1) It’s Easter Weekend! Obligatory egg-and-chick snack ideas that come with!

We’re aspiring to do this one – carrots, eggs, cherry tomatoes, olives – all stuff Rockstar likes.. from somethingswedish.wordpress.com
For real though, I love Easter stuff. Fluffy chicks, Playmobil Eggs (plastic figurines in them), those other eggs with pet owl, rabbit or dinosaur that “hatch” in water, this family eats a lotta hardboiled eggs in general……. My beloved maternal grandma (who btw was from Guangdong, my other 3 grandparents being Nyonya) used to ceremoniously serve hard boiled eggs when her charges were really little, and say “Today is a big day, you have eaten a whole chicken!” Not actually why this family ingests a lot of hard boiled eggs a week (she wasn’t doing that for my bday for one thing haha), but it was a nice memory, she’s been gone almost 15 years now but I love her so much still…

Anyway, we got these for the Rockstars and some friends – no prizes for guessing which one was Rockstar’s – pic from best daily.co.uk

And the Miss had this one… I didn’t like the very princess-y ones and she likes butterflies (pic from coupondipity.com)
Couldn’t resist getting one for the Miss, but do note these Playmobil eggs are NOT intended for toddlers. After Rockstar assembled it for her I superglued the small bits together. Seriously. That’s not the first one where I superglued the smaller pieces together either. She doesn’t really put stuff in her mouth anyway, but regardless Imma gonna do it til she’s old enough to keep re-assembling her own because I really hate lost pieces. (Like, why would I lie about something this embarrassingly obsessive compulsive?)

This….. is Rockstar’s latest “Science Experiment”. It’s one of those expandable animals in eggs that slowly absorbs water and breaks out of its shell. Pretty authentic looking though…
(The original eggs didn’t make it back, the plaster was still wet and when it rubbed against the paint on her other egg art both were ruined… But I saved the little glass chips and bought more plaster and had the two Rockstars put their handprints on… Rockstar was of course really pleased about how much bigger his hand was…)
2) And now, the reason for my post title. Flying Dogs Give Superman Run For His Money.
3) One of those little things that remind you miracles do happen. Dog lost in blazing home reunited with family 7 years later. Just too bad dogs don’t write their own biographies, I’d really love to read what this one has been doing for the last 7 years before he was found wandering and very healthy and they scanned his microchip.
OOPS What am I saying. Easter. Of course miracles happen. Something I had to mention however… that the “concept” that first defines a Christian – the belief that Jesus died for us on the cross and acceptance of Him as our personal savior – rests on horrible injustice. Betrayal. Evil seemingly to “win.”
I write as a Christian who worries sometimes I don’t “get” it fast enough (yes that is actually a caveat for reading me – what I’m really doing is trying to follow church sermons so please just go there for the real message), but I write anyway because this is me: on a personal level, in that micro, self-centered way, I have found strength and motivation in the story of the injustice, betrayal, and the complete and beautiful way in which Good triumphs from a seemingly impossible angle. It is a reminder that God can use the worst of circumstances and experiences with the ugliness in people, for Good. It is an inspiration not to give up no matter how tough things get, because of miracles.
4) Heroic Bomb-Sniffing Dog Retires With Full Military Honors. Know what he has to look forward to in retirement? Being on the sofa, sleeping on the bed….. There’s some other dogs at the bottom of the link too, not sure what the red tape is, but apparently some people campaigned years and years to get their working dogs to go home with their families. It’s nice they didn’t give up for 5 years etc, but….. it’s like 35 freaking dog years, why don’t they just let them have the dogs…..
More coverage here. His name’s Eddie.
5) Huffington Post’s Behold The Majestic Dog.
6) Ok it’s not just dogs… 30 Happy Animal Facts.
But why I really chose the oyster was because it turns an irritant it cannot get rid of in its shell into something beautiful and valuable. (Ever thought WHY oysters make pearls? From the oyster’s point of view?) Life metaphor for Easter Weekend…
7) The Miss has the skit again this weekend, titled “Rabbit.”
(As in, she went everywhere in the mall seriously telling passersby that that was what she was.)
Happy Easter Everyone!!! (She’s still showing the ears and saying “Rabbit.”)
Miss Rockstar is so adorable in the last photo touching her rabbit ears.
Rockstar says thumbsup to?
Happy Easter weekend to all of you!