Standard Haagen Dazs cake this year; well we did plan on that last year too, except then it melted in the fridge and I felt so bad I went out and got Cake with a capital C. This year I just made sure we didn’t melt the cake
And here’s the money shot, the Miss blowing out her candles.
Dis is art.
We’ve been waiting to unwrap this doll’s house I got at a super crazy price (as in, you can find it online in some places for almost 250% what I scored) for like, forever. The Miss has been asking “Where house?” for ages (at some point I realized each little attachment had so many other things she could play with preliminarily and occasionally I got other stuff to go with, but the Big One would be when we ceremoniously opened the house)….
Anyway guess what Rockstar got his little sis for her birthday?
Rockstar’s been working on a Lego sofa (well armchair, really) ever since I remarked there were just no suitable permutations or combinations of miniature furniture out there that involved a nice sofa.
“Why don’t I make her one?“
That is like the most brilliant idea ever. He took it quite seriously. Up in his loft bed, he went through several different attempts (the legs were a problem because they had to be sturdy enough not to come off when you pressed on the seat)..
He mentioned he had used some “valuable” pieces from different sets of his, (and now I realize from the photo there are 4 legless Lego-men up on his loft, among other things – there is what looks like it used to be the jets of an X-wing fighter or something, which he has also employed as a channel changer in the headrest. A-and, the set of legs you can’t see clearly but for a bit of orange – they are Two-face’s legs, from one of the older Batman series Lego sets). And he also ceremoniously presented her a brush thing “It’s my only one, you be careful ha…” which he thought could pass off for a toy duster…
(The Miss btw, especially loves Rockstar’s stuff from Rockstar. She loves wearing his hand-me-down Jacadi suede booties, crocs, and in winter I’m hoping to turn some of his nicer shirts into tunics for her, with girly tights and the little tassle-y mukluks when I can find some on sale in her size. Really hope that doesn’t go away soon, at the moment if you tell her it was Ko-ko’s she’s even more happy to wear it… We had a mild problem for a short while when she insisted on clomping around in Rockstar’s old suede ankle booties that were still a size too big, but still please, please let her not meet an Alpha Girl anytime soon who sniffs at boy hand-me-downs At one of her classes some of the slightly older girls really dress up in frilly party frocks, though I don’t think she’s noticed… yet)
Anyway armchair. The stuff above the head rest is “for tv channels when you sit on it.” Rockstar made an armchair that “switches on the tv” when you sit in that red seat.
Belatedly I realize I forgot to ask how you change channels. By wiggling your bum?
Yay! for the photos of Miss Rockstar blowing the candles. Thank you! This makes many happy readers.
A state-of-the-art Lego armchair from Ko Ko for THE house. Miss Rockstar must be over the moon with Ko Ko’s gift to her. A very meaningful gift. What did Rockstar say about changing the TV channel after reading your post?
Very nice family photo – one for the album to remember the princess 2 year old birthday. Just look at Rockstar’s joyful face.
Finally caught hold of him to ask…. He says yes it switches on when you sit on the red seat, but the circular rocket-things are for you to press to change the channel. Then the thing rotates (it really does – I was wondering why) to transmit the program you selected to the tv screen…
Rockstar’s joyful face is because he wants to show the Miss what birthdays are about…!
I don’t think Miss Rockstar will ever really grow out of admiring Rockstar
I have a older brother who is 5 years older than me and despite the age gap,I always look up to him and want to be just like him. I even once got my long hair cut short to a boy cut cause I wanted to be like my brother. Even until now,I still wear his oversized hand me down t shirts to sleep.
Aww that’s sweet, thanks for sharing Elle…
I think it does depend on individual personality as well as chemistry with each other; I have exes and close friends with very diverse sibling relationships – one of my closest friends for e.g. has a very strong relationship with one brother (8 years older) and a near-nonexistent relationship with another (3.5 years older)… I also know two siblings 2 years apart (also boy-girl) who were very competitive about grades…
You’re very nice to reassure me the Miss won’t ever really grow out of admiring Rockstar, though the word might be more….simply loving him rather than admiring, their case. Rockstar would love for her to admire him, but after the first year she appears to be less adoring, though she treasures stuff he gives her/ makes for her more than other stuff in general. The treasuring the things he does for her is something she didn’t do when she was younger. However unlike the first year where she just always wanted to be doing whatever he was doing, now she sometimes deliberately swings the opposite direction, which drives him crazy.
If there were ever a falling out between the two currently though, I would be more worried about HIM than her
He is the one who appears more likely to be hurt by that..