When your Friday starts at 2.44 am (long, painful story about Ms Rockstar, a feed, enlisting Kings’ help, and that I should’ve just let him sleep because now there are two sleep deprived adults who still have to see about making it to Rockstar’s school Halloween bash somehow) you want a do-over.
Get me outta here?
2) Don’t bug manatees. (Or me, this am. If I even make it to posting this amzzzzz.)
3) Move over, Jack.
And more pumpkin carvings that are not Jack.
Seriously creepy.
Umm… A bit better? (Where did they get such a big pumpkin, toxic dump site? That’s creepy…)
But this is sweet (from Reddit)
Unknown couple does baby announcement, goes viral.
4) For once, the animals get trumped. But anyway. An animal post.
5) Wow this guy is probably having a worse Friday than I am. Just a tad. Police officer tasers 10yr old for refusing to wash his car. You should read irony in both statements.
6) There comes a time when the high altitudes of literary greatness fail to exhilarate, instead inspiring altitude sickness, and we must retire to the base camp chippy where everything is fried and well, junk. If the Kardashians aren’t on, here’s Ken vs Barbie.
Dis is a real person.
It’s still Halloween!
Have a good weekend…
Oh and here’s a real smile:
Almost, almost………
There we are. She does that when you call her name. Thank you Lord, for the privilege of starting my day at 2.44am. (But please if I could have a nap now…..!)
So Ms Rockstar knows her name now!
The first photo reminds me of the chinese movie Painted Skin 2. Oh dear, so it is Friday again. Hope you get more sleep during the weekend!
Amazing what paint can do ya! Would it work if I painted a baby that slept thru the night, every night?