Happy Birthday Mummy

Dear loyal readers,

This is Kings (Aileen’s husband). Today is Aileen’s birthday and we decided to give her a surprise.  We cracked the password of this blog and posted this message – without her knowledge of course 🙂 ….  I will continue to distract her today so that she doesn’t get a chance to check her blog.  Can you all please help Rockstar and me to wish her happy birthday below?  We want her to have a shock when she finally gets a chance to check her blog tonight 🙂

Thanks Lionel for designing this flash pic for us.

Hi readers, thanks in advance for your support to leave your wishes in the comment box below.  Do help us to encourage your friends to do it as well.

Best Regards,

Rockstar, Kings and JD

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801 Responses to Happy Birthday Mummy

  1. mr_gadget says:

    Happy happy birthday! Hope you were surprised and have a great day! Grats to Kingston and Rockstar too 🙂 God bless, Arnold, Jhoanna, Ava and Aurora

  2. Lynntoh says:

    happy birthday aileen! your love for your family has been an inspiration; and i hope i can be as good/cool a mommy to my future kids as you are to rockstar! Keep rockin’! 

  3. Kris says:

    Happy birthday there 🙂 God Bless and have a wonderful birthday

  4. Acupofmilk says:

    I hope you are not angry with your husband :p 

    ps: don’t forget to change your password 

  5. Irene says:

    Happie Berfday to U. Hv a blast n enjoy ur great celebration 🙂

  6. Elise says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Enjoy the surprise! 🙂

  7. Sarah says:

    Hi Aileen:) I have been sent here by your hubby and little rockstar in their callout to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY You Lucky Lady!:)))
    I’m sure you have been a great mother and wife for them to share as much love back at ya…Wishing you and your family all the happiness! and also great health.

    Enjoy!:) Parteh like a Rockstar!

  8. orange says:

    a sweet thing ur husband and son are doing here. Happy birthday, may love and luck be by ur side always

  9. Hpility says:

    Happy Birthday to you! ^^

  10. Noris says:

    happy birhday Aileen! Rock Star!

  11. Jowayne says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen ! 🙂

  12. Ghen Hupano says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May you have more birthdays to come. I was sent here on your page by your husband and cute little rockstar with their callout. It was such a sweet surprise they come up with. I hope you had a wonderful day! I think you are a very cool mommy! Continue being one! 🙂

  13. Yvonne says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen. Enjoy this special day with your family! 🙂

  14. lovelee_u says:

    halo aileen! i believe by the time you see this you already had a very awesome birthday celebration with your family! How SWEET your husband and rockstar are! happy birthday!! 😉

  15. Marzia says:

    Happy Birthday from Europe!!!!

  16. Marzia says:

    Happy Birthday from Europe!!!!

  17. Ghen says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May you have more birthdays to come. I was sent here on your page by your husband and cute little rockstar with their callout. It was such a sweet surprise they come up with. I hope you had a wonderful day! I think you are a very cool mommy! Continue being one! 🙂

  18. Ghen says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May you have more birthdays to come. I was sent here on your page by your husband and cute little rockstar with their callout. It was such a sweet surprise they come up with. I hope you had a wonderful day! I think you are a very cool mommy! Continue being one! 🙂

  19. happy birthday aileen! have a great one! 🙂

  20. happy birthday aileen! have a great one! 🙂

  21. denc says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen!!!

  22. denc says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen!!!

  23. Frannywanny says:

    happy happy birthday aileen!!! such cool plan made by your beloved husband and son!!

  24. Frannywanny says:

    happy happy birthday aileen!!! such cool plan made by your beloved husband and son!!

  25. Kelabubest says:

    ‘Happy birthday~

  26. Kelabubest says:

    ‘Happy birthday~

  27. Ayutomoe says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂 You have a wonderful family! Cherish them always! May God bless you and your family 😀

  28. Ayutomoe says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂 You have a wonderful family! Cherish them always! May God bless you and your family 😀

  29. Vera says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You have such a sweet son and husband 🙂 All the best!

  30. Vera says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You have such a sweet son and husband 🙂 All the best!

  31. Joann says:

    happy birthday!!!!!!!

  32. Joann says:

    happy birthday!!!!!!!

  33. Happy Birthday Aileen! You’re very lucky to have someone like them.

  34. Ida_gimik says:

    happy birthday aileen,… 😉 wink

  35. visithra says:

    happy birthday aileen 😉

  36. visithra says:

    happy birthday aileen 😉

  37. marie says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 😀 You have such a cute family hahaha.

  38. marie says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 😀 You have such a cute family hahaha.

  39. Pretzel says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂

  40. Pretzel says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂

  41. Derek says:

    happy birthday Aileen! Have a fabulous day! 🙂

  42. happy birthday ! 😛 cheers always !

  43. Submerryn says:

    Happy Birthday!!! 😀

  44. Nurulhuda zaharni says:

    happy birthday aileen

  45. Chian_pyc says:

    happy burst-day!!!! :)))

  46. Min says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! I don’t know how Kings gonna distract u the entire day, shall wait for your updates! Have a fabulous celebration! Didn’t manage to catch u last week, hope to catch u soon again. In the meantime, I shall continue to enjoy your companionship through this blog 🙂


  47. Suterasyaza says:

    so sweet this surprise for you dear..Happy Birthday Aileen 🙂
    happy always with your beloved familyfrom M’sia ~

  48. tiefazatie says:

    wahh..so sweet!happy birthday sis!
    today is my birthday too..=)

  49. Happy Birthday! Saw this surprise from Nuffnang woot 😀

  50. Ming says:

    Happy birthday aileen! Well done kingston!

  51. Florence says:

    happy birthday! 🙂 they are so sweet! wish u happy always! 🙂 

  52. www.jocelynkau.com says:

    Happy birthday aileen! 🙂 Have a blast!

  53. Jackie says:

    Wish you a happy and wonderful birthday with your sweet husband and adorable son. 😀

  54. fadhilah mn says:

    happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy.

  55. can i say it once again? HBD Mummyy.. 😛 have a blasttt.

  56. Vivek Mahbubani says:

    Haaaaaaaaaaapppppyyyy birthday rockstar mom! 😀 Have a great one and keep it loud! 😀

  57. Anonymous says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY AILEEN!! -from Philippines 🙂

  58. Nicquee says:

    That flash animation of your hubby and son is awesome! Happy birthday!!!!

  59. Alexa says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May you and Rockstar always be beautiful!! Thanks to Kings I’m commenting here 😀

  60. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday Princess Aileen! You are the greatest and most creative Blogger-Mum in the world!

  61. Kingston Lai says:

    Oh wow, you guys rock man… Thanks for all the wishes….

    FYI- Aileen is asleep now, hehehee, yah she won’t find out so soon cos I am  draining her iphone’s batt overnight.  She is going to wake up tomorrow with no phone to access internet for a few more hours….  🙂 *evil …….. 

  62. Gelo says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. Aileen!! You have a beautiful and sweet family! 🙂 Have a great day!!!! 🙂

  63. Gelo says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. Aileen!! You have a beautiful and sweet family! 🙂 Have a great day!!!! 🙂

  64. Viviantioh says:

    Happy birthday mummy Aileen!!! Just found out tat u n my mom share same birthday n both of u r world number 1 mom!

  65. Karen says:

    what a great birthday surprise! Happy Birthday, Ms Aileen!

  66. Alv82000 says:

    Hey aileen happy birthday hope you are having a great day with the family. Take care from alvin, Katie and Brandon from the uk

  67. Zoop118 says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Hope you had a great day with your family!!
     Sue Lt

  68. Verlyn Hanru says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Your hubby is really sweet to surprise you in such a creative manner ^.^ Enjoy your special day with your loved ones ♥ Verlyn Hanru (Singapore)

  69. Fidelia Tan says:

    Blessed birthday, Aileen! Funky idea by Kings haha. Been reading your blog for a few months now (fr sgp to hk with hubs for work) but nv said hi, i enjoy reading your posts. On yr special day, i shall take the chance to say hello & stay an awesome rockstar mom, “because a long time ago, even they had mummies”. – Fid fr sgp

  70. Kisa Labrague says:

    Happy Birthday! 

  71. Serene says:

    。.    .  。
     Happy B’day 
      。。To  。。
    。   Aileen  。
    。。       。。
    。。  。。

  72. Ninin says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Your husband is sooooo sweet! You have such a great family! 🙂

  73. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday! 

  74. Jamie says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen:) Hope you have a great one! You have such a sweet husband and a really adorable son:)

  75. Sue says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! So sweet….^^ Oh and SURPRISE!!! :))

  76. Sandy says:

    Just popping by to say Happy Birthday!!
    1st time visiting ur blog via nuffnang tweet 😉
    Wat a sweet husband uve got!
    Hope u had a blast!

    Sandy (sgp)

  77. Wong Jolene says:

    Hello Birthday Girl.. This is my 1st visit via Twitter. You certainly have a Sweet Husband and Cute Son! Happy Birthday and May All Your Wishes Come True!

  78. Will says:

    Happy Birthday! Have a good one with your family…

  79. Dayveed says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!!!! Hope the distraction works!

  80. aizutto says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You have a wonderful hubby for planning this! Hope you enjoy your birthday! 🙂

  81. Lonewulf says:

    Happy Happy Birthday!! Hope you get your heart’s desires.. Also, be merry cause you have a great family. Cheers!

