So once again, I find myself greatly entertained by Rockstar’s school work…
Aside from a brief resemblance to our Alam Dan Manusia (rough translation: World and People?) lessons of yore which are also often heavy on the rote, Rockstar’s reading/writing/creativity exercises are pretty different than I remember…

Among others, I think this is some of what he summarized when he was supposed to use kid-friendly search engines to research…
And this one below… The pink post-its are questions his classmates write, part of which if I recall correctly were for a “Wonder Wall” about the properties of materials… Btw Rockstar told me his classmates periodically prepare and send in “extras” too, of the class-exhibits sort, with their own notes to support a learning unit, especially if they’ve been out sick or something, to make up for it I guess… The one below btw – one of his other classmates sent their preso in (chosen material was rubber, I think the mum said) on powerpoint..
This next one I think is an experiment in school involving tissue paper, water (vaguely remember they’d been practicing measurement units online for math too), food coloring etc to show… absorption rate? I remember doing something like this but not in Y2…

Looks like they got to watch some experiments from the West Island Secondary School just behind their school too…
(That’s Mister Clock to you… And being amazed by experiment results does deserve a “My Goodness!” don’t you think? :D)

And he wrote “Na, Na-na-na-na!” in his science experiment illustration when the house didn’t fall down?!
The 3 little piggies would’ve approved
Lastly, this one was when they come up with an invention to illustrate their understanding of the properties of materials…
(And as always Rockstar rarely uses a lot of color…)
Paper sun shade => solar power => for charging laptops and iPhones <roll eyes> and boosting wi-fi reception <double roll eyes>
So this would be about the end, except about this time is when I might get a note if I don’t put a cute kid pic (or two) up, so here they are.
De ends.
ps: And the black hat/ yellow hat stuff has to do with the kinds of thoughts or questions they’re supposed to come up with based on each colored hat… I’m guessing this is similar to when they made choices classified as “red” or “green” since Kindy days….
Good to see Rockstar so enthusiastic about learning! Just look at the amount of stars that he drew. So I guess Year 2 will be over soon.
Thanks for the photos of both Rockstars!
Oh right he obviously really enjoyed it since he gave it so many stars haha
Quite amazing how different the different school hols are… One kid can b off and then the other is not… And then one mum of a kid going to local school told me local schools aren’t even off for very long at all… So i’ve been quite disoriented…