Dear Rockstar,
This isn’t really a blog post. Mum’s just putting down a bunch of videos about the first African American President of The United States, and another guy who’s rich and funny… Though he may not have intended to be…
At the risk of totally coming to the party late and stating the blindingly obvious, Mum is dubbing this collection of copied and pasted videos the Crazy Like A Fox Skit.
The U.S. is currently facing their worst crisis – their debt is reaching the ceiling of US$14.29 trillion and the Treasury is trying to convince policy makers to increase the debt ceiling. The risks of not doing so in the next 2 weeks will be to have the U.S. default on their debt obligations. (Mum might write more about investments if she can think of something vaguely interesting and original to say.)
Anyway, during this time, the rich guy whose name is Donald Trump wants to run for the US presidency in 2012. And he was adamant to do his own research over President Obama having not been born in the States.
So then President Obama released his longform birth cert, proving if you create a whole lotta fuss and annoy people, you might still get what you want… If what you wanted was to not have to do any further work and have someone hand you what you wanted. Maybe.
But as Mum always tells you, if you behave like a baby you will be treated like a baby. Maybe not quite the same thing here, but still if you fuss and what-not to get your way, don’t expect to not be treated exactly like that.
Who knew the President of the United States could be that funny?
But Mum was just thinking – The Donald must’ve kinda known that was gonna happen, he’s a rich dude with his own tv program and well, high rise. Why bother? So either he really doesn’t care or he just likes getting his Disney videos at stately dinners for kicks.
….. so anyway Seth Myers gets pissy because obviously the President of the United States is after his day job:
Except for the Republican beauty queen Vice President one however, Mum thinks the President’s material was funnier. He even invoked the gods of Disney. His own mum must be so proud.
I still love the part about the Fox hair.. haha…
I didnt expect Obama to show a cartoon… OMG that is hilarious.. I think Donald Trump was so so pissed… steam coming out from his hair.. hahaha.
This guy is nuts