Spent the weekend sorting and printing photos (think couple hundred, including “action pics” I’d downloaded from the Kindy website intending to print out and file together with Rockstar’s Kindergarten works, and baby pics for my mum), and having disagreements with my younger child about feeds. And then the internet decided to pack it in so I haven’t been online much. Had one more Original Rockstar Flashback album in my drafts folder for *just* such an emergency…
Non-believers receive reproachful looks – it has, in fact, NOT been easy being a 12-17mth old Rockstar…
You’ve had to dump lotsa stuff in wishing fountains…
With this (economic) climate, not even Rockstars are immune to recession.
Some things you lust after cost a bit more than a 17mth old Rockstar’s allowance…
And so, to combat the credit crunch, a Rockstar has to find other sources of income…
Do competitor research…
Take cheaper forms of transportation…
Much cheaper.
Much, MUCH cheaper.
(Which however do retain some perks.)
Dress in larger sizes to avoid outgrowing your clothes too fast…
Play cheaper instruments…
Yet Rockstarring ain’t just for the birds and some things’ll never change –
Sometimes what you have to work with can be a little stiff (not utterly professional like you).
The “Paps” still follow you everywhere, prompting you to powerwalk past them while averting your eyes.
(In fact you do have to do the speedwalk – eyes averted thing quite frequently)
You get busted on camera more often than others, for bumming snacks out of your mummy’s bedside stash…
You think cheddar cheese breadstick first thing in the morning, “Paps” imply scandal!
There are still some foods you just can’t have (like Popeye’s cajun shrimp) despite all your careful dieting…
It’s almost a requirement of the profession, that Rockstars have to wear the most ridiculous head gear to keep their fans entertained.
Sometimes you get exhausted even as life whizzes by (or buys dvds)…
And then you begin to learn that females in showbiz can = Temptation!
MUCHO Temptation!
Then again, you still get to retain some perks… like your trusty Food Taster…
(Best hire you ever made).
You’re still the one driving things…
And then there are the flashy car endorsements…
(Sometimes you’re thinking you could do better on some of the rides they have you endorse, but well, that’s showbiz for you.)
You still get to eat (and sit) like a total Rockstar…
Rockstars journey to far off exotic lands like Sai Kung…
And do things their own way…
Rockstars can run faster than speeding bullets…
Life can be so good sometimes you feel like having your own parade!
In fact, Fans, we’re a Rockstar because of YOU!! YOU!! YOU!!
Most importantly, there is still the beauty of some inexplicable things in life…
Watch out World, here comes the Rockstar (and his sidekick).
Maybe someone’ll even write a story about raising you, someday.
My favourite photos in this post:
1. The one with the caption “Life can be so good sometimes you feel like having your own parade!” – Rockstar looked to be having the time of his life being with JD – he just looked so happy!
2. The last photo – Both father and son seemed to be sharing their own little joke between them.
One photo to print out and look at always whenever anyone is feeling blue and it will definitely pick one’s spirit up.
I liked the one with him smiling through the billboard pic of actors, and the one with his foot sticking out while he was eating – he grew out of it pretty quickly…