Rockstar at 1 year…
You have to smile when people remember your birthday, but really, it’s not easy for a Rockstar to get older…
You outgrow your furniture…
You get so jaded with people carrying you around all the time..
Some days, you STILL look like a girl (fyi fans, you are dressed as a boy. A. BOY.)
Ever since you could hold a crayon, people seem to want tonnes of autographs! (You secretly suspect your staff are selling these gems)
Some things never change – the “paps” STILL follow you during your off time with your family…
You need a bigger gym…
And more personal trainers…
And more workout moves…
In fact, some of the moves you design yourself (you call this one the Roast Pig)
But working out is only part of it – beauty sleep will keep you looking younger longer
As you get older you have to do more things yourself…
… like mix your own music…
And stop traffic…
You have more “firsts” under your belt… like wearing shoes for the first time… which just feels… weird. <wriggle>
As you get older, you become more philosophical about life… and decide to share your wisdom with your fans…
Some things in life will never be understood no matter how hard you stare at them.
But you don’t need to fully understand everything to still enjoy it!
Always share what you can spare (which would you rather have, extra food that will go bad, or a friend?)
If you’ve got it, flaunt it – especially if it’s a cute little tushy (you’re thinking diaper-endorsements here)
Sometimes a stick will do better than a carrot, depending how you use it – so be creative! (And dress impeccably – yes fans, that’s your Burberry jacket gift)
Note: The Burberry was from a group of our ex colleagues if I recall correctly. Branded baby clothes are to me one of the biggest indulgences – I don’t outgrow my Chloe or Hermes, you see – and largely for the pleasure of the parents. Corporate gift LOVE.
Life is much easier if you don’t put square pegs in round holes (but if all else fails, just hammer REAL hard!)
It never hurts to have friends in high places…
Treat ALL females with respect or else!
People will let you have more parties (or the dog on the sofa) if you learn to clean up after yourself (or really, do any job well and you will have tonnes more offers)…
In art, there are no mistakes (so if you don’t like how your painting is going, just crawl over the whole thing)
Some puzzles in life were never meant to be solved…
But there are other ways of dealing with them if you think outside the box (or cube)!
Sometimes you could get so caught up with what you’re doing you fail to notice a good thing even when she’s right there wagging her tail…
So thank heavens for Christmas mornings… and TWO bones…
…and a pink cuttlefish with tentacles that flail when you shake it and white pom-poms that are interesting to nibble! (Come to think of it, why didn’t you get one for yourself?)
Good things come in BIG packages…
Older, wiser, there’s no fooling you now…
You are Rockstar, hear you roar! GR!
Really keng! Rockstar can play fetch with JD at such a young age – the photo where he was getting ready to throw the ball at JD.
Haha Yeah JD was very good motivation for him to learn to walk and throw/ kick a ball… Sadly she could not also get him to catch
Oh come on, being/looking androgynous ain’t so bad! Have to say my sister and I had phases of wanting to be boys and my brother went through a phase of wanting to be a girl (complete with wearing my sister’s hand-me-down skirt)… and we’re not any worse for wear — at least I don’t think so! — for it. So… Rockstar NEVER went through a wanting to be a girl phase and you a wanting to be a (tom)boy phase, really?! :O
Rockstar’s never wanted to be a girl before. He just goes thru periods of disliking or downright hating girly things. But he’s young yet, there’s room for him to grow :D:D:D
Obviously I was a tomboy who didn’t look very tomboy – (I maintain I was one at heart!)… Boy’s taekwondo team growing up, fairly male-dominated dealing job (rather than say, Sales which has a few more girls…)
Oh my god the photos are absolutely precious! And the captions
It’s so great that you have all these photos documented.. He’s such a cutie pie.. Now to wait for little rockstar’s big debut… More pictures!
Haha difference is Rockstar’s entire year almost, is covered in 4 or 5 albums, whereas going forward it’s several blog posts a week… But thank you so much for the encouragement!!
Really like the photo of you, Rockstar & JD at JD’s training park.
Probably the only time everyone looked at the camera!