
Even as Rockstar peels stickers and Little Miss pulls out her sheets because obviously, Same Difference…
Because I’m not above child labor. Heck, I’m just hoping for a couple extra minutes in bed before Her Highness declares Enough Is Enough Woman, Go Get Me A Beer. Realized all Little Miss sees from her crib are the bare white walls under the desk below the loft bed. I picked those alphabet animals because they had the most pieces of the few sets I had time to look at, and are almost fool-proof – I could simply call out “Left. Right. Little bit lower. Nearer the monkey,” while my elder child squeezed into that little space.
So Saturday night after a late dinner for all of us when Kings finally comes home, I put Her Highness to bed and with a little flutter of hope set my alarm for a precious 15 minutes later than usual. (I have btw almost never woken to the alarm for obvious reasons.)
Oh how little you know, Mummee.
Yes, she spies the alphabet animals in the morning light, but You Silly Grownup, It Would Be Extremely Impolite Not To Engage Them In Conversation.
Ai……….. YAYA! Yer………WAWA!“
One of those beautiful mornings when you think I Am So Screwed.
How thoughtful of mommy to turn the bare white wall into colourful animal alphabets and kind kor kor for putting them there, thank you, thank you mommy and kor kor. That must be what the little Miss was saying early in the morning when she saw those pretty alphabets.
Haha that is sweet when I’m thinking 15 Mins! The Entire Night Boils Down To These 15 Mins?! thanks
Re her direct eye level I remembered that from when we trained JD ages ago and the trainer said to watch which leg we began walking with, when the dog was next to us, because it would make a huge difference to the effectiveness of the dog sit/staying or not… Because with the dog heeling on your left, the movement of your left leg was very, very jarring to the dog…
One (of the many) thing(s) Motherhood taught or reiterate to me is this… You can plan, oh how you *can* plan, but it *may* not go the way you plan…
Murphy’s Law have never been so in your face… You can find the nicest Music School/Teacher for your kid, but it doesn’t mean they’ll take to it… You can spend time slaving on the stove, but your baby may just clamp up those pouty lil lips… But that doesn’t mean we don’t try again… Coz that’s what motherhood is… We try coz we don’t give up on our kids nor our duties… Its like a constant dance, no? Trying to find a rhythm that suits both parties… Stay sane for the week ahead!
Oh I love this! Yes very true…
Btw the reason the 15mins was so precious is because I’m trying to get to winding down my pumping regimen but find myself stuck in a “vicious cycle” (planned to breastfeed a year; should have enough frozen saved up milk and can start seriously winding down soon) – trying to pump less often however has been resulting in painful engorgement and causing me to spend even more time pumping to unclog than say, sleeping etc. And so every time I unclog I get wary of trying to wind down again……!