  82. Ashley says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!
    You’ve got a beautiful family!

  83. Annjac says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!!  God bless you and your beautiful family always. Love your blog too!!

  84. www.hothotshortie.com says:

    Hi Aileen! Happy birthday! And your husband is really sweet. Enjoy your day!

  85. Jhaveri Rahul says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen,

    Hope you have a great birthday and it leads you into a great year ahead.


  86. Gene says:

    Sweet family! Happy birthday Aileen!

  87. Ken Lau says:

    Happy Birthdayam Aileen!!!

  88. Postbox says:

    Auntie!! Happy smurfday to yoouuu!! May the wu koks of happiness show up in the dim sum basket of your life.

  89. Mei Hwei says:

    Eeeyur your blog sabo me. That postbox was me, Mei Hwei. x

  90. Xerxes says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You’re blessed with a sweet loving husband! Hope you have lots of fun.

  91. jehzlau says:

    Happy Birthday! Whoa! 😀

  92. Yi says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Wish you another wonderful year to come!

    Yi xxx

  93. Andy_chai says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen and Best Wishes to You 🙂
    Aileen, 祝你生日快樂,青春永駐,心想事成,身體健康!

  94. aylin says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Always be happy and enjoy your life to the fullest. You’re blessed to have a sweet husband. God Bless You!

  95. Christine says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen from the UK!
    Best Wishes!
    With Love from
    Auntie Katherine, Poh-Poh, Alvin, Katie, Brandon, Emil and Christine 😉

  96. Helen says:

    Aileen! Happy birthday from London!!! Here’s to you going onwards and upwards. Love your blog- keep them.coming 🙂

    Ps You were born on a wonderful day as we chose this day 3 years ago to get married. September is a beautiful month.

  97. Anonymous says:

    oh how cute is this? You are one lucky mummy to have such a wonderful hubby and rockstar to do this for you. Happy Birthday Aileen. 

  98. Lilacrose says:

    Happy birthday Aileen!  God bless you and your family..keep the posts coming!

  99. Susanna Ng says:

    Happy birthday!!! Have a great year ahead =)

  100. Joan Lu says:

    Happy Happy Birthday! You are such a lucky mom! 🙂

  101. Crafty Mummy says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day! 

  102. Brismod says:

    Best wishes on your birthday!!

  103. Laurence Laveau says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Hope you have a great day and hope to see you all soon xx Laurence

  104. georgie carroll says:

    Happy Birthday 🙂 

  105. Mrs Gracelee says:

    Happy birthday Aileen!! God bless you and your lovely family!

  106. Happy Birthday Ai-Leen! Most of us can only wish for what you have today. A beautiful family, a good life and a sweet husband 🙂 

    Happy Birthday! 

    -Timothy Tiah

  107. Martyn says:

    Have a fabulous day Aileen
    Happy birthday
    Have a blast

  108. ViaN says:

    Hello Aileen, you have an awesome husband!!
    Happy Birthday..!!~ 

  109. Lynda says:

    Happy Birthday all the way from Australia!!!! 

  110. Hi Aileen! hope you still remember me. We were classmate at the St Monica.. Wishing you a very memorable birthday to this hot mummy. May  you will be happy always, forever!

  111. David says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!! Hope you have a great one as I’m sure it looks like Kings & Rockstar has planned lots of wonderful things for you! Best wishes 🙂

  112. Holly says:

    Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day 🙂

  113. Linda Law says:

    Happy Birthday AIleen 😀

  114. Elaine says:

    Happppy Birthday Aileen!

  115. Happy Birthday…hope you have a great day!

  116. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday 🙂

  117. Eunice says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Hope you have a most amazing day.

  118. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  119. Kirsty@MummyToFive says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!!

  120. Calvin says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

  121. Sheri Bomb says:

    How sweet – Happy Birthday!!

  122. Happy Birthday you lucky Mummy you!

  123. Horse says:

    Happy birthday Aileen!


  124. Helloowlblog says:

    Happy Birthday

  125. Cindylumys says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! I’m sure this is a very sweet and memorable birthday for you… Hope you have a great day!

  126. David Krupp says:

    Happy happy birthday!!!

  127. Glowless says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen. Love Glowless (Perth, Western Australia)

  128. Wklphang says:

    Happy Birthday~~

  129. Me 'N my Monkeys says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen.  xx

  130. Sarahsstyleemporium says:

    Happy Birthday! Sarah, Victoria 🙂

  131. Lisa Cox says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen – Hope you have an awesome birthday!! Greetings from Australia 🙂

  132. Vincent77 says:

    Dear Aileen,

    Kingston told us you are turning 18th today…quite hard to believe but here’s wishing you a Happy 18th birthday! : )

    Stay young and pretty !!!

  133. Tan Vennie Tan says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen !!!!! 🙂 May ur wishes come true 🙂

  134. eddy says:

    Happy Birthday! May God Bless You and your family! from Me n My Family 😉

  135. Eunice says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! A blessed family you have! 🙂

  136. Wanderlust says:

    Happy birthday! Love the photo on your blog header.

  137. Barb from Malaysia says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen.  Have a blast!

  138. Kevlee5252 says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! God Bless!

  139. Mamasha says:

    Happy Birthday Rockstar’s mum!

  140. Jo serwey says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You have a lovely family!! 

  141. Happy Birthday Aileen! Hope you like the surprise 🙂

  142. Bridget Kow says:

    Awww that so sweet.

    Happy Bday Aileen =D 

  143. Happy Birthday Aileen! Hope u have a wonderful birthday with the family.

  144. Han Zhou says:

    You have lovely husband and son. Happy birthday Aileen! Wish you forever happy and young! 

  145. Becky-Tsang says:

    Happy Birthday to a super, pretty and great mum, Aileen!
    From Becky

  146. Ladynoe Mohamed says:

    Lovely. Happy birthday. Have a good one!

  147. Andrew Koo says:

    Great!!! How sweeett. 

  148. Aaron Abraham says:

    It is very romantic when a husband goes so far for his wife. It is even better when your children get involved … Happy Birthday Aileen.

  149. Carolyn_sm Tan says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen! Have a wonderful one with your loved ones!!!  Carolyn

  150. Lukegroundwalker says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!! Have a great time!! You have a wonderful family who loves you so very much 🙂

  151. April says:

    HaPpY hApPy B|rThDaY Ai|eEn…! =)
    MaY a|| y0ur B|rThDaY W|sh & DreaMs c0Me tRuE… =)
    StaY GorGe0us, Hea|thy, YoUnG, Wea|thy & haPpy 4eVer ya… & HaVe A Gr3at 0ne…!~ =) xOx0… ♥

  152. Yuen says:

    Happy Birthday! So blessed to have such a lovely family 😀

  153. Kokhoong says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Aileen.
    May All that you wish for come true!!!!!!!!

  154. Bob Li says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!  You have a lovely Kingston!

  155. Maris Basco says:

    Hi Aileen,

    Happy happy birthday! You have a very sweet husband, a lovely boy and an adorable family.


  156. Marcia Zlyana says:

    takbleh tengok le.. huhuhu

  157. Michellewjp says:


  158. QIan Qian says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! So cute~~~

  159. flys-03 says:

    Joining in the fun w the other stranger-readers to wish you a  HAPPY Blessed Birthday!! Wishing you a wonderful awesomest blastest BIRTHDAY ever!! haha! 😀

  160. benjamin foo says:

    Awesome stuff, happy birthday frm malaysia!

  161. Anonymous says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AILEEN! You have a very loving and sweet family 🙂 Hahaha I love the dog!

  162. ..:: ~JaSoN~ ::.. says:

    Happy Birthdayy from Singapore! this is the most awesome surprise ever!

  163. toninkush says:

    yappy burfday, aileen! hope you wont be pissed with kings for hacking into your blog LOL

  164. Rachael.C says:

    Happy Birthday! Your husband is really sweet and your son is really cute! Wish you all the best and have a wonderful day! Cheers!

  165. Pingpongpiang194 says:

    happy birthday from all of us in Malaysia! you have such a lovely family 🙂

  166. Cre8tone says:

    happy birthday Aileen..

  167. Happy Birthday to the very hot, rockstar mummy in Hong Kong!

    Much love from the lovely Kuala Lumpur city! XOXO

  168. Faye says:

    Dear Aileen, definitely you’ve got a very caring and loving husband, that you managed to get THIS (refer to: your hubby’s post) as a surprise! Happy Birthday from your new reader in Malaysia. 🙂

  169. kai mun lau says:

    Happy Birthday… Have a sweet sweet happy birthday. ^^
    You got a lovely husband and lovely son.

  170. YeeLing says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Aileen!!! Ur hub is awesome….I am sure he has managed to carve a sweet smile on your face on this special day of yours!

  171. Carlos Palma says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Hope to get to meet you during the NN blog awards!

    -From your NN PH Family as well!

  172. Wendy says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! May you have a blessed birthday! 🙂

  173. Guan Yi says:

    Happy birthday! Stay healthy, happy and pretty always. All the best. =D

  174. Nourieib says:

    Hi Aileen….Happy birthday hot mama!! U rock!!

