Green-Blue In Da House!

It's like How Can You NOT Put That Exclamation In The Title When You See THAT Face?

We were a little pleased. Just a tad, you understand.

(How Can You NOT Put That Exclamation In The Title When You See THAT Face?)

Yeah, it was That Kind of Weekend Again, where we drop everything to traipse all the way across Hong Kong Island for a grading…

Rockstar suited up in his new haul right in the car on the way back...

Brand new trunk guard Rockstar insisted on being laced into while still in the car (in fact he put on his newly-earned belt before we even got in the car)

Fierce Action Shot slightly marred by photo bombing baby sister dutifully focussing on elevator-summoning responsibilities newly bestowed upon her…..



Who makes up for it by obligingly jumping into trunk guard to test it…..

Why yes, trunk protector stayed on over PJs (I cleaned it first, of course)

Why yes, the thing stayed on even after the uniform came off (I cleaned it first, of course)

Now, there’s a science mystery for our elder one to figure……

And so it were a good night.

And so it were a good night.

(Needless to say he didn’t fall asleep easy)


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4 Responses to Green-Blue In Da House!

  1. mun says:

    Congrats to Rockstar! He sure loves taekwondo!

    • Aileen says:

      Thanks… Well technically he loves swimming and basketball too, but the lure of newly earned gear and belt is something else. (Also, he has a really popular and senior instructor…)

  2. mun says:

    I spy with my little eyes, Miss Rockstar with a basket ball! She sure loves balls!

    • Aileen says:

      She does love balls though the one she’s holding is actually JD’s… The two girls were playing catch and Rockstar came back all kicking and sparring action and I interrupted the girls’ ball game to test the trunk guard so Miss just literally turned around and flung herself into it before turning her attention back to JD…

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