(With update at bottom)
Should you lie to your child?
And did we watch Green Lantern last night?
So Rockstar overhears Kings on the cellphone loudly looking forward to the movie. At the time, he gives no indication he’s heard or that he’s noticed me gesticulating wildly for Kings to shut it, in his peripheral vision. He carries on his jigsaw like nothing happened. But the Rockstar is freakishly good at picking these things up. People, including the grandparents, keep saying Aiya sure or not, he is so small… And then they have giant problems handling him and they don’t know why… I would never have believed it if I hadn’t learned the very hard way that recognizing this thing about his personality actually makes my life a lot easier… If he’s acting up, go back and see whether something like us getting caught in a lie (in Rockstar’s mind, anyway) or being flakey could’ve happened. Don’t believe me? But it really does work.
The deal is one Kings and I make with Rockstar whenever we want time alone. He gets a whole bunch of entertainment of his choice during the day, he concedes to let Mum go “help Daddy in the office for a couple hours” while he winds down over dinner.
<Sirens going off!> Lie and Deception Alert! (At least that’s what it looks like in Rockstar’s head. But I thought I had to. I worry he picks up on just how much movie and brainless tv his father watches. It’s why our date of choice is usually a movie. I didn’t want Rockstar to know that.) Except he HATES being lied to. Or not being taken seriously…
Rockstar’s long-standing Putonghua tutor has had problems for a week because she happened to cut Rockstar off, brushing off something he said to her in earnest. He’d been model student for almost 2 years and I guess she kinda figured I was exaggerating about his ability to morph into Student From Hell when not taken seriously, which I guess is an honest mistake, people have told me they often can’t imagine what it’s like to awaken the beast. Rockstar’s passionate explanation was, “I tried I tried to tell her about the numbers we were counting and she just kept saying No No No (without hearing me out)! Tsk!” It would seem he is less accepting about being cut off when he is the only student in class. Hmm.
I assured her as long as she brushes it off he is going to continue fighting whatever she wants him to do. He is now doing whatever he can to tank his Putonghua lesson. “Mum. She is speaking English to me all the time.” “Mum. I get enough Chinese in school.” Uh, you’re doing Chinese because your parents are over-worried they seriously suck at it and you live in Northasia so either you work with her or you have to adjust to a new tutor. “Oh. Let me think about it. <Thoughtful pause.> Ok, you can change my tutor.” Wha-aat? And then you’ll behave?? “Yes.” You’d rather have a new tutor you don’t know and maybe you hate even more than this one?? “But I am not fine with this one.” Sigh. But I should qualify that I even allowed this one to walk into our bedroom where Rockstar naps in the afternoon and pick him up, still asleep, to begin his Putonghua lesson. When he cried about it, it was for maybe 5 minutes tops as she read books to distract him, and then he was ready to start, so I left it. Just tried as much as possible to not have him nap overtime. When he starts using all his brainpower to fight his lessons with her (now, btw, not when she was interrupting his naps last year) it’s a different kettle of fish, I think it’s a red flag this is starting to not work out.
Anyway. We’re trying to get to a movie and the clock is ticking. Rockstar is refusing to give us his usual cheery “Byeee” blessing, though he isn’t carrying on about us leaving. I know him well enough – if we leave now there will be payback for the deception. Otherwise next time I need him to eat a square meal before school/ get dressed/ stop watching tv – there will be a fight. Payback. My Rockstar the little mafia.
I bite back frustration. Kings has not been back before 10 or 11 pm a single work day in 2 weeks; often he’s been back after Rockstar and I are asleep. He’s gone the whole of this week. When he’s gone we are sometimes not in touch for days, except for an occasional text from him confirming he has not been mugged somewhere and left for dead. We need this date, where we pig out like teenagers on hotdogs and popcorn. Nachos and cheese. That was our dinner tonight. HK movie theaters also serve Siew Mai in little cups with toothpicks btw, spelt “Siu Mine” and all.
5 minutes to movie time. Our precious movie date is circling the drain and I start getting really mad at Kings for letting the cat out of the bag. He’s put me in the doghouse and I didn’t even do anything. <pout pout, pity party> But honestly if one of my RMs had called me out of the blue like that I would probably have done the same. Important parenting lesson: Be aware of whether your child is within earshot before you pick up your cellphone.