    Fm Malaysia
    -nourie ib-

  175. June_chan90 says:

    Happy Birthday!! Hope you have an awesome one:D

  176. Anonymous says:

    eeeh..I don’t know you (yet! hehe) but if someone is willing to do this for you and spread out the word, you must an awesome wife, mom and friend indeed! Happy Birthday Aileen! =) Hope you have a wonderful day, spent with loved ones!

  177. Shannon Ng says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! So glad to know you and your amazing family! Hope you have a really great day!

  178. Huai Bin says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You have a husband that loves you very much. Here’s wishing you many happy returns of the day. May the best of last year be the worst of this year! 🙂

  179. K4y3 says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂

  180. Linda K says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!! =D Hope you have a fantastic blast!

  181. Happy birthday Aileen! I’m sure you are out having a great time. We haven’t met yet but I am sure we will one day! 

  182. ting ting says:

    Happy birthday !!!!!!! You have a great and lovely family !!! Enjoy your dayyyyyy….

  183. tiqaa89 says:

    how sweet! Happy birthday , Aileen! 🙂

  184. Mei Li says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! =D many happy returns!

  185. Junamjai says:

    Happy Birthday to Aileen !

  186. Chester Tan says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen. And please change your password so that your mischievous family can’t play pranks on your blogs – unless you secretly want that to happen again.

  187. eudora_maluna says:

    Happy Birthday! xx

  188. eudora_maluna says:

    Happy Birthday! xx

  189. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Have an awesome birthday!

  190. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Have an awesome birthday!

  191. Joyce kwong says:

    happy birthday Aileen! 🙂 have an awesome and epic one which I’m sure you will 😀

  192. Joyce kwong says:

    happy birthday Aileen! 🙂 have an awesome and epic one which I’m sure you will 😀

  193. Peng Luo says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Have fun!

  194. Peng Luo says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Have fun!

  195. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday Aileen ^^ May you have loads of warm hugs and cuddles, belly aching laughter and always enough money to treat a friend a nice meal  <3 Love from Malaysia!~

  196. Sweetmandyvincent says:

    生日快樂 Happy birthday Aileen ^^

  197. Trixie says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Aileen! Hope you enjoy your day today 🙂 Sending you hugs and love from the Philippines! – Trixie from Nuffnang PH

  198. Muhaymin Mustakim says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen, Have a good one !!!!

  199. Louie Pascual says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen!! rock on!!

  200. izzatul azma mohd asri says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen ! Your husband is so sweet to do this !!

  201. Casey says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to you! What a lovely thing for your Husband to have done – you must be one very deserving, lovely person. have a Birthday to match xoxo

  202. Dorry says:

    _happy B-Day Aileen’ hope ur enjoying on ur B-Day 2day,,God bless!!!!

  203. Huiwen Yang says:

    Dear Aileen, 

    Happy birthday!! I’m so warmed by the love of your family! Have i told you that you, kings, JD and rockstar are the model of what my family would be??

    ok hmm i think i have and at the risk of sounding stalkerish and psychotic i shall end off here.

    happy birthday again and may you always have love, stay beautiful and never have to lift a finger to work for the rest of your life! 🙂

  204. Kathleen says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. Aileen! Hope you had an amazing day! ^_^

  205. Patrick Yeo says:

    Happy Birthday!!! It is really awfully sweet of Kingston for this gesture. Stay loving always!!

  206. cream.o.boi ever says:

    happy b.day hahahah you cracked the password hehehhhe

  207. Anonymous says:

    Hey, A, this is Rachel from Beijing, China, I just want to say Happy Birthday to you, seems that you have a great life!! Be happy!!

  208. Kristel says:

    Sweet hubby you got there. Happy birthday! 🙂

  209. Quin says:

    Have a Happy Birthday, Aileen! Wishing you the best life has to give, today and for all your days! xx

  210. Wilmar D. says:

    Happy birthday and God bless! 

  211. Anonymous says:

    Wow, you’ve got a great family! Happy Happy Birthday Aileen! 😀

  212. sharon ng says:

    Happy birthday! You’ve got a cool hubby (ahem hacker)!

  213. Pinky says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! you have the best husband 🙂 

  214. Yshy says:

    Hi! Greetings from the Philippines! Your husband is too sweet to do something like this! You’ve got a wonderful family!! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you are having a great one! 🙂

  215. ERVIC-07 says:


  216. Yashirokuru says:

    Happy Birthday!  Cool gimmick!

  217. Lovekylaxoxo says:

    Happy happy birthday! The ad was so cute I just had to say something! Your family is so adorable, and your husband is so sweet. Best wishes!<3

  218. Anonymous says:

    Your husband is awesome!


  219. Blessy says:

    Happy Birthday! :)) Good job sa husband. The ad was too cute to ignore. Wishing you all the best po! God bless you more. 🙂

  220. Connie_Melody says:

    Happy birthday!! 🙂

  221. Anonymous says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AILEEN! Hope you have  a spectacular day! You have such an amazing family here!

  222. Marriane Elnar says:

    Hi Aileen! You have the sweetest husband in the world! Happy Birthday!

  223. deaf says:

    This is so awesome and happening… I didnt expect this when I click the nuffnang ads columns.
    Happy birthday to Rockstar’s Mummy, and best wishes to your whole family.
    I hope the bloody haze is not so terrible today on your birthday 🙂

  224. Anonymous says:

    This is really cool. Cheers to your family! Happy birthday!

  225. Happy Birthday Aileen ^_^
    From Davao here….

    You got a happy family here and an awesome husband

    Stay Cool….

  226. ice_fei18 says:

    This is awesome…
    Your husband so sweet give you this surprise.
    Happy Birthday to Rockstar’s Mummy…
    Wish you all dream come true. Happy Forever!!!

  227. Jane Schwan says:

    Aww..I am so touched by your husband’s effort. Feelin envy! Happy birthday and may you be happy every single day ;D

  228. Julia Yu says:

    Happy Birthday! Aileen! Haha didn’t expect that Kingston still do this romantic adolescent stuff for you~ Best wishes to your family.

  229. Alana says:

    What an awesome b’day present! Happy Birthday!!

  230. Carmen says:

    Happy Birthday, so sweet!!!

  231. jcyberinux.com says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen… God bless and God speed. In between, is so sweet and nice your birthday turn out. 🙂 Your husband is so sweet to this.

  232. Humairabj says:

    Awwww… So sweet ^^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUU !!!!

  233. Vaneza Marie Urgel says:

    This is so sweet!<3 Happy birthday Aileen!:)

  234. Tian Chad says:

    Happy Burfdayz to the Mummy~~

  235. Ivy Wong says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Lucky you to have such a sweet hubby and son. Many happy returns.

  236. Whyekeong says:

    hi Aileen,
    Have a very blessed Birthday! Kingston is so sweet.

    From WhyeKeong/TsungJu/Chloe

  237. smoochiesayn says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen. Hope you have a blast! Wish you have a blessed year ahead~

  238. Happy bday Aileen! 🙂 How’s that in the ads. Haha. Have a great day!

  239. Ishmael Ahab says:

    Dear Rockstar Mommy,

    Be glad that you have such a sweet husband and son. They are so cool to offer you this special birthday present. ^_^. Every birthday celebrant is entitled to have one wish during birthdays. I guess that you already got the best gift thanks to your loving family.

    Happy BIRTHDAY! Aileen.

    Ishmael Fischer Ahab
    Manila, Philippines

  240. Ishmael Ahab says:

    Dear Rockstar Mommy,

    Be glad that you have such a sweet husband and son. They are so cool to offer you this special birthday present. ^_^. Every birthday celebrant is entitled to have one wish during birthdays. I guess that you already got the best gift thanks to your loving family.

    Happy BIRTHDAY! Aileen.

    Ishmael Fischer Ahab
    Manila, Philippines

  241. what a way to greet your loved ones a happy birthday!

    happy birthday to you too!

  242. llovebee says:

    Happy Birthday to you!! 

  243. E! says:

    what a cute idea! happy birthday, aileen!

  244. Kinglinglai says:

    Wah..this is super sweet! Happy Birthday Aileen! 
    From Jerry, Kingling & Jayden

  245. Amanda says:


  246. Amanda says:


  247. Fourstrawhats says:

    Happy birthday! Hope you had a great one! 🙂

  248. Jojo Arevalo says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Change your password afterwards!

  249. LOL this idea is the best ever! I hope you love it and have the best birthday 🙂

  250. Henriikka says:

    Enjoy this day and may it be filled with love.
    Happy birthday from Finland! 🙂

  251. David and Annie says:

    Happy bday from your friends Nnie and david

  252. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday! You are so blessed! (=^;^=) 

  253. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday! have a good one! ^___________________^

  254. Daphne says:

    Happy birthday to rockstar’s mommy dearest!! =D

  255. Winnie says:

    Happy Birthday ! May you and your family be Happy Healthy and Loving ever more !

  256. Ryan Wu says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You are a rock mama! Keep bringing us the best blog posts! All the best!

  257. reyjr says:

    How sweet and awesome! Happy Birthday Aileen! 😀

  258. Ponggo says:

    How sweet! 🙂 With matching nuffnang ad & flash presentation. Happy birthday mommy Aileen 😀

  259. Verlin Casunuran says:

    Happy Birthday! More blogs to come!

