Spare post while we fly somewhere, til I get to write again 😛 this is posted from Hong Kong International Airport (Free government Wifi! This a great country or what? The uncle next to me in the foodcourt is on a souped up Apple! And if he happens to by some bizarre coincidence stumble on the mummy blog, I would like to say for the record that he is very handsome. Ahem.)
You can probably see one gem every couple days… Will post more soon, decided to try collecting these especially since Rockstar is supposed to start reading soon… Too bad I missed the supercar with the “OMG” plate because Rockstar was playing Word Bingo on my phone..
Dear Aileen, enjoy your holidays! Safe journey. Can’t wait to read your holiday posts. 🙂
Aiya paisay we’re not on holiday, just visiting inlaws, so probably no holiday post this round 😛
Thank you for the nice wishes though! We’ll be home in a bit..
I consider visiting inlaws as a holiday too, at least for your husband who (I assume) is taking time off work to visit his parents. Do post about things that you observe in NS (I am assuming again) that strikes you as interesting/different from HK/different from before or the one distant female relative that gets on your nerves (the one who wanted to snatch JD from you) or etc, etc – would make a very interesting read too.
He’s been back once or twice recently on his own and also meets them in Singapore, he travels there quite a bit for work so has always seen them quite regularly… This trip is specially for them to c Rockstar (and since I now know you read the relevant posts then I guess you already figured this is me keeping a promise made 🙂
Will have a think about how to attempt answering your request but need a bit of time la
I was thinking you meant holiday as in vacation location.. btw because of primary school interviews commencing during year end/start next year for kindy 2 kids (yes, the last day of k1 term was just couple days ago at least at his school!), it throws a damper on vaccie plans for families with kids this age…