That’s today. 3108 because it looks vaguely like the word “blog.”

“…Blog Day was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest, and Nuffnang is proud to be celebrating the 6th Blog Day on 31st August 2011!

On Blog Day, bloggers will post a recommendation of 6 new blogs, and this way, everyone will find themselves discovering new, previously unknown blogs thanks to the viral effect of social media...”

Ok blogger friends, in no particular order, here’s my 6. (And please don’t judge me, I know some of these are on my roll, but I never actually introduced them before – not to mention I’m joining the Nuffnang Hong Kong exercise – of introducing blogs less common to the NNHK circle I guess. Hidden benefit of a mummy blog that regularly changes its mind as to whether it shall attract more Malaysian, HK, Singaporean or Aussie readership.)

All in the family:

1) One Red Robin: Jhoanna is in the top 100 Australian women bloggers with her craftsy blog. I got to meet her because she’s moved to Hong Kong with her 2 girls now. Oh, and she’s married to:

2) Mr Gadget: Who’s yes, also in Hong Kong now. Best Geek Blog, anybody? How about Seriously Professional Techie Blog. Oh hell, just check him out please – I suck at introducing his techie blog, but I promise he doesn’t. (Suck, he doesn’t suck.)

Then there’s…

3) wtffund: Which I judged him for naming, but then sent HKD 20 in anyway, just to be supportive. Still judgmental dude, still supportive. Shanghainese/ American (ok maybe way more American), Yichao is an over-achieving 20-something once-upon-a-time-product-of-a-Tiger-Mother – who has emailed me some of the most interesting, long responses to my blog posts.

These next two who’ve been friendly visitors that (I think) haven’t been linked very much to yet (another prerequisite of blog day exercise?)

4) Life After 38: Also one time product of Tiger Parenting, she’s exploring life and hugely supportive. Thank you, Mun.

5) Carebear In Crazyland: Mun and I have never been drunk, Dora. More stories of powder and alcohol in London boarding houses please.

This next has been linked in Malaysia before… But I love her anyway!

6) Flying Fish In Big Pond:

Travel tips to Phnom Penh, blue skies, chef husband from Luxembourg, overall nice girl with sweet comments, anyone?

AND…. No I can’t count. Here’s Lucky Numberrrr……

7) Xiaxue:

Xiaxue’s blog needs no real introduction, she’s famous (see? doesn’t count) – but less known may be why this mummy blogger links to her. While I’ve never met her myself, I have friends who work with her. She’s no dumb blonde (haha), she’s seriously smart. She doesn’t lie. And considering she gets 20-40,000 hits a day, if you were expecting a prima donna, you’d be disappointed (that’s what people I know who’ve worked with her told me). I respect that.

But reading her also reminds me what my blog is not. Her blog attracts random, visceral haters. She turns random anonymous hate comments into entertaining blog material (told ya she’s smart). Her blog is sensational. Huge. And a constant reminder for me what not to strive for. Because mine be mummy blog. Now, there’s an irony. I call it The Paradox Of The Rockstar Blog

Because my readers are often mummies (well, parents – I know I’ve got some dads too) and the odd other caregiver, I rarely get anonymous negative comments (which I call “cheap shots”. Ok fine not that anonymous.)

Come to think of it, aside from a few brave souls, I don’t get any comments, I usually get sensitive, detailed, sometimes a little shy emails (or texts) from other parents or caregivers. Sincere readers. I have a folder where I save these messages because they remind me parenting, the blessing of responsibility for raising another human being, should bring out the best in you, not the worst.

And the people writing in, many whom I did not know before this blog, prove it.

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8 Responses to BLOG DAY 2011

  1. zmun2 says:

    Eeeks! Aileen, I’m speechless – thank you for linking meblog (what more can I say). Just for the record, my father was the only tiger parent amongst my parents, my mother is the “anti-tiger parent” 🙂 Anyway I am no tiger cub and I have no Roar. ;p 

    P/S Love the mood of your photo. Cool mommy, cool blue sea, blue mountain and blue sky. Your shoes seem to have dangerously high heels to be standing on those rocks.

    PP/S Just saw your comment on my blog. Thanks for having the courtesy to ask me. It’s fine with me (for linking). 🙂

    • Aileen says:

      Hi Mun, pleasure as always. Thanks for stopping by so often dear 🙂

      Ps: they’re not high at all, I think not even 2 inch thick block heels.. They’re my “rough-wear” Marc Jacobs bot about half off

  2. I LOVE that photo of you and Rockstar – so beautiful!
    And thank you kindly for the mention 🙂 I do hope we’ll be able to catch up again soon!

    • Aileen says:

      Hi Jho yes let’s catch up soon, we’re travelling next week but will b back after, just let me know your work schedule, I’ll try to adjust..

      Btw I took Rockstar’s name out of your comment (but didn’t change anything else) cos we’ve stopped putting his name on the blog as he got older please…

  3. 1. Thank you for the shout out! 🙂 I’ve been a bad, bad blogger lately. But will get the momentum going again!
    2. LOVEEEEEE the pic of you and rockstar! it could be an ad or poster. J’adore!
    3. I’m eyeing your highly gorgeous boots…

  4. Hi Aileen, been meaning to comment on this post for a few weeks now! Thank you for the mention and commending you on actually participating on Blog Day! I feel bad I was too busy 🙂

    Thank you for allowing me hang out with Kingston at Bball! It’s our sharpening the saw session!

    Hope to catch up with all of you together soon.


    • Kingston Lai says:

      Yeah basketball…..  I am so crazy about it..

    • Aileen says:

      Hey Arnold, so sorry I took so long to reply – saw Kings’ one-liner and somehow registered that he replied on my behalf (when actually that was really all he said!)

      I feel bad, seeing your thank you – I didn’t even post a thank you when you linked to me sometime back, was a bit shy cos usually you recommend tech stuff

      Thank YOU for (I assume) making Kings really work out, he kinda needs it, sitting at laptop all the time!

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