1) It’s a zebra……… It’s a donkey………. It’s……….
Q of the day: What does THIS animal say? Hee Haw? I would link this a million times just to say Ippo, The Baby Zonkey. Because donkeys and zebras aren’t obstinate enough*, you have to make an animal that is just bred for that purpose. While being too cute all the way.
(*cf Guide at Safari West years ago telling us people don’t ride your average zebra the way they do your average horse because zebras in general have very bad attitudes.)
2) “The meaning of life… is to find your gift.” 20 internet searches made ridiculous by Google Autocomplete.
3) “What thumbs are for…” Book for young adults banned from school for mentioning masturbation. Parent of sixth grader likens it to 50 Shades of Grey. Um…. Can I mention during my A levels year how we watched several classic versions of Hamlet which addressed his Oedipus Complex, including a black and white scene where Hamlet dumps his mother on a bed and straddles her while berating her (apparent lack of) morals? I was at Catholic Junior College, Singapore then, and don’t remember that ever maybe being a problem. (CJC btw, I count forever as one of my happiest times. Sister Deidre looked at my stuff and recommended to my parents that I study English instead of go the science stream route like I’d done for SPM.) Anyway I mentioned because sometimes it’s like the Chewing Gum Sales Banning tends to be what sticks (sorry) when you think Singapore, outside Singapore…
4) “Officials in Hong Kong are treating baby milk smugglers like criminals who traffic in more illicit kinds of white powder…”
“…..two-day anti-smuggling operation resulted in the breaking up of three ‘syndicates’…”
“On the mainland, Chinese parents’ obsession with foreign milk powder, which stems from distrust of domestic brands, is stirring a nationalistic “buy China” movement among some officials…”
Ok, so this would be why they were so nice about my frozen and inflight cabin breastmilk activities; there was an announcement reminding passengers about milk powder restrictions when we were checking in for Sydney/Canberra recently, and my knee-jerk “I can bring all my frozen breastmilk, right?” was met with such an enthusiastic “Of Course!” before I’d quite finished speaking.
“This month, a government agency announced it had begun an investigation into price-fixing…”
So am I the only one who at some point during the article was Waitaminnit. This is milk powder we are talkin’ about…
New York Times’ China’s Search For Infant Formula Goes Global
5) Too many links no pictures? Here’s picture no link.

What dis? Dis a picture of “cute dog phenoms” Boo And Buddy modeling Chanel and Bulgari jewelry in Harpers Bazaar US Aug 2013 issue.
Pearls and Swine – so not Poms and Diamonds. I took that pic of the Harpers I was reading with my cellphone one night after battling the kids to sleep. Random thought about how popularity, publicity and the whole marketing machine takes one to interesting places. And I have never worn such “hard core” jewelry. I don’t suppose many people have.
6) Trotter, the Hipster French Bulldog.
7) 12 Things It Took Me 42 Years To Learn, from the blog of Shane Nickerson. How many people clicked that and noticed there were only 11? Because I thought I had something funny to say about Learning To Count being #12. Because I’m not 42 yet. Because I’m still waiting for that badda-boom drumroll like it’s bad standup. Because I thought it was 12 and decided to do things the hard way instead of I don’t know, moving the cursor back and amending that. Stoppit Aileen…
Ok for reals – I liked #2. “Trust your instinct…. If something feels wrong, you’re right…. This applies to work, relationships, friendships, and life choices….,” thought #8 “Stop expecting stuff…” was a little preachy (though not necessarily untrue), oh #11. “Be nice to the people who like you…” is underrated because we really should be but I’m not sure there’s a big enough gap between how you treat nice and not nice. Maybe there should be. Nice should get more incentive. You’ll agree when Nice stops being nice.
Heck, highly recommend you follow the link and read the whole thing if you read just one link here. Hipster dog pictures don’t count as reading.
8) Nope…. nope… I was wrong. Because it’s Friday. You should totally just click this instead: 30 Best Animals Being Jerks Gifs.
9) Rockstars time….. What are they doing NOW?
Are they:
1) playing dress-up? (Rockstar’s so gonna kill me for saying that)
2) splitting the ole’ inheritance?
3) testing pearls?
Ans: Mostly #3.
Little Miss was eating another book with a pic of a pearl necklace in a clam. Illustrators are so not bound by realism – clams do not string and knot their own pearls. I had to tell Rockstar. He had to know how pearls are made, and at some point I mentioned this thing someone told me re how you tell if the pearls are real or glass, by lightly chewing on them – real pearls feel gritty. And of course Rockstar wanted to try it so I dug up this long strand which is roughly the same age as he is – one of the many things I bought while pregnant at work with him 6 years ago because I was wearing mostly cheap, “disposable” clothes towards the end of my pregnancy and then went through a (very short) period of feeling bloated and unattractive (did I mention I put on 25kg?).
Conveniently the string could be taken apart into two shorter strands and so those two got one each to “test”. Rockstar would not stop chewing on his. Little Miss got annoyed at having pearls shoved at her and so she refused. Somewhere in that was my way of wishing you good weekend……
ps: And I suppose you have a better idea for a Friday post title that has Zonkeys, Poms and Pearls?
Ok, so I clicked on the link to read the 11 things article because I am about to be 42 officially in about 1 month time. Ooops, did I just reveal that I only click on so few links in your Friday post? Yes, I did but that is only because you are too diligent and there are too many links for me to click to read every Friday but no, no I like your many links so please don’t stop linking.
Re Rockstars – will your pearls get scratches from Rockstar biting them? So what does he say – real or fake after biting the pearls?
Aha, Miss Rockstar is smart. She knows the pearls are not edible and do not taste nice so no point in biting them, hehehe.
Here’s wishing all of you a very happy weekend!
Unfortunately I told him that particular strand was real though I have very pretty fake ones too – (sheepish) I used to use pearls to “age” me at work. Mild credibility problem and all that, RMs had told me it was hard not to be affected by appearances and with very short hair and shirts I looked “butch”, and then when I grew the hair a bit longer I looked a bit young, “at least” I was married so that would count towards my image of being more “stable”… (I tell this story for entertainment value; one thing I loved about covering RMs was some can be very colorful and say some very funny things)
She refused to taste the pearls cos Rockstar kept telling her to do it by lifting her strand up and trying to put them in her mouth.
i don’t think real pearls can scratched easily, in that sense they are “hardy” – but they can get damaged very easily by chemical cleaners or perfumes. Another interesting(ish) thing is they are presumed to “react” a bit to the natural oils on your skin so the more you wear them the more some of my RMs believed they get more lustrous. That might be true to some extent because my old strand did seem to have lost a teeny bit of lustre as I obviously haven’t worn them in awhile.
It’s also a myth that all real pearls are more expensive than fakes; I actually have some fakes that cost more than the real ones, depending on style and quality… I have a big bunch of grey baroque fresh water pearls in varying shades that I bought kind of like “beads”…