1) Because I loved tortoise disguised as KFC burger, here’s Tibetan Mastiff Passed Off As Lion.
2) Here’s Georgie…
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s official baby pics released earlier this week – not by a professional photog but by Michael Middleton, Kate’s father, in the garden of the Middleton family home. Even more charming, one of two official pictures released includes their dog(s).
3) The Obamas welcome new puppy Sunny.
It’s just always nice to see how others love their dogs. Even when they are busy with a new heir to the monarchy or running the largest country in the free world.
4) Beautiful Advice From A Divorced Man After 16 Years Of Marriage. It says “beautiful” on Facebook (thanks Jessie, for sharing the link) but I actually found it sad. (Was I really the only one who was Now He Knows, What A Waste, This Sucks?) My former confinement nanny (yes, the shark), who has been divorced before, once said it is very “Ng Dai” (closest translation: like an injustice in life?) that someone learns their lesson with the demise of a relationship they don’t fully appreciate the value of til it’s gone. They become far better halves for the next person, the one who didn’t try to stick it through all the years they were the worse person, but was just around at the right time…
5) The award winning Fallen Princesses by Dina Goldstein: When The Happily Ever After Doesn’t Happen.
I just couldn’t put up Rapunzel’s. Too disturbing.
6) Am I also the only one who watched the clip below…….
…..And thought Look At All The Cage Bars. Mummy Dearest Is Obviously A Fierce Wild Animal. How Will They Ever Get To The Baby In Time If Mummy Dearest Decides To Eat It/ WHY Is It On A Tray What If Mummy Dearest Thinks Lunch Is Served? (when the mum lifts baby by head in mouth at 1:19 and 1:29) OMG Mummy Dearest Is Eating It! (For real though, I flinched each time she had the cub’s head in her mouth.)
You think I’m being funny, but maybe you didn’t watch mum hamsters eat their babies in your primary school years. They really do that if they feel threatened (I learned not to touch them or most of the cage/ move babies that were too near the bars except with chopsticks for the first 10-14 days – it hardly happened after). And those babies were much bigger in relation to the mum hamster than that panda baby. And it’s not even like hamsters have a giant chip on their shoulder from being ferocious not-very-social wild animals who have the most incongruous ridiculously cute markings on their faces.
7) This week, Rockstar presents Little Miss her first official big-bro-hand-me-down with a flourish.
So it hadn’t occurred to me there were sibling fights of the I Want You To Wear My Old Favorite Baseball Cap sort. No Really You Have To. It Was Mine And I Loved It So You Have To. It Looks Great. So Cute So Cute. Really. MumLookAtThat. MumLookAtThatMumLookAtThat.
Nice weekend, one and all!
Indeed it was sad for the lesson learnt too late. Sometimes, I think its good to share so we don’t learn all the mistakes ourselves by going through it all, but just from sharing and knowing of others mistake and hope we avoid making al these mistake
Happy weekend. Rockstar looks quite y
The fine young chap he is and Little Miss looks simply adorable.
Agree re sharing and thanks for the nice words… Though sometimes I think social media breeds “oversharing” – which then makes people insensitive… of course, there are people who are insensitive regardless… thanks again for the link…
Hello Aileen,
Miss Rockstar looks so adorable wearing the cap. Fortunately Rockstar persevered to keep the cap on her head and so in the end he succeeded.
How did you come across the article? I think every man should be given this article to read before they get married and to read this article once every month to keep the advice fresh in their head.
Fairy tales are fairy tales. I for sure will not be buying the fallen princess series although it is a creative work. I could not figure out what fairy tale the plastic surgery refers to. The photo with the old man sitting on the bed beside a sleeping lady is referring to sleeping beauty?
Have a good weekend!
Thanks, though I think she looks like an adorable BOY
I saw the link on my feed from Jessie, one of my readers who is now also on my Facebook. Very, very coincidental because I miss a lot of statuses posted to FB, I don’t check nearly often enough but Jessie’s was right there, the first status on my screen this one time I happened to open fb. I have a confession to make – I’m blogging (i.e. a form of social media) and I am strangely not on fb as much as you would’ve thought. There is a “real” reason though – i used to be on a lot more when I worked, and quite a few “friends” are market counterparts or ex colleagues. Sometimes it’s a beloved boss or two. Occasionally seeing their feeds brings back memories and once or twice I really, really missed the action . I suppose I could just “unfriend” everyone but that would probably be taken in a way that I wouldn’t want either. Of course possibly no one would notice, but anyway…. Working on being on fb more la.