Trumped-up excuse for a blog post because I wanted to put cute pictures of Rockstar up, he’d been messing with my snowboots most of last night…

Deep in DSquared! (Btw Deep in Dsquared is actually emblazoned down the sides, just not visible in the pics...)
Above: my child and my new men’s snowboots (60% off at Joyce Warehouse!!). Since there are not many men with IT38 (US Size eight) feet, I keep an eye out for heavily marked down boots/ sneakers in the men’s department for myself (better than less-marked down women’s stuff right, since my size is more common in the women’s dept)… Tho that’s also how Kings has muted gold crackled sneakers with jet black laces… (Really, really not bad as it sounds)
Decided to BMO boots because the two men in my life have decided annual family vaccies of choice since Lake Tahoe shall now be snow-filled and I shall have to freeze my bum off with them. At least lemme do it in boots that don’t feel like they were made out of concrete… Too bad I’m 20 years too old for the Ah Lian Ah Huay boots + cut shorts/ mini thing. (Hell, what’m I saying, I’ve never done it. I was just never Cute Girl.)
(Also, we’re taking our end-of-year snow resort vacation now because Kings is on *gardening leave (yes, again!!) and will therefore be probably working his bum off come this Christmas.) Though it might be a good thing after all… Some families (who don’t speak English as a first language) have told us they’re holding off going back to (non-English-speaking) hometowns for the hols til after primary school interview season (at English-speaking schools) is over… Not… that I’m very adept at any other language besides English, but people sudah don’t play-play we also a bit kurang enthusiasm to go too nuts…
OK here we go:
Oh, Boots!
*gardening leave – in our case like a “non-compete,” ie when you leave 1 bank for another, if it’s to take up a role considered in direct competition with the one you are leaving, you are required to go on 1-3 months’ leave before starting at the new place. Since you can’t officially “work” you are described as being on leave to go “gardening”. And yes it means Kings is going to another bank.
1. congrats kings!
2. LOVEEEEEEEEE those boots! U made me go online and scour for them to brave the coming winter. (i know, i know, it’s only summer now. i’m just such a worrywart)
3. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the pics of Rockstar. Sigh. Sho cute!
Thanks thanks dear, hey serious – if you really want email me separately… They had a nice sporty blue with garang red laces one too, just that my only waterproof snow outfit is all-black, plus the blue one doesn’t match any of my hat/scarves…
Hi Aileen, love the way you peppered your post with BM words! Did you notice that Rockstar looks like Astro boy when he is standing in your snowboots? Are the non-competition clause in banks’ employment contract so short – only 1-3 months? – unlike some industries where it is for 1 year that an ex-employee can’t work for the competitor.
All the best to Rockstar for the primary school interview and also to your spouse for his role in a new bank! Enjoy your sking holiday!
Oops sorry if that was misleading, gardening leave is usually 1-3 months, sometimes even 6 months.. But that is by far not the only non-compete-type thing, as a very general statement…
Haha thanks vm, I hadn’t thought of Astro Boy, loved the cartoon as a child!
Have never ski-ed in my life… Til maybe a year ago I had never even seen snow, I rarely travelled (or for that matter had many vacations, not even in Uni) before Rockstar.. I’ve never been to Disneyland even (but have stayed in the hotel a few times- the first being one of my previous employers had an offsite workshop.. Oh, so I’ve seen the conference rooms! :D)
I still speak BM lah, just it was never my first language and I m certainly a lot rustier than during SPM days…
Ah, should be wishing you all “Happy Tobogganing!” on your vacation. I’ve also not been to any of the Disneylands (didn’t even make time to visit them when I was in HK, Paris and Tokyo).
Good luck with the interviews and all. My daughter will be going for a few as well…
Love your blog!!!!
Thank you thank you…. And good luck to you and your daughter toooo!!!!
Good luck Kings with new job! Wow, banks in Asia must be on a hiring spree like crazy, luring talents with lucrative packages.
You’ve mentioned in some of yr earlier posts about how difficult it is to get nice pics of Rockstar. He must have really liked those boots to let u take so many cute pics.
Yes yes you’re right not often he’s so cooperative, though he did ruin a few as usual the ratio of ruined vs good shots was much lower – and yes it was totally the boots.
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