1) They’re not the right answers, but some are the best answers…
Funny (But Smart) Test Answers.
2) Ooh eye-candy. Harpers Bazaar’s latest diverse photoshoot.
Things that make you go “Hmmmmm.” Also in link are a list of magazine covers that got people talking – some controversial, some inspired – all tell you in some way or another what people are thinking. As in, racial slurs, too-thin models, disturbingly androgynous models……. One teen magazine gets in trouble because one of the models on the cover is in the early stages of pregnancy – they didn’t pull the cover and got in trouble for appearing to advocate teen pregnancy.
3) Things that make you go Hmmmmmm….. This an interesting commentary about something I’ve never thought about – college basketball before the glitzy NBA. Or, in other words, Money. It’s a commentary about how the regulations requiring NBA hopefuls be 19 and a year removed from high school stick them a year in a basically unpaid internship while they “mature” enough for the NBA….. while coaches and media showing the games etc make a bundle. Because people start also watching the college games a lot more, hoping to identify early stars…. Just how it’s written, I have no opinion because I know nothing about American college bball or the NBA.
4) Around The World In 80 Diets. Reminiscent of a male college-mate who was about 172cm with perfect six-pack (side job as underwear model),varsity star basketball player (Singapore, not America – I went to uni in Singy remember) and triathlete, first-class honor student….. and ate arguably more rice than your average Sumo Wrestler. He is one enduring reason I never diet. Without enough energy to do stuff so you burn more, I believe dieting makes you put on weight.
(And scroll down in the first link for some seriously exotic foods in the slide show.)
5) Also Time’s thought-provoking A Worldwide Day’s Worth Of Food:
…proving not all calories are equal. And yes the top one is all fast food. Speaking of which, the one food I “used” during teen years when I thought I was too thin and wanted to put on weight fast was KFC Fried Chicken. 2 small pieces, several times a week. Really easy I thought, didn’t even need to eat that much. Conversely, to drop the 25kg and 20kg respectively that I gained during my two pregnancies, I cut out fast food completely for a year. (The other culprit is Cola.)
6) Have had two skits and a Guest Post this week, so this is simply a peek at the Miss’ Artjam playdate yesterday with a fine young gentleman
“He gave her Strawberries, She gave him Cranberries (No Really, That’s Really What They Did, What Awesome Sharing)” should be a hit song…..
And the “Before” shot of her painting…..
And the “After” shots:
And that’s all she wrote, baby. Except also have a great weekend…
frog fallopian tubes? I have eaten this health dessert before – Hasma – actually they are fatty tissues found around fallopian tubes, not the fallopian tubes itself according to a documentary that I have watched.
I like the bright blue paint stroke in Miss Rockstar’s painting with a streak of dark blue. Did she draw the whole painting herself (apart from the peacock feathers of course)? Very nice paint strokes and splashes.
That little gentleman friend of hers can sit on the floor with his legs bent 90 degrees outward at the knees – really flexible joints!
Wow you’ve eaten that?! What does it taste like???
The only bit not done by her is the top purple edge which I put there simply so the gold leaf would stick.. Under the mess of glitter is actually a lot if red and some darker purple… The color choices and strokes are hers, and you might be interested to know both Artjam sessions her first choice of color has been red (your favorite color, I remember reading?
She chose red and then dark purple – another trick is I filled her color basin red on one side and purple on the other, so when she dips, you get a mix and streaks… She sometimes doesn’t use enough paint (and they often use dirty brushes which would have made everything look like mud) so I kept changing her brush… Interestingly her strokes changed since the last trip – first time round she was almost exclusively painting in straight, downward strokes (I just kept rotating the canvas) and a few dot-dots with dollops of paint; this time you can see the strokes were in arcs (more dots/dollops too, but they’re a bit hidden by all the glitter)
The Miss’ gentleman friend is just slightly older but very articulate not just in English but Korean… The Miss is already really not quiet but I think he speaks even more than she does.. Now we are dreaming of someday getting to go to school together too, their older siblings are couple years apart…
After being processed and cooked in sugary water, the hasma does not have any taste of its own, it takes on the taste of the ingredients it is cooked in and the texture is like jelly. It should be a common health dessert in Hong Kong Chinese restaurant, I would think since it is common here.
yes, red is my favourite colour.
I like her blue arc – very bold and strong stroke (the blue stroke just above R2D2).