  260. Sharon says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Aileen … you have a keeper of a husband .. and the cutest kid !!!! and not forgetting JD too .. have a blast!!!

  261. Guia Obsum says:

    Hey Aileen! You must be a great mom and wife to have a sweet family who would cook up something like this for you. Hope you have a great birthday! 🙂

  262. Plope says:

    Happy Birthday!

  263. Plope says:

    Happy Birthday!

  264. Iamlegend_kristeta says:

    Happy Birthday Mommy Aileen. God bless your family.

  265. Iamlegend_kristeta says:

    Happy Birthday Mommy Aileen. God bless your family.

  266. Well-wisher says:

    Happy Birthday. Many Happy returns of the day!!!

  267. Well-wisher says:

    Happy Birthday. Many Happy returns of the day!!!

  268. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday again from Vern’s Place! vscasunuran.blogspot.com

  269. Trish says:

    Happy Birthday Eileen from Trish and the Little Drummer boys

  270. zmun2 says:

    Dear Aileen, Happy Birthday! Wishing you good health, happiness and longevity! 

  271. Winnilicious says:

    Happy Birthday from Singapore!

  272. Cebushopforless says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Eileen!!!

  273. Sashley says:

    Hi Aileen.. have a wonderful birthday. love Sylvia (london)

  274. Blah says:

    happy birthday!!

  275. guest says:

    Happy birthday:D

  276. wongidea says:

    Happy Birthday!

  277. wongidea says:

    Happy Birthday!

  278. Ef says:

    Happy Birthday !!

  279. Ef says:

    Happy Birthday !!

  280. gl3nnx says:

    Ayos ah nag pa Ads pa talaga sa Nuffnang, hehe Astig! Happy Bday po 

  281. momee gee says:

    Hi Mommy Aileen!! 🙂 Wish you a Happy, happy birthday today.. 🙂 More powers to your blog, health for your family and to you as well. 🙂 Have great day! (Momee Gee of Philippines)

  282. Ryan San Juan says:

    Happy Birthyday!!!!

  283. koys says:

    Happy Bday po.

  284. Reyapot says:

    how sweet!  happy birthday!

  285. chase says:


  286. Happy Birthday … God bless !

  287. kaoko says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen!

  288. Guiguilonen MPC says:

    happy birthday aileen! God bless u abundantly!

  289. 為食公關 says:

    SO ROMANTIC! happy birthday to you!

  290. Yvonne Chan says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen! 

  291. Caryl says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! Godbless you and your family! <3

  292. Laids says:

    happy birthday

  293. Haifa says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 

  294. Maria says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! The ad was active on my page and I believe this is the purpose…so that I could be one of those people who may not know you personally know you but is able to greet you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! God Bless You and your family. Don’t you think this surprise that they made for you is totally sweeeet? I think I’s really Sweeeeeeeeet as sugar.. hahahaha! 🙂

  295. Aj Banda says:

    happy birthday aileen!!! this is so sweet!

  296. Pruetnara says:

    Hi Happy Birthday from Nuffnang (Thailand) team 🙂

  297. Joiz says:

    Happy happy birthday!

  298. Pat says:

    Happy birthday to you! 🙂

  299. Jonabranzuela says:

    What a sweet husband, son, and dog you have!  Happy birthday!

  300. maryjadeanne manzanero says:

    Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best. God Bless!

  301. Anonymous says:

    wow, happy birthday

  302. Myk Rome says:

    “Maligayang Kaarawan Aileen” in Filipino (Happy Birthday Aileen) … God Bless from Myk Rome, Philippines

  303. mariya says:

    Happy birthday to you!

  304. caryl estrosas says:

    Hi Aileen! Happy birthday 🙂

  305. Bryan Karl says:

    Happy birthday from Cebu! God bless.

  306. Mario Choo says:

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for dropping by yesterday.  It was good to see everyone.  Have good fun celebrating!

    From all of us here….
    Mario, Carolyn, Vanessa, Kierann & Mitchel

  307. Shenba says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen

  308. Gay Aida says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Greetings all the way from Cebu Philippines…

    I wish you all the best and a healthy life with your family…

    Mabuhay ka Aileen!

  309. Roanne says:

    Have a happy and blessed birthday Aileen. Your family surely loves you! xx. Greetings from Manila!

  310. Ayielle says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! God bless. You have a sweet husband and cute son. 🙂 Take care!

  311. Midel Marquez says:

    Happy Birthday!!! 😀

  312. Sandra Yap says:

    happy birthday aileen!! ur lucky to have such a loving husband & son 🙂 

  313. Diane says:

    Happy birthday rockstar’s mummy! you are awesome! 

  314. Jerry Lam says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!!!

  315. happy birthday!  I’m also a mommy blogger like you and I hope that when my kid grows up to be a smart-alecky teen my blog posts about his potty training boo-boos should keep him grounded. hehe

  316. Verne Alexander Yu Ahyong says:

    Happy Happy Birthday!

    -Verne Ahyong, Philippines

  317. Happy Leung says:

    Happy Birthday!

  318. City Roamer says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

  319. Catt Ricardo says:

    HAPPY BDAY! have a great one! 🙂

  320. Christian Melanie Lee says:

    Happy birthday Aileen from Manila!!! Have fun on your special day with your loving family! 😀

  321. NursesLabs says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a great surprise! 

  322. Mikey Garcia says:

    Happy happy happy birthday!!! (now change your password to a much stronger one…) =-D

  323. Ian Hibionada says:

    Hi Aileen, I do knot know you nor your family. But I received this invitation to write a message on your birthday. It seems to me that your husband and little Rockstar love you so much. I have my little daughter too. And I know it is difficult to raise a child nowadays. So, I just want to leave a message for you and your family. 

    Remember to Listen
    Always give an open ear to your child Rockstar. We parents are so busy and our minds are occupied with so many things in work, relationships and finances. Even when you write your blogs about raising Rockstar, that can be a hindrance from time to time in rearing your child. But having time to listen to your child will develop intimacy between the two of you. Do that to your hubby as well.

    Remember to Read
    By this I mean to spend time to read with your Rockstar. It’s not only developing intimacy but by reading with him you journey with your child in learning new things. Your choice of blogging your child’s development is actually journeying with him in every way in any way writing things that stirs your interest and your child’s curiosity that helps people reading your blogs. I do not know your religious background, but I see no harm if you read BIble stories to him. And there are many lessons that we can get from the Bible. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 22:6 “Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right.”

    Remember Time
    Live as if its the last time you will be with your child. Cherish every moment. Play as if its the last game. We do not know what will happen the next day. But learn to cherish time with your family. 

    You may know these things or even heard this from someone. But any case, this post as a reminder to you, your hubby, me and everyone else. Happy birthday and my prayer is for God’s peace and blessings be experience in your family.

    ian h.

  324. Ning says:

    happy birthday!! have a great one…:))

  325. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen! Enjoy your day and wishing you all the best. You have a very beautiful  and a very sweet family.

  326. Tricia Mazo - Galvez says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  327. cheenee_cruz says:

    MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY Aileen!!Stay happy..:)

    -Jane Maikah Cruz, Philippines

  328. wanderlustnix says:

    Hiii Aileen! I think your family is really adorable… You’re very blessed to have them. Happiest Birthday my dear. Wishing you more wonderful celebrations with your family. 

  329. Fujohnny33 says:

    Dear Aileen, 祝你在这特别的一天开心幸福,永远漂亮, 甜蜜幸福, 一切顺利, 生日快乐!Best Johnny & >>^o^<<

  330. Dos says:

    On behalf of your kiddo and exboyfriend i want to greet you a happe, hapi, hap-i, happy Birthday!

  331. Happy birthday! You have a wonderful family there! 

  332. Wan Adlie says:

    omedeto gozaimasu…

  333. Hime says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂
    Have a blast!

  334. Guest says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Youre so blessed to have the family you have. CHEERS 🙂

  335. Judy May says:

    Happy birthday Beautiful stranger! 🙂

  336. Ris says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Hope you have a great one (if you haven’t already) =) !

  337. Lcenson says:

    Happy birthday to the mum of such a smart rockstar and a cheery hubby.. wishing you all the best 

  338. Happy Birthday Aileen!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day and being spoilt heaps 🙂 God bless!

  339. Happy birthday!  More blessing to come!  =)

  340. Happy birthday!  More blessing to come!  =)

  341. Mimi San Juan says:

    Hi. Happy Happy Birthday to you 🙂 You’re lucky to have your loving family.. GodBless and Take Care! 🙂

  342. Diane says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! God bless you and your family always! 🙂

  343. melvin alvarez says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂 hope you enjoy this wonderful day with your awesome family!

  344. Maria Alyssa says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May this day always be a special one to remember. Wishing you another wonderful year of happiness and joy.

  345. What a sweet family! Happy Birthday to you Aileen! 🙂

  346. JKAR says:

    Hi Aileen,

    Happy birthday to you. I wish you more success in life, a happy family(which you already have), and good health for you to take good care of your hubby and your son.


  347. Guest says:

    happy birthday!

  348. Kim L. says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Just came across your blog from your hubby’s and son’s nuffnang ad! So sweet of them! 🙂 Your family is beautiful.

    Enjoy your day!

