2) My favorite this week: Sean “Diddy” Combs responds to controversy over son’s scholarship.
“…….I kind of welcomed it, because if he’s going to be doing what he’s doing, ………he has to be able to handle the pressure. So I thought it was a great learning tool for him to be humble….. prove himself at school.”
This is the rapper dude currently worth about USD 745mio who used to get in trouble over illegal possession of a gun in nightclub shooting, fights over J.Lo and what-not? What happened to him? Not so easy being the irresponsible one nowadays…
Combs junior is on football scholarship of the talent-based kind, not the need-based kind (and scroll down in link for slide show of where the offspring of the rich and famous go to school – in there is one about Marcus Jordan being terminated by Adidas after refusing to wear their shoes, out of loyalty to his father’s Nikes – like, awwwww. Except how did he even end up with Adidas to begin with…)
AND Justin Combs gets good grades. Goodie for Combs junior. Double, for Combs senior. Fame and wealth aren’t easy to parent around. There’s an unlikely parenting inspiration…
And it’s all kinda downhill from there….
3) Ferrets on steroids sold as poodles. I’m more amazed someone bought them and then “discovered” they were uh, not poodles. I would say something snarky about at least being able to tell weasel from canine before deciding you want one (whichever one) but then it says the subterfuge was discovered when he (responsibly enough) took the animals for their shots at the vet’s. Oops.
4) This is a 2,000-strong (at press time) student petition against Harvard getting Tyga for their yardfest. Because the 23 year old artist raps horrific things about “Bitches Betta Have My Money” and some even more horrific ones that I feel weird copying and pasting. There was some comment about how he was just a pretty cheap named act that they could get, which just makes me think a lot of Harvard people who okay-ed it actually didn’t know who he was or what he rapped about and would rather not admit that.
Because after all they be of Harvard so they must be as we all know exceedingly stupid.
5) Speaking of which….. Eel removed from man after getting stuck and chewing its way through his colon. Yes, he did the unmentionable. The only reason it’s here is because upon discovering the eel was still alive upon removal (but died soon after) they’re considering reporting him for animal abuse. I mean if tourists keep getting in trouble for posting pictures of themselves riding manatees……..
Since the man didn’t die I suppose he doesn’t qualify for the Darwin Awards (you know, that old one where they give you an award for killing yourself in some stupid way, thereby removing your potential future contributions to the gene pool) but should still get an honorable mention…
6) Dating deal breakers (scroll down in link). I linked this because of the more general illustration of “the little things” that give you a clue to the big things… #2 in there is having a python for a pet because it’s cute in college but they live for 30 years so this person might not have thought about who is going to end up feeding and walking it.
It’s a fair point. <shrugs>
7) Out Magazine’s 50 Most Powerful Gay And Lesbian People. Think Ellen. Think Bryan Singer, who directed X-Men. Think Suze Orman whom I watch on CNBC?! Tim Cook, Apple CEO?!
Some are pretty obvi, like Marc Jacobs and Neil Patrick Harris, some less so…
Anyway I just wanted to say that there was this episode of West Wing where C.J Gregg says she is the wrong Democrat to talk to because each time her (white) father was up for a promotion there had invariably been “a less qualified black woman” in the picture. Was just wondering when that happens with the Gay and Lesbian debate. If it isn’t happening already. It’s like the hot thing to talk about and be incensed over, whatever your position is. Not a point about any minority group (or for that matter majority), a point about human nature…
8) The Daddy Matters project. Daddy blogging. Quite the thing, in Singapore. I came back here after a playdate when I saw this and quickly updated my TGIF post because I couldn’t possibly wait another week to introduce The First Eleven:
I kaypoh-kaypoh it appears they have…. an official teddy bear tie? And- and – they all got together on such short notice for photoshoot?! Like, 11 whole parents?! Very on the ball siah… Elsewhere got Daddy Blogger Community liddat or not?
ps: How did I do with the Singlish? (don’t answer that, thanks)
9) Otherwise unremarkable pics that have WAY more meaning to me because I managed to get Rockstar, baby and dog out, (mostly) fed, and to the dog park for several hours totally alone without theatrics recently…
Good weekend…
Thanks Aileen for highlighting “Daddy Matters”, all the way from Hong Kong

Your girl is so sweet haha
cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)
You’re welcome and hope you come to HK again. Still impressed with your 4…!
Taking JD, Rockstar and the Miss out all on your own is a feat. Bravo! *standing applause* Very brave of you to even want to attempt it but it all paid off – the outing is a success and everyone is happy! Love the last photo of the Miss all smiling happily.
Eeeeeewwwwww, the ferret and eel stories are creeping me out. Can’t imagine all these things happening out there – the extent some people go to for monetary gain or s*xu*l gratification.
Well, have a good weekend! Enjoy!
Samesame and thanks, it was more like I really had to take JD out too and hate cabbing with the baby so can only go somewhere close enough to walk… I did wish I could spend more time taking the dog out but honestly she hasn’t been very nice. Hm.