I got caught lying. Rockstar’s going to be difficult all week if I don’t fix it, and I still need him to have a serious think this week about whether he can at all live with his current Putonghua tutor. (In case you wonder why I put so much effort into whether he likes his tutor/ school/ swimming laps it’s because with Rockstar it makes all the difference between whether he tries his best to learn or to get out of doing something. Rockstar’s best can be quite something. It’s why he always wants to average about 20 assisted laps in his favorite lap pool before doing anything else. Even when his teeth are chattering (so then I got him a wetsuit.) It’s why he will now feed himself a fairly good breakfast so he can get his laps done. Still assisted, though.)
We forgo the 8pm movie. Slowly, Rockstar brightens. Acceptable sincere penance for the lie, I guess. “Rockstar, you had quality time with Daddy this afternoon. Mum hasn’t. I’m going to miss Daddy when he’s away all week. I really need to do something with Daddy.. So you have to let us go out later tonight ok? <thinking: don’t say you’re going to work anymore>” He nods good-naturedly this time. And finishes his dinner. Best behavior on.
Except we were supposed to be pigging on junk at dinnertime, now we’ve bought new tickets for a late show and meantime we’re starving.
So Kings whips up an old favorite. Maggie Mee!
And that, folks, was our Father’s Day dinner
ps: Yeah in future I’m going to try harder not to lie to Rockstar… already cost us two unused Green Lantern tickets…
Update: Rockstar’s Chinese tutor texted me to say they had a productive session that ran over time, the Rockstar confirmed it when I got home – apparently his tutor had fixed it with an apology and new activity book to start the lesson with (she actually has a lot of freedom about this because my only requirement is Rockstar is able and willing to use the language). The Rockstar is like a page out of Dale Carnegie – “please,” “thank you,” and “sorry,” will make you a friend or influence the Rockstar every time.
Yay! Both of you get to watch your movie and you manage to show Rockstar that you care about his feelings which is worth much much more than two unused tickets. Hhhmmm, what sort of teacher cuts the student off like that – does not seem to be a caring teacher. Siew mai in little cups eaten with toothpicks sounds really cute and yummy – we don’t get it here at all!
I think the tutor forgot/ thought I was exaggerating about how seriously he takes it cos after she’d got him to enjoy her lesson (which we advised her to from the start) he’d been behaving for almost 2 years without any indication he could get so difficult.. That’s another reason we don’t micro- manage her, because truth is as long as he likes her+lesson, he’ll apply himself without even looking like he’s applying himself… So vice versa if she can’t get him to enjoy it, it’s game over and we look for someone else cos their time will just b very unproductive.. Because he will make sure it’s unproductive..
Rockstar is such a smart cookie!!!
and ur maggi mee pic is making me crave it so bad.
Ps. I haven’t been able to comment on ur posts with my macbook for the past coupla weeks. Is it just my machine acting up?
Thanks dear viva la Maggie mee generation! Might not be your MacBook, there were bugs in the design installation that were Disqus related over last few days, maybe that had something to do with it…
Maybe this sounds like a dumb question, coming from a non-parent. But why do you feel the need to lie or justify to your kid? It’s not like you’re doing something really awful and shameful that you need to hide.
Parents decide what they want to do, not the kid. It’s not your child’s decision whether you go out for dinner, or to a movie, or whatever.
My parents regularly went out on “dates”, even though we didn’t have much money growing up. They didn’t ask us permission. And maybe because we were never asked, we never minded — that was just life.
When we were very young, we’d be left with a babysitter. By the time we were 8 or 10, we were left on our own if it was just an hour or two. (OK, that’s probably be unacceptable nowadays, but we were pretty independent kids. We could make simple food at that age!)
We didn’t kick up a fuss. But if we did, we’d probably just be ignored.
Don’t get me wrong — my parents were respectful and loving. We were usually not ignored. But they clearly had their own lives, too.
Anyway, happy Father’s Day!
Thanks.. The lie was not whether we were going out (obviously he knew we were), the lie was to cover that what we really wanted to do was watch a movie (ie like “tv”)… Rockstar views work as fun, not a chore, he plays pretend work at home, we don’t want him to play pretend tv/ movie watching because that’s what mum n dad do on their precious nights out, instead of say, feed fish in the reservoir park or eat a nice dinner..
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