  349. Corrine says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You have the sweetest family! 🙂

  350. Edelweiss_19 says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! You sure have a really awesome and sweet family. God bless you! 🙂

  351. Cym Marzan says:

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  352. Maligayang Kaarawan Aileen!!!!

  353. Nuna says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You are so blessed to have such a happy family. They are so sweet. =) I wish you good health and long life. Jesus bless you. 🙂

  354. Aileen, you are blessed : ) Have the best birthday!

  355. Aileen, you are blessed : ) Have the best birthday!

  356. Arleneventura says:

    Happy BIrthday Aileen…. 🙂 your two boys did a great job for you.. 🙂

  357. Angela says:

    Happy Birthday !!!!

  358. Happy birthday Aileen! What a lovely hubby and family you have. Hope you have an awesome day. xo

  359. Rinasato says:

    happy birthday! aileen! ~ god bless you and you’re family always!

  360. sm_yboa says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen!!! You are so blessed to have two great, loving men in your life. I hope you have a good one!

  361. Manila says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! God bless you and your family! : )

  362. This made me want to be a mom, now! 🙂 Happy birthday Ms. Aileen 🙂

  363. This made me want to be a mom, now! Happy birthday Ms. Aileen! <3

  364. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

  365. Connie says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! Awww, your husband is so sweet. Hope you have a good day with the family.

  366. Keigh Jalbuena says:

    You have a wonderful family, Ms. Aileen! Happy Birthday to you! 🙂

  367. chari dc says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen!  You’re one lucky momma!!  Enjoy the rest of the day! ♥

  368. Forgetmenot says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!, painum ka naman o, pa cheeseburger na rin.. =)

  369. MrsMartinez says:

    Blessed Birthday to you! 


  370. brandon_07 says:

    Happy birthday Aileen, God bless.

  371. Julie Vilbar says:

    happy birthday aileen, lots of blessings, you deserve it.

  372. Mabel says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

     You are blessed with a loving son and husband


  373. Kahitanoditodotblogspotdotcom says:

    Happy Birthday!

  374. Aya says:

    Happy birthday! 😀

    Enjoy your family’s sweet surprise 😀

  375. raqgold says:

    wishing you all the best on your birthday! but i guess you have the bestest with your hub and son!

  376. MyMaria says:

    Happy birthday!!! May all your wishes come true!

  377. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday aileen..:)

  378. Dhadha says:

    Happy birthday! Have a blast! 🙂

    ♥ Dhadha, PH

  379. tintin says:

    happy birthday mommy aileen 🙂 ur so lucky for having a loving husband and son. u really deserve to be happy. More birthdays to come and may all ur wishes come true. God Bless <3

  380. ederic says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! 🙂

  381. Have a blast birthday with your awesome family! 🙂

  382. Will says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! From the Philippines

  383. edilbert manalo says:

    Happy birthday 

  384. Kisty says:

    Awww! This is so sweet! Happy birthday, Aileen! You have one awesome family! 🙂 And your dog can dance!!!!

  385. Anagon says:

    Too cute! Happy birthday Aileen! :)) <3

  386. Happy birthday Aileen! I hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays.

  387. Talesfromthetummy says:

    Happy Birthday

  388. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May God continue to shower you with all the best in life…

  389. carol says:

    a great mother comes with a great family…your husband arranged these all for you. one lucky gal! happy birthday! =)

  390. Anonymous says:

    Happy happy birthday Aileen! You’re one lucky mom! 🙂 have fun and may God continue to bless your family.

  391. HI Mama Aileen! This effort of your husband and son is a proof that you are dear to them and they love you so much. I hope you have a great and happy birthday!  Keep it up!

  392. Jemimahonline says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! May you and your family have a very great time in your birthday! Enjoy!

  393. Stephanie says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Have fun with your family on your big day! 🙂

  394. Camille says:

    Hi Ms. Aileen! Lucky lucky mom! And luckier husband and son to have you! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. 🙂 wishing you and your family a blessed life. 🙂

  395. Happy birthday! May God bless you with more love, joy and peace. Your family is awesome and so are you! May all your dreams come true Aileen! 🙂

  396. Happy Birthday Aileen! You must be one special lady 🙂 You are so blessed with a wonderful family. Enjoy your special day!

  397. azie says:


  398. Blenrye says:

    Happy birthday Aileen… you’re blessed with a great family…

  399. Cha B says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! More blessings for you and your family!

  400. Wena says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May God continue to shower you and your wonderful family with His love and blessings!!! Enjoy your day!!! 

  401. Rome Diwa says:

    You have a wonderful husband and kiddo! you are blessed, Happy Birthday Aileen! 

  402. Mei says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You are doing a FAB job in raising Rockstar and I ruv your blog! You are my (not to secret!) Role Model! Many happy returns witrh your Hunky Hubs, One of a Kind Rockstar and (not forgetting) Faithful JD!

  403. guest says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

  404. Crystal says:

    happy birthday Aileen! may all your wishes come true! 🙂

  405. Happy bday aileen! from ph nufiies. 🙂

  406. catuira says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! may God give you more blessing!

  407. Riann says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! I love reading your blog! You’re one cool mum! I wanna be like you next time!

  408. happy birthday AILEEN! ^_^

  409. Claire Ann Santy says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You’re so blessed to have a wonderful family.
    Great job! Smile 🙂

  410. Claire Ann Santy says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You’re so blessed to have a wonderful family.
    Great job! Smile 🙂

  411. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! Indeed you are blessed with a wonderful family. May you have more blessings to come!

  412. Happy bday! Gobless to you and your family!

  413. Carol says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen!

  414. KUMAGCOW says:

    From all of us here in the Philippines, Happy Happy Birthday! May your loving husband and kid love you more on your special day. You deserve to be happy, I mean just look at this effort? 🙂 have a wonderful day! You are blessed… you are loved and that’s what matters!

  415. Allen says:

    Happy Birthday to you! You have a great husband and child! Hope you appreciate this very nice surprise by them and from the rest of us 🙂 


  416. Happy birthday Aileen! hugs and kisses from the Philippines 😀

  417. Wongbeeling says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen. have a wonderful day.

  418. Julie says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! All the best! Love from your friends here in the Philippines 🙂

  419. Happy Birthday!! You have a wonderful family 🙂 May you have more birthday celebrations with them!!

  420. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday~~

  421. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday~~

  422. Hi Aileen! A big happy birthday to you! What a sweet and precious family you have. You must have a very blessed birthday, indeed. God bless you and your family!

  423. Diane says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Enjoy  🙂

  424. puanbee.com says:

    Hi .. happy birthday … lovely family .. 🙂 

  425. chloe han says:

    Dear Ms Aileen, Happy Birthday to you!!

    wish you enjoy the amazing surprise by your hubby n son…
    have a wonderful birthday!

  426. Nicole says:

    Happy birthday Aileen!!!! 🙂 God bless you and your family! 🙂

  427. HT says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen. Have a great day too!

  428. Sharmaine says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you had a wonderful day 🙂

  429. Sharmaine says:

    Expand HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you had a wonderful day 🙂

  430. Yuyu says:

    happy birthday Aileen..happy birthday to me too..huhu

  431. Faceberuk.blogspot.com says:

    I got here by clicking nuffnang add. fuuuuu… epi besday.

  432. Nur Dalina says:

    Happy Birthday dear Aileen!!! May God Bless you and your family..!! Surpriseee!!!! ^___^

  433. Baby Girl Chong says:

    Happy Birthday to You~ Enjoy your day!!

  434. Apple Dapple says:

    Happy Birthday!God bless you and your beautiful family!

  435. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!

  436. Anna says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! 🙂 Hope you’re having an awesome and unforgettable night on your birthday! Cheers

  437. Helen Blas says:

    Happy birthday! You have a loving family. Hope you love this surprise! 🙂

  438. Kes says:

    happy birthday!!! you have a beautiful family!!

  439. Toni (Wifely Steps) says:

    Happy birthday to you!

  440. Ealtai_1206 says:

    Happy Birthday~!You are lucky and happy woman of the world~!You should proud of your family!!!

  441. EeSoon says:

    Happy birthday girl!!! Stay young and pretty~~
    You are blessed, and you are loved! Appreciate it~~

  442. Mikkkan_sakura16 says:


  443. stella says:

    Happy Birthday Pretty Mummy!

  444. Suzlin Azreena Nordin says:

    happy birthday gorgeous! god bless u!

  445. summerkid123 says:

    happy birthday..!! May your life is filled with surprise and happiness. =D

  446. Jane Kingsu says:

    Happy happy birthday, Aileen 😀 Rockstar is so adorable.  Very cool name!

  447. Happy birthday Aileen! All the best for your birthday!

  448. Stoneip says:

    Happy birthdayHapHappy birthday

  449. Chickensbees says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope there’s lots of cake!

  450. Stephanie says:

    Happy Birthday!! You’ve got a lovely family! 😀

  451. Ailyl Anna says:

    Aileen!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U …

  452. Frozen says:

    happy birthday 🙂

  453. Frozen says:

    happy birthday 🙂

  454. Carrie Tang says:

    Dear Aileen,

    Your hubby and son are soooooo sweet. Have a happy happy birthday, you lucky girl.

