I… know. Everyone’s seen this. But go look at it again. It’s super long – 24 pages, at press time – but if you have a little kid who’s gonna grow up and enter this big bad world, go look at what the older kids stand at the door and say – not just with their name appended at the end but also with their picture attached.
When you see how the “head-covering squad” (one of them signs off “turbansquad” below) wear their cultures and faiths proudly in their yearbook quotes with wit and charm (arguably the best reaction to prejudices) to boot, you’ll understand why I reblogged this.
Alizeh Raza received the comment, “….what a bright and beautiful face!”
According to urbandictionary.com:
At a time when growing up is angsty and the world they live in with social media magnifies intolerance a lot of them flaunt honour what makes them different, be they race, religion, sexual orientation or just…. a healthy appetite!
And deliberate stereotypes…
Daniel Zhang received the response “Every Asian parent ever”.
Según Akigbogun received the comment, “…none but he himself may make that joke”
However, my favourite two (because Am I The Only Parent Who Is Already Receiving Smartypants Comments From The Kids About What They Are Named) are these:
And these two girls below, just for their whole healthy attitude (not… too many fries right?)
How many of you guys out there have one like this to show your kids now?
(I recently went to get more piercings (thanks for that, Queen E!) and ahead of me was this middle-aged man who asked, “which ear is it for straight men, and which for gay men?” ….below, both boys are double-earringed though, go figure…)
Lotsa respect, no judgement. (How can there be, from someone who calls herself Christian, who has a best friend in secondary school who is Muslim, whose parents are staunch Buddhist/Taoist, and who has a few gay friends in her history to thank for some big lessons in life?)
Growing up is hard, and then when you’re done with that, you suddenly discover that you have a lot more growing to do. I don’t know which is harder – being friends with no one, or trying to be friends with…. everyone. But don’t throw the first stone this week. And if people you don’t respect hate you…. you must be doin’ somethin’ right
Good week ahead, dears.