1) Bored Panda’s 16 Beautiful Trees.
(Everyone who already saw this – and I know that’s only like, a gadzillion people – of course this is going to be the lead even if everyone has seen it. These trees are crazy beautiful!! Even when they’re not technically trees! (One above is apparently classified as a shrub, any cares…)
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2) 25 Kiddie Car Hacks For Family Cars. If you clicked that looking for tips on how your kid can hot wire a random car faster uh, you might be in the wrong place 🙂
Comes with a caveat in the comments, though – medicine left in the car is probably not a good idea esp in summer…
3) Closely followed by 20 House Hacks. I especially love the school activity center one:

Close the door, see no more (of all the mountainous school stuff your kids need nowadays – organized vertically even!)
4) Business Insider’s 9 Unfair Advantages That Help People Get Ahead. As in, maybe you’re born with it (for e.g. you need less sleep to function and in the case of the one about attractiveness maybe it’s – yes, Maybelline!) and if it’s neither then there’s some suggestions…. Rather “interesting” was #9: The ability to selectively ignore people’s feelings.
(But did anyone read that without totally going through the fine print and think Damn, Us People Suck 😀 Have to get ahead by not caring about hurting some people’s feelings?! Well then again there are people whose feelings matter and those who don’t and it’s a bad deal to curb your abilities because you’re worried about offending those who don’t (matter) and those who do (matter) probably won’t have such easily hurt feelings to begin with, and………..)
So anyway dis is not fine print:
5) College Students Build Prosthetic Arm For Boy. “…Rather than copyright their bionic arm to make money off disabled people as most U.S. corporations would, the UCF students uploaded their design to the web for anyone to download for free…”
6) For the rest of us who might not be up to scratch on our robotics, here’s Skills You Can Master In 10 Minutes. Oh, and supporting (even if only in spirit) the people who do have 4 years to spend on aeronautics engineering and then build prosthetics for their school projects.
7) Neither here nor there, just everywhere… The rising tide and ripples from Right To Be Forgotten: Google is having trouble determining the legitimacy of some 91,000 requests to delete links. Not a perfect parallel to be sure, but the thought at the back of my mind was it sounded just a bit like when the whole derivative market lacked regulation but kept running and when only a roughly estimated 2% of derivatives were funded not synthetic, which meant no one really knew how many unfunded derivative transactions there really were and………………..!
Ever thought how we’ve started to be more wary of what we show of ourselves on social media or online – and frankly someone who hates our guts can just create a doppelgänger account with our name and do all the crap we are so walking-on-eggshells about anyways? Awful thought of the We’re All Dead In The Long Run sort, updated internet version.
(For real, though – inspired by How I (Digitally) Killed My Twitter Imposter. The irony is that when we sign our name we will always have a lower threshold of tolerance for or inclination to crap with our name on it than people who don’t sign their name or well, care. Not being on pseudonym is huge for me – I consider it a mark of sincerity in what I say that I sign my name to it. I respect your view more if you do the same. Show sincerity, effort.. Anyway hence the biggie re identity theft. Good on Twitter if they kill it fast.)
8) Rockstar Skit this weekend is Dressup. Sort of.
Dis day the Miss decided her outfit needed something a little extra.
Even as nearby an unsuspecting Iron Man is practicing his Chai-nese…
(Nope, the Iron Man mask hasn’t come off……..)
Have a good weekend to you all too!
Did Miss Rockstar put the “whatever it is” over herself by herself? and then take it off all by herself?
She is just too cute for words. She wasn’t afraid when everything went dark when the “whatever it is” covered her head and nearly half of her body. And she did not attempt to walk around and ran into things when it covered her. She is just so smart!
Ah, Mr. Ironman busy studying Chinese. I guess when you are Ironman, studying Chinese must be a piece of cake! 🙂
The “whatever it is” is a kiddie laundry basket. Yes she totally did that herself… I owe you a pic of her laughing her head off, after taking the original owl basket off her head.
Actually she did walk around a bit, giggling all the time, though she didn’t bump into anything… Maybe she could still see a bit under the thing…
Ironman took his Chai nese very seriously. Passersby….. n-ot so much 🙂 He did acknowledge (seriously) some compliments from other kids though…
Miss Rockstar has a great sense of humour! walking about giggling with a owl laundry basket over her – idea for a Halloween costume?
Your little rockstars are really cute!
Thanks Sarah.. I m of course incapable of an unbiased opinion 😀