  455. Syaza Zul says:

    Happy birthday Aileen ! You have such a sweet husband 🙂 *envy

  456. misya says:

    happy birthday aileen! may God bless u always.ur husband is so romantic, awesome n u should be proud to be as his wife;D

  457. misya says:

    happy birthday aileen! may God bless u always.ur husband is so romantic, awesome n u should be proud to be as his wife;D

  458. Chacha says:

    yey! happy happy bday to you Aileen.. more and more blessings to come. You have the sweetest husband. Enjoy and have a great day!

  459. Chacha says:

    yey! happy happy bday to you Aileen.. more and more blessings to come. You have the sweetest husband. Enjoy and have a great day!

  460. Hilary_giogio says:

    Happy birthday ^__^ sweet family ! 😀 
    May all your wish come true <3

  461. Hilary_giogio says:

    Happy birthday ^__^ sweet family ! 😀 
    May all your wish come true <3

  462. Hilary_giogio says:

    Happy birthday ^__^ sweet family ! 😀 
    May all your wish come true <3

  463. Hilary_giogio says:

    Happy birthday ^__^ sweet family ! 😀 
    May all your wish come true <3

  464. CHERYL says:


  465. Reanact says:


  466. Alessia Ng says:

    Did you have a super great birthday? 😀 You are sooo lucky to have such a sweet husband as well as such a cute kid 😀 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ^^

  467. Engsin says:

    Happy Birthday!! 🙂

  468. jen says:

    happy birthday! you have a sweet and blissful family 🙂

  469. Peggy Gan says:

    Happy Birthday, that’s really romantic of your husband. **envy**

  470. Peggy Gan says:

    Happy Birthday, that’s really romantic of your husband. **envy**

  471. Mel says:

    Happy birthday ! May God bless your family with love (: 

  472. Mel says:

    Happy birthday ! May God bless your family with love (: 

  473. ruxyn says:

    Happy birthday and best wishes!!! :]]

  474. Pearl says:

    happy birthday! You have the best rockin family ever! 🙂

  475. Eva says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂 Hope your family succeeded in surprising you! 

  476. Eva says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂 Hope your family succeeded in surprising you! 

  477. Kacaubird says:

    walau A

  478. pearl says:


  479. Miszsephia says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen. May all yer dreams come true!

  480. Kah Yean Low says:

    This is awesome! Happy birthday Aileen!

  481. Denise says:

    happy birthday! God bless you all! 🙂

  482. Syatoza says:

    Happy birthday! =D            

  483. Jackie says:

    生日快乐!! Have a blasting birthday!

  484. Book@holic says:

    Happy blessed birthday! I wish I could have a husband as romantic and awesome as yours! =)

  485. timothyteoh says:

    Awesome! Happy Birthday Aileen! Hope I’ll be this romantic when I reach Kings’ age hehe

  486. Azah says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen. 😀

  487. April Garcia says:

    happy, happy birthday! you have a wonderful husband and son! enjoy your day! 😀

  488. stk_fateen89 says:

    happy birthday to you!!! Happy family!!! 

  489. Jeslin-tan says:

    Happy Birthday! Yeah, indeed you have a wonderful and creative husband, also not forgetting your lovely son 😀 Enjoy yourself to the fullest with your lovely family!

  490. Cendrick says:


  491. chinchan says:

    Hello! Happy happy birthday . May you have more birthdays to come.. =)

  492. Al21 says:

     Happy birthday!!!! :*

  493. C T Lim_89 says:

    happy birthday to you…
    you have a awesome husband and son..
    stay sweet=)

  494. Tabletotummy says:

    happy birthday aileen!! have a great one and keep up the great work! 🙂

  495. Kate Pangan says:

    Hi there! Happy Birthday! Have a good one, wish you good health. Your so lucky to have your husband and son who loves you so much! Gdbless 🙂

  496. Happy birthday, you gorgeous hot momma you! You have the cutest family! Here’s wishing you even MORE blessings!

  497. Roxanne low says:

    Happy Birthday! :)))

  498. Aimifiqa says:

    Happy birthday to u~
    Hope u happy always.
    What a sweet card~

  499. Joe says:

    happy birth day 🙂 Wish you a good health and many more birthdays to come.

  500. angelin says:

    happy birthday aileen! hope you had a great celebration today! and you have a lovely family!:)

  501. Ruiting says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Even though I don’t know you, your husband and kid are so awesome that I can’t help it but to help them. hahahaha. 😀

  502. Christine says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂 You are very lucky to have such amazing family! 😉

  503. Faryza says:

    happy birthday!!

  504. Unrealfun says:

    Happy Birthday from Munich!

  505. ziting says:

    Hi! Happy birthday! Your son and husband are sooooo cute! Hope you enjoy your birthday! I bet you are a AWESOME mom/wife that they are going to this extend to wish you a happy birthday! Stay awesome! <:

  506. Linda says:

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday, dear!!!!!!!!! Have a blast!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  507. Abcd123 says:


  508. Elvi says:

    Hi.. happy birthday! you are so blessed to have a family like what you have right now.
    They loved you very much! 
    They want you to be happy!
    Good luck ! Happy birthday!

  509. Ozzie says:

    HAPPPPPY Birthday Aileen!!

  510. Julia says:

    Awwh that’s the cutest thing! Happy birthday Aileen (: I hope all things go well for you and your family in the coming year and for more years to come. (:

  511. This is too sweet. Happy birthday! 😀

  512. Gil Nambatac says:

    happy happy happy birthday!!!

  513. Chorkee12 says:

    Happy birthday! You have such a sweet family!

  514. Happy Birthday Aileen! You are blessed with a beautiful and healthy family! A loving husband and a good-looking kid is the best gift ever 🙂 Keep sharing your awe-inspiring stories through your blog 

  515. CA says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! I hope there was plenty of cake and you were spoilt rotten by the wonderfully amazing men in your life!

  516. Ma. Cristina Ilao says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! You are indeed blessed with a very sweet and loving family. 🙂

  517. klutzylala says:

    Happy Birthday, Aileen! May you always enjoy health, wealth and happiness!!

  518. Abad5231 says:

    All the best for your birthday!……………….

  519. Ceilinisthequeen says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

  520. hi babe…
    u’re really blessed to’ve such a sweet hubby and an awesome little bundle… may u feel the happiness and contentment of the simple joy of two wonderful angels by yourself… and may every moment of this day be a beautiful memory etched in your heart… as u go on… may your days be merry… with blessings abundant like showers of rain… happy birthday babe… -hug-

  521. Anonymous says:

    I will be going to Hong Kong soon with my mom, I hope to bump into your wonderful family. :)) Or if not, maybe you could email me tips on where it’s nice (but cheap) to eat. Oh, and right… HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3 God bless. 

  522. 3ureka says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂

  523. I’m still mesmerized by dancing Kingston…

  524. Romar Bulaon says:

    Happy birthday..:)
    Have a great one..:))

  525. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂 You’re so lucky to have sweet and thoughtful people around you. <3

  526. Ciel Estacio says:

    Happy birthday! You are certainly blessed to have a thoughtful husband and son. May all your wishes come true! 🙂

  527. Nica says:

    Happy Birthday! All the best 🙂

  528. mimi says:

    Happy Birthday dear…..Don’t be too surprise to see me here….

  529. Bryan Tsang says:

    Happy Birthday!
    Don’t be surprise as you have a very warm family!

  530. Annie Chok says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!!

  531. Happy Birthday Aileen! You’ve got a really awesome family! God Bless you all! Have fun!

  532. Happy birthday Aileen! Greetings from MNL! 🙂

  533. ALice Mate says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You have a really cool husband and also a very cute kid! God Bless and have a great day! ^_^

  534. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You’re so lucky, you have an awesome family. More birthdays to come! God Bless!

  535. Xylith says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! May you have a great year ahead. You have a wonderful family. Keep rockin’! 

  536. Mera says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! 

  537. Mars says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Aileen! =)

  538. Reisha Davadilla says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! I hope you had a great one! You have a sweet family! 🙂

  539. Nanamoo says:

    that is just about the sweetest and most creative way to get bday wishes ever.. happy birthday Aileen~ have a blessed birthday 🙂

  540. Daphne says:

    Hello Aileen! Your family is so sweet!! Hope you had an enjoyable day today and may you be pleasantly surprised! 🙂

  541. Speciallyi says:

    happy birthday 🙂 best wishes!!~ 

  542. Avi says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen! Your family is so lucky to have you in their life. 

  543. aine says:

    Happy rockin’ Birthday Aileen! Such a sweet family that you’ve got. ^_^

  544. Cherry says:

    Happy Birthday Alieen!!

  545. quirkylilprincess says:

    happy bday 🙂

  546. Dghjjhvc says:

    Happy birthday!! 

  547. ruthilicious says:

    Happy birthday! You have such a sweet hubby! 🙂

  548. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!!! ^__^

  549. Janie says:

    Happy birthday!! You have a sweet family 

  550. Yvonne says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

  551. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

  552. Zara says:

    Happy birthday! Your family is the sweetest. 🙂

  553. Happy Birthday Aileen!!!!!! This is such a cool present from Kings and Rockstar and JD!!!!!! BIG HUGSSSS!!!!

  554. Palakanton says:

    Happy birthday, This is so cool

  555. Suztan83 says:

    HAPPY Birthday rockstar mummy…I don’t know u in personal but I enjoy reading yr blog very much, thanks for creating such wonderful blog.

