1) Rockstar’s first Unit of Inquiry for his new school year is about how choices people make affect their health and performance. Some of the mums (and I guess dads too) came in to talk about healthy eating choices, Rockstar even has a “tooth-brushing diary” to drive home the point, and I think Kings will have a problem next time he does his belly up on the sofa with a giant bag of chips if Rockstar has anything to say about it but well we must all make sacrifices for the children I abruptly remember JD had an Agility Class mate (whom they used to dub The “Ming Sing Guo” i.e. Movie Star Dog) who starred in a local HK anti-smoking commercial whereby she dumped a pack of cigarettes in the toilet, but I couldn’t find it on Youtube. Instead, I found this:
Also E-cigarette use rising among teens, middle-schoolers. Caught my eye because….. I didn’t previously know what an e-cigarette was, I had to wiki it. I don’t even know how to drag on a cigarette. Never even an experimental puff. Health is one thing, but I fear addiction more. A girlfriend of mine used to be a varsity long distance runner. She is barely 5 feet tall and has health problems necessitating being on medication permanently. During a trying time in her life she picked up smoking and a decade later she described to me bluntly how she “had an addiction”. A cigarette, given her condition, is especially bad for her. She is not an undisciplined person, despite not being built like a runner physically, she was once so good she went to train with all the guys. But a cigarette was something she really struggled with.
I once read how you could never truly understand the terrible lure of addiction unless you had one. Not even wanting what’s bad for you is so much better than wanting what you cannot or should not have and being “disciplined” about it. It might be worth the effort to work at not wanting it. Not so easy the longer you’ve been used to having/ wanting it. That’s really why I appreciated the reinforcement early in Rockstar’s school.
Little Miss is making her contribution early too, this post.

You can see the little stalk of Kangkung Belachan (spicy water spinach with some of the sauce cleaned off) through her fingers in this one
My dinner at least 5 nights a week is about 70% green. Just a habit I’ve had for awhile, because I’m sometimes less disciplined during the day when tied up with the baby who has turned out to be a huge morning person and doesn’t nap til lunch. But since Her Highness considers dipping from my bowl a treat, leafy greens are a treat. (When she’s busy flinging an inflatable ball around at Starbucks she doesn’t notice the Caramel Machiato or croissant with generous serving of Brie). Perspective is a wonderful thing.
2) Gut germs fight obesity in mice. Uh, my son likes gross stories <ducks head>. What they did was to take the stomach bacteria from a set of twins, one thin and one obese, and put them in mice. One mouse got bigger. Maybe that’s an idea for a Yakult drink.
3) First World Problems on Twitter. I picked this one because…… what is Grass Fed Butter?
4) It’s a sign of the times really, there’s an app for everything these days. China’s Sugar Daddy App blurs line between date and escort. If you are female, you need to sign in as an “attractive individual”. If you are male, you need to sign in as “successful.” By all means let’s enjoy ourselves.
5) NASA sends robotic mission to the moon. Just something I have to tell Rockstar in lieu of Sugar Daddy App (too much work). It’s called LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer). Guess what it does?
6) OK. This is where I’m ending because I don’t have any pictures of The Rockstar that can beat this, and my laptop hasn’t been working properly a few days so I’m already superlate. “Only the best Single Dad Story” :D:
“…..It all began after one stormy night, when my girlfriend saw what we thought was a dead sparrow below our balcony. He was barely breathing, covered in ants and completely blind……
………..We tried feeding him, but without any luck, so we placed him in our balcony…….. Finally, his father found him and started feeding him. He brought his chick huge bugs and bread every 10-15 minutes all day long for two weeks straight………. Soon, his father started showing him how to fly through the window. One day he just left…….. Really worried…… stormy weather….. 3 days later, he came back and fell asleep in one of our pots.
That’s them. Follow the link above for the whole story and more pictures and good weekend dears.
Oh, I am late in reading this post as well. The weekend is almost over. I agree that it is good that schools are teaching choices and consequences early to young children.
I don’t think I have ever tried smoking before. Just don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke and have never seen people who smoke as cool.
But Miss Rockstar looks so cool eating the piece of kangkung. Hope she keeps this up – eating greens.
Hope you have a good week starting tomorrow weekday!
I think there was a time when movies always portrayed smokers as cool… I grew up with my dad smoking 2 packs of benson and hedges a day and just realized as a child I always smelled it…
Yes toddler eating greens should be the new cool!
Hope your start of the week has been good…