She could probably sting like a bee, but The Miss doesn’t think that’s how butterflies roll. Or fly.
The Miss’ costume for Rockstar’s big school bash last night was by necessity pristine white, i.e. not something I could put her in for her own pre-school Halloween party in the morning. Just as well, she’d been working on decorating her own wings because being a butterfly isn’t enough – she was gonna be a Disco butterfly!
(Those are Rockstar’s recycled white angel wings from when he was Archangel Michael in the Y2 Christmas Play: A Midwife Crisis.)
Flashback: Remember these wings?
So anyway I break out a pair of sequined tights I was saving for the occasion (Disco Butterfly, right?), paired with a similarly neutral-colored flutter-sleeve top which the Miss happily tries on, but refuses to wear with the wings. She wants a dress. “Poof-y dress.”
That’s how we end up with this. It’s a dress for a 4-year old btw, I troll discount websites for bargains – by which I mean The Good Stuff from umpteen seasons ago that’s been heavily marked down, last piece left that someone else returned and is now many seasons behind etc etc.
(I did that for the kids’ actual Halloween costumes too, because I realized that while you can get most of the same thing here in season, it costs easily double in the stores… Off-season, several months early, we can also afford to wait for the month or whatever it takes to send over with the cheapest shipping – it’s a win-win
This is her waiting for the bus:
(I… know. More goofball than girlie. It’s who she is currently, she’s a real livewire.)
As she gets on however, we realize a dilemma – she has to take the wings off in order to be strapped into her seat. I watch her blink, and quickly scramble on, riding along to make sure she doesn’t go ballistic about the 2 extra seconds before she can put the wings back on.
Which is how I get to see some of the other fabulous fashions coming in today (sorry about the stickers – if I don’t get to ask the mum directly if it’s ok, I think I better put them up as stickered as apologetically as possible <sheepish>):

Look at the hairpiece on this fashionista ladybug!! Her Halloween purse is facing away, otherwise you’d see it’s a fully decorated haunted house
There was a little boy who had a full panda suit – and a panda soft toy to boot (Panda Twins!) but I think he found it uncomfy and didn’t want to have it on I couldn’t take a pic of him in it…
Someone remarks, “You missed Bruce Lee a little earlier.” Just so…
Miss Rockstar is such a happy butterfly! I love her whole outfit, such a colourful dress and the pink socks on her feet and pink butterflies on her hair and the wings she decorated herself.
what about ko ko? What was he this year for Halloween?
That’s coming right up…
I’m late to post because of weekend hangover and a couple extra errands…