    You’ve the sweetest family on earth…cheers!

  556. Dee says:

    Happy Birthday!  Aww, such a sweet and loving family. 😀

  557. Dee says:

    Happy Birthday!  Aww, such a sweet and loving family. 😀

  558. SueN says:

    Happy belated birthday Aileen.  You rock!

  559. Prakash Haridas says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!! XD

  560. Gowri says:

    Hey sorry Aileen. I just got home late tonight and read this.  Happy belated birthday to you.. love your blog.

  561. Abc says:

    Happy birthday(:

  562. Pau Garcia says:

    To the mom of a Rockstar, a wife to a King…you deserve the most, the  bestest cyber present from people all over the blog universe.

    from one blogger to another, have a great one!

    P.S. You have the sweetest husband and son. GB! 🙂

  563. pinknote says:

    happy birthday! you’re one lucky lucky mom and wife! =)

  564. LeRoy Lim says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen!

  565. Happy Birthday Aileen =D God bless you and your family!

  566. Happy Birthday!! Nice surprise on this, i’m sure the birthday lady will be very happy!

  567. Dewanty Puji says:

    Happy Birthday..
    Wish you all d best wishes..

    Btw It’s such a good idea…
    the flash picture is so great

  568. ttzec says:

    omgosh this is so sweet. 🙂
    Happy Birthday Aileen, hope you have a great one, and I know you will when you see this whole blogpost your husband and kid prepared for you. Hope you guys stay happy always…


  569. Max_syafiq says:

    Happy Birthday! i’ve never read your blog before.. but the thought of your husband and son make me visit this blog.. happy birthday, have a blissful life and may your family prosper.. 🙂

  570. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday !!!

  571. lemon ong says:

    Happy Birthday! This is a super sweet surprise 😀 Wish you happiness always 😀

  572. Danielle C says:

    happy birthday!!! love reading your blog, keep up the good work! 🙂 

  573. Leonny says:

    Awwww…this is such a nice bday gift! Happy Birthday!!!

  574. Leonny says:

    Awwww…this is such a nice bday gift! Happy Birthday!!!

  575. arr chian says:

    happie bday 🙂 
    a lovely present from ur lovely family 🙂 
    hope u n ur family happie always 😀 

  576. arr chian says:

    happie bday 🙂 
    a lovely present from ur lovely family 🙂 
    hope u n ur family happie always 😀 

  577. Mouses says:

    Happy birthday! You have a lovely family and this post is so sweet 🙂

  578. Koh Kian Fai says:

    Happy Birthday 🙂 hope I wasn’t too late hehe

  579. zhenging says:

    happy birthday!

  580. Lionel Chin says:

    What a loving gesture! Happy birthday Aileen!

  581. Winoa says:

    Happy Birthday!!! ^^ it’s so sweet that you have such a wonderful and loving family~~ all the best to you and your family and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

  582. roma_satitan says:

    Hello Aileen,

    You’re lucky to have a happy family like yours. So, be grateful with whatever you have anddddd HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =)

  583. Vixenp33 says:

    wow! this is just the sweetest! i hope mum gets the surprise of her life from her two most beloved boys! Happy Birthday Aileen! 🙂

  584. chloe says:

    Belated happy birthday! 
    Rockstar and Kings are very sweet!

  585. :) says:

    awwww… so sweet~ blessed birthday! 

  586. April says:

    Many happy returns, Aileen! 😀 May God bless you and your beautiful family even more.

  587. ssshuwei says:

    happy birthday~! you have a lovely family 🙂

  588. Happy birthday though I don’t know you… it’s too sweeeeeeeeeeeet! 🙂

  589. TARZ says:


  590. Candycurly18 says:


  591. Chai Chen says:

    Happy Birthday!
    This is such a cute page and lovely family!
    How nice to be greeted by folks arounds the world! Yay!
    Enjoy your day!
    “Zhu Ni Sheng Ri Kuai Le.”

  592. Lin Amber says:

    Happy Birthday!! ^^

  593. Lisa says:

    Happy birthday!!!this is super sweet…I hope it’s going to be ur best birthday ever..

  594. Lisa says:

    Happy birthday!!!this is super sweet…I hope it’s going to be ur best birthday ever..

  595. Happy Birthday to you, Aileen!

    You’ve such a sweet husband and son!

    An awesome family of yours!!!

    Hope you enjoyed your surprise and your birthday!

  596. Happy Birthday to you, Aileen!

    You’ve such a sweet husband and son!

    An awesome family of yours!!!

    Hope you enjoyed your surprise and your birthday!

  597. huney84 says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You have an amazing family! Have fun on your big day!

  598. Ntplace Ca says:

    Happy birthday!!! Hope u are surprised 🙂

  599. Mai Korner says:

    Happy birthday to you! What a great family you have! Cheers!

  600. jenny chan says:

    Happy birthday tp you ^^ u have such a lovely family =) good luck in everything and stay happy with your hubby and son <3

  601. mama zharfan says:

    happy birthday to u!!

  602. Anon says:

    Happy birthday to you!

    I dont know you, but your hubby and I went to the same school. Never knew that he is so sweet!

  603. Sukie says:

    A very happy Birthday to you, Aileen! I was on my blog when suddenly, Rockstar’s photo appeared in the Nuffnang ad! I’ve always been a silent reader of yours (too shy to post a comment) but since it’s your birthday and since your lovely other half came up with this gorgeous surprise for you… A Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MANY HAPPIEST RETURNS!!! *throws confetti in the air* 

  604. Shalny Ong says:

    Happy Birthday to you mummy Aileen!

  605. happy birthday mummy Aileen! Warm greeting from Cebu, Philippines!

  606. Hanimjan84 says:

    happy birthday to you mummy Aileen….!

  607. Kani says:

    saw this from my blog!!! happy birthday aileen 🙂 this is the sweetest thing i’ve seen!

  608. Joanna-x33 says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🙂 Bet you will be touched once you see this ~ STAY HAPPY ~

  609. Abbie says:

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  610. Dryden and Gray says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen, from London! 

  611. Edison says:

    Happy birthday ..thanks for choose nuffnang~

  612. Kellyyap666 says:

    Happy birthday…

  613. michelle banayo says:

    Happy birthday, Eileen! You are very lucky to have such a wonderful family 🙂

  614. noor anum says:

    my sister’s daughter name is aileen too..u know what..her 2nd birthday same as your aileen, yesterday..btw happy birthday^^

  615. Maya says:

    Happy birthday!!!!!

  616. Nixeey says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Such a sweet family you have! Best wishes to you 😀

  617. Nixeey says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! Such a sweet family you have! Best wishes to you 😀

  618. NetChasser says:

    happy…happy…joy…joy…happy…happy…happy birthday…

  619. Mamaameer says:

    Happy birthday! So Sweet

  620. Freebies Fish says:

    Happy birthday 🙂

  621. love says:

    blessed birthday to you aileen!

  622. boey says:

    ~~ Happy Birthday Aileen ~~ 🙂

  623. Richard says:

    Hapi B’day! Your husband and son is your greatest b’day gift ^^

  624. masmurni abdul kadir says:

    happy birthday aileen…

  625. apple apple says:

    happy birthday

  626. Nemo says:

    Wonderful birthday surprises from your family !! Wishing you joy & happiness 🙂 – from singapore.

  627. kaishin_92 says:

    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! ! ! 😀

  628. atoyissan says:

    it so sweet…happy birthday Aileen..

  629. atoyissan says:

    it so sweet…happy birthday Aileen..

  630. atoyissan says:

    it so sweet…happy birthday Aileen..

  631. atoyissan says:

    it so sweet…happy birthday Aileen..

  632. atoyissan says:

    it so sweet…happy birthday Aileen..

  633. atoyissan says:

    it so sweet…happy birthday Aileen..

  634. stone-cold angel says:

    Happy birthday! 

  635. stone-cold angel says:

    Happy birthday! 

  636. stone-cold angel says:

    Happy birthday! 

  637. stone-cold angel says:

    Happy birthday! 

  638. stone-cold angel says:

    Happy birthday! 

  639. stone-cold angel says:

    Happy birthday! 

  640. Mamabebeh says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Sooooo sweetttt!!! Happy for you!!

  641. Mamabebeh says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Sooooo sweetttt!!! Happy for you!!

  642. Mamabebeh says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Sooooo sweetttt!!! Happy for you!!

  643. Mamabebeh says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Sooooo sweetttt!!! Happy for you!!

  644. Mamabebeh says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Sooooo sweetttt!!! Happy for you!!

  645. Mamabebeh says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Sooooo sweetttt!!! Happy for you!!

  646. nur bijen says:

    happy birthday to you, Aileen…. what a great surprise from your hubby and son! I’m also touched with it 🙂

    May God bless your family 🙂

  647. nur bijen says:

    happy birthday to you, Aileen…. what a great surprise from your hubby and son! I’m also touched with it 🙂

    May God bless your family 🙂

  648. nur bijen says:

    happy birthday to you, Aileen…. what a great surprise from your hubby and son! I’m also touched with it 🙂

    May God bless your family 🙂

  649. nur bijen says:

    happy birthday to you, Aileen…. what a great surprise from your hubby and son! I’m also touched with it 🙂

    May God bless your family 🙂

  650. nur bijen says:

    happy birthday to you, Aileen…. what a great surprise from your hubby and son! I’m also touched with it 🙂

    May God bless your family 🙂

  651. nur bijen says:

    happy birthday to you, Aileen…. what a great surprise from your hubby and son! I’m also touched with it 🙂

    May God bless your family 🙂

  652. emily says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HOPE YOU WERE SURPRISED! This surprise is rly sweet!

