1) Animals Who Don’t Know (that they’re animals).
2) Crocodile Injured By Falling Accountant. One of those headlines you wait your whole life to type. I’m even gonna include spoilers because chances are you’ll still be ?? and click the link: Accountant weighs 260lbs, crocodile was 2 meters long, and I like how they remembered to tell everyone his name is Fedya. The accountant is not named.
3) Public service message: If you see your dog or cat do this, you may need to take them to the vet. It can indicate a serious injury or infection to the nervous system…
4) 20 Excel Spreadsheet Tricks if you’re home this Friday night… (No, Rockstar is not there yet, but have you guys started wondering at what age your kids’ homework is going to stump you? Because I have an awful feeling it’s going to be sooner than I imagine……..!)
5) Life Under The Streets: How the diseased and destitute are forced to carve out a grim existence in the sewers of Eastern Europe. You might’ve already seen this. I haven’t been able to stop looking at it on and off since yesterday.

This the “boss” of the place, “Bruce Lee” – himself abandoned at age 3 days; social workers say he both protects the young ones from sexual predators…. and sells them stuff to get high

This him with one of his adopted “children” Nico – who is 17, but with stunted growth from substance abuse. Bruce banned him from all other drugs except paint sniffing, but too late. The woman is the boy’s social worker.
You have to read the whole story (link above). If you are like me, you might get a little teary after, but still not know what to say: One day at a time? One vice at a time? I got nothing.
6) So. Another unconventional life (as in no toddler school entrance interviews for her either). The inspiring life of Teal, the real-life Tarzan Girl.
7) Which leads us to the rather-too-obvious symbolism of Cocooning in Hong Kong – photog turns HK “eyesores” into art. Which is a good thing, since something or other is always under construction here…
8) And what be the Rockstars doing, this time Friday? This one’s Round and Round the Garden, Like a Teddy Bear…….
(I keep telling him he shouldn’t get so fussed about her bouncing about in his personal space, after all she lets him do these things…)
Good weekend, dears. Go climb in a pile of pillows.
So does miss rockstar like being tickled by Rockstar?
Have a good weekend!
I think she does… the only one she hates is being carried about by him… and he loves that! So when she’s being too annoying to him we allow him to tote her around as a treat/ punishment all rolled in one!