I know. They just totally do this don’t they, these female border collies who get all judgmental and herdy at you as you coo to your baby (but when you yell at the kids they have this whole hypocritical tail wag No No Don’t Scold Them, It’s Ok It’s Ok Lah!)
I don’t remember us feeding JD that much baby food first time round, but it’s true she once ballooned to 22kg (ideal weight 17) when Rockstar was a toddler. Now I don’t think she’s gained much, but it’s like snacks are an all-consuming obsession. So I’m guilty. Because she’s partly that way from watching us stress over two Little Humans’ eating (why don’t we care whether she eats?) and partly because the weather is bad and it’s very hard to swing her extra walks (helper walks her 2X daily, an hour each time) with the family regularly when bringing her along means the baby being in some outdoor seating area in crappy weather.
Also, sometimes with everything else that’s going on, I’M LAZY.
She’s right to feel it. I’m ashamed. Before Little Miss I think I had more stamina to insist on her being out and Rockstar being in crappy weather. (When I say crappy weather I mean cold, wet, pollution-filled fog up at the Peak – it’s a swanky location to live, but honestly living near the Cyberport area we already bemoan the constant need to dehumidify or suffer mould on your clothes and walls, I can’t imagine what it’s like living up there unless you crank up your power bills with umpteen dehumidifiers). Two small kids however…
I thought at first it was because Little Miss is a girl. JD was not that sensitive to a male child. (You’ve got a female border collie and two small children too right, so you know what I’m talkin’ about. And btw when I tell Rockstar to eat up before heading for the school bus, she will actually nudge me and wag her tail: But If He Doesn’t Eat Up There’s More For Me!). Truth be told it’s probably a complex combination of everything. And the whole time, JD’s just striving to be the baby’s new favorite person. When she’s not fighting with the baby for Rockstar’s attention. It’s an interesting dynamic.
Anyway here’s a rough Youtube of Little Miss’ early crawling (with JD’s help):
1) That’s Rockstar’s pillow she’s sitting on. Fairly often Rockstar does his IXL homework next to her when she’s playing on the busy board, so I employ him to watch her for short periods while I get breakfast (no way off the bed except thru Mr Anal). One day I come back with their meals and notice the pillow, which Rockstar explains he put there so she “wouldn’t fall on her bum too hard.” We’ve been doing that since…
2) This the epilogue clip of JD having her Baby Fix:
JD’s a wonderdog. Just wish she could read my blog.
Awww, JD is lovely. And yes, I love your posts about her Aileen…
Oh I didn’t know you are a a dog person, okok will try to put up more of her…
Thanks for the vids!
Awwww, JD is so sweet – she did not even flinch when the little Miss pulled a few hairs. I was going – Ouch!
I can see that JD is such a big help to get Miss Rockstar to crawl. Two hours daily walk for JD may not be much for JD’s standard but it is for me (I don’t even walk an hour daily *shameful face*).
Really happy to see Miss Rockstar crawling now. Rockstar is such a thoughtful brother to put his pillow for his sister to “fall” sit on.
JD was a big help getting Rockstar to crawl too, and later on Rockstar got some kicking practice in from kicking her tennis balls around the house… Little Miss is more into “patting” her which of course has to be done under supervision or she will pluck her like a chicken…