Just before the hols Rockstar’s school celebrated Green Week, which meant an entire week of festivities lessons and activities designed to raise kids’ awareness about the environment and the role we play in preserving it. That included doing away with ziplocks and other disposables in lunch boxes (despite best efforts Rockstar would later tell me we still got dinged on the plastic bag the helper wraps a fresh sunhat in – wow were they meticulous, Mr Gore would approve), no printouts of bulletins (just soft copy), air conditioning/ heating/computers off for a day (students could even log in to En Trak monitor to see how much energy they saved), “trashion” and recycling ideas competitions.
Rockstar enjoyed “No Meat Monday” aimed at raising awareness that farming causes Methane, one of the greenhouse gases – he was all tickled because Methane is well, cow fart, and my son is yet to meet a fart joke he doesn’t like. Great day indeed, when school and fart-related activities converge.
And then this was Rockstar’s submission for his year’s Green idea competition:

It’s the “‘I Like To Move It’ Shaker” – but I had to cut out the word “Shaker” because his name and class are there and would you believe I couldn’t fit a sticker over his name because of the shape of the pic what gives…
And here’s his “invention” (he likes to call it that) in the glass:
Yes that is Rockstar’s picture in the baby food jar and you fill it with old Lego bits and so he Moves It when you shake it, hence the name – from Madagascar’s I Like To Move It Move It, which I’d never heard of because we don’t watch these things, and then one day Rockstar comes home from school and says one of his classmates is doing this all the time and can we check out the Youtube:
And this is Rockstar coming home from school after the kids all presented their ideas during their Year 1 assembly or something (not easy to get a straight answer out of a 5 year old Moving It the whole time during your conversation):
I asked him if people thought it was funny, he said when he read his idea out the other kids were “Huh? – -” but really, first he forgot to take the shaker out of his bag (in which case who’s going to know what he’s talking about and I was so pissed because he was on my back to get him the stuff to do that at the height of Little Miss’ and my colds after being up nights and then he freaking forgot to take it out of his bag?!)

But that was because he took the one on the left out of his bag first, which I’d done for him because of the superglue
After which he said he was just too excited and forgot everything. “- -“
Well anyway one of the things he said he enjoyed most was getting to go with another friend to turn their entries in, somewhere in the upper echelons of the older kids classes, and then Other Madagascar-ing Friend was pretty happy he inspired Rockstar’s invention and apparently keeps Moving It (Rockