Remember that thing I did for a Mother’s Day Ad before heading off to Singapore for Easter? It was in the Economic Times…
Not that you have to break the bank or anything, but just saying “Thank You Mum” is SO appropriate – and if they can declare a national holiday when some people get married, they can have a day to remind everyone to acknowledge their mums. Not… That that’s the only day people should do that…
But seriously… All that stress mums have to go thru today… It’s a jungle out there!
And with that,
The pics are adorable!!!
love the one where they’re offering you some dimsum.
BUT seriously, it does not at all look like a mum and her two kids – more like three siblings on a silly day out.
Wah… I will accept that as a compliment lar… But yeah they complained a bit I didn’t look old enough to have teenaged kids… Offered to bun up my hair (wouldn’t mind drawing on more wrinkles – but I didn’t know they were going to give me 2 teenaged kids) but they said never mind leave it…