  653. Late Bloomer says:

    Greetings from the Philippines! God bless you and your family! 😉

  654. darlyn says:

    Belated Happy Birthday. more blessings to come 🙂

  655. tyx_ says:

    Hi there, Happy Birthday! What a sweet surprise :))

  656. Swexie says:

    happy birthday aileen! =)

  657. Denniskay1979 says:

    Interesting Read, Happy Birthday to you and best wishes for your family.

  658. Colene Koh says:

    Happy Birthday! Wishing you happiness! You have a very sweet husband and an adorable son! 生日快乐!  from singapore with love! 

  659. Doreeeeen says:

    Came across the ad that your husband posted online so here I am! Happy birthday Aileen, have a blessed year ahead with your family. God bless you and your family members:)

  660. Wonjeong says:

    Happy b’day

  661. jonathon koh says:

    Happy birthday Aileen. You are really a blissful woman with such a loving family. Keep it up. Have fun and stay blissful.

  662. jonathon koh says:

    Happy birthday Aileen. You are really a blissful woman with such a loving family. Keep it up. Have fun and stay blissful.

  663. Happy birthday Aileen. You are one lucky woman! 😀

  664. Happy birthday Aileen. You are one lucky woman! 😀

  665. wazlib says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen! You’re husband is so sweet 🙂 God Bless to you and your family 🙂

  666. Laarni says:

    Happy birthday! Kisses from the Philippines!!!! <3

  667. kaika says:

    Happy birthday ^^

  668. mNhL says:

    Happy Birthday to you ! You have a great hubby to do all these for you 🙂 Have a blast !

  669. near says:

    happy birthday! u are very lucky 🙂

  670. Shanay Tan says:

    Hi, am here coz I saw the ad on Churp Churp…. and I gotta say… you got a very sweet husband for doing this all for you! Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great one!

  671. Simvideo says:

    Happy Birthday To You ^^


  673. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday 🙂

  674. Sharon Kang says:

    Happy Birthday!!

  675. Jade Cheah says:

    Happy Birthday gorgeous! Have a great one too! 
    Btw, your hubby has been all sweet to do this for you…
    Forgive him for cracking the password to your account. LOL

  676. Gwyn says:

    Happy birthday! (: Your son is adorable!

  677. Fernand Yim says:

    Hi there!

    For sure you have been greeted in the sweetest words by the previous bloggers here. You surely are blessed to have a loving and very thoughtful family. You must be a person, a wife and a mother, who is very loving and caring that people around you take extra mile to express their love for you! Happy birthday and may God bless your whole family and thank you for the inspiring us! Take care!

    From Fernand Yim of Reporting Fernand Yim (www.fernandyim.com)

    The Picture: “Hmmm, let me get you your Birthday Silvanas!”

  678. Danacucumber says:

    happy birthday! :))

  679. Rhonz says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂

  680. birthdaywishes says:

    Happy Birthday. You have a wonderful husband and son…I wish for you only the best! 

  681. Mei Fen May says:

    happy birthday! you’re so lucky! have a blessed one 🙂

  682. Peng Chin says:

    HappY Birthday!!! Enjoy ur days with your family… =DDD

  683. Shi Jing Voon says:

    Happy birthday!!! 🙂

  684. Garry Lloyd says:

    Happy Birthday! 

  685. Syah says:

    Happy birthday! Stay beautiful and may God bless you!

  686. Syah says:

    Happy birthday! Stay beautiful and may God bless you!

  687. Sarah says:

    Happy birthday! Stay happy as a family! 🙂

  688. voon fen fen says:

    ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY AILEEN!~^.<wish you have enjoyed your day with your awesome husband and adorable son^^

  689. Cassie Barlow says:

    Awesome idea! Happy birthday 🙂

  690. Cassie Barlow says:

    Awesome idea! Happy birthday 🙂

  691. Cassie Barlow says:

    Awesome idea! Happy birthday 🙂

  692. Lyn Labradores says:

    Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest. Happy Birthday!!! You’re so lucky to have sweet and loving family. 

    From Philippines 

  693. Adelynn12 says:

    HappY Birthday !!!! 

  694. Yen says:

    Happy Birthday Ailene! More Rockstar to come =)

  695. Anna Tan says:

    Have a great birthday!

  696. Nick says:

    Hi Aileen. Happy Birthday from Sandakan!! You have a great hubby and son (chucky lol). Take care and GBU!

  697. Melissa Solito says:

    Happy birthday from Davao City! ^__^

  698. yr reader :) says:

    Happy birthday!! 🙂 

  699. Arianne says:

    Have a blessed birthday!! Happy Birthday!!! :))

  700. iamBuchok says:

    Belated happy birthday! Cheers!

  701. lil.dreadie says:

    Happy bday

  702. Ocado Rizza says:

    happy birthday!!! hope u had a good one!

  703. Annexia_2418 says:

    hi! im annexia from phils. sorry coz i know this maybe late but i do hope i can still make u smile for just greeting u a happy birthday wish u all the best qualities that a mother should have. god bless..

  704. Pons says:

    Happy birthday, Aileen!

  705. Anonymous says:

    This is such a cute post !! Happy Birthday Aileen ! Hope your day is filled with lots of love with both your hubby and Rockstar!

  706. SiuTung says:

    Happy Birthday Aileen, Your family is so sweet!!!

  707. Sdfs says:

    happy birthday !

  708. bella says:

    happy birthday!!

  709. Ton says:

    happy birthday aileen…wish you have more birthdays to come…

  710. Ming says:

    oh dear… am I late by a day? happy belated birthday then!

  711. claire says:

    Happy Belated Birthday~

  712. claire says:

    Happy Belated Birthday~

  713. Lynne Esguerra says:

    Better late than never.  Happy happy birthday!

  714. Marilou Lim says:

    hey there… happy birthday!!!!!  — Lucky Cow Shop from the Philippines

  715. Askangelica says:

    Hope you have the bestest most beautiful birthday ever!

  716. Jennifer Aro says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂

  717. seeyeahlah says:

    Happy birthday! 😀

  718. Ruth from Manila says:

    Happy Birthday! May your son grow up to be as thoughtful as you and your husband! =D

  719. Manel says:

    Happy birthday Aileen! 🙂

  720. Annaziz2003 says:

    Happy Birthday!!

    p.s. sorry if it’s a day late… 😉

  721. Quimboph1 says:

    happy birthday aileen from Philippines!!!

  722. Leahfontanos says:


  723. Chinbadua says:


  724. Kingwai Lai2250 says:

    Happy Birthday

  725. Buchi Coffee says:

    happy birthday!!!!

  726. Lis says:

    Happy Birthday from the Jones Dunn family Avalon in Sydney. Hope you get lots of cuddles and cake.

  727. Beck says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  728. Ninin says:

    Happy Happy Birthday! You must be a great mommy and honey. God bless to your family! 🙂

  729. charvest says:

    Happy Birthday!! 🙂

  730. this is so sweet!  Happy Birthday! You’re truly blessed!

  731. hoyoyi ng says:

    Raising a rockstar is a great investment! Btw, your rockstar look so charming! Happy Birthday to you. FYI, your hubby is really crazy to do this little favor XD

  732. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂

  733. Hlh says:

    Happy Birthday!! 🙂

  734. Weddingbliss88 says:

    haaaappy birthday!!!:) Hope you have a great one!

    – Joy from Manila, Philippines

  735. Candy says:

    Happy Birthday to You!!!

  736. xeeeng says:


  737. Ohitstanyaa says:

    Happy Birthday!!

  738. Pingback: Epilogue: Part 2 – The Best Post Ever Written On My blog Is By 723 People Who Are Not Me | Raising Rockstar

  739. eli says:

    Happy Birthday!! 😀 

  740. Franco says:

    Happy Birthday to you:)

  741. Boonping says:

    Happy belated birthday! 

  742. jk says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!  Cute, cute flash pic!!  🙂
    Such a sweet gesture from yr family (and that includes JD) 🙂

    p/s aisayman…. i missed out wishing you happy birthday on the actual date.  🙂

  743. Yna amores says:

    Happy birthday Aileen!!!!

  744. Shuxin says:


  745. Akosinerad says:

    Happy Birthday :”>

  746. Promosfreebies says:

    Happy Birthday!!! 

  747. Pingback: Strangers’ kindness « An Organized Mess

  748. schan says:

    Happy belated birthday!

  749. dora says:

    wow, looks like i’m pretty late to this birthday party. but out of appreciation of your wonderful hubby’s effort, i must say a very happy belated birthday to you too. may you have many many more wonderful birthday surprises! 🙂

  750. Mekinudols says:

    belated happy birthday! <:)

  751. Pingback: Happy Birthday Kings – The Other 365 Days | Raising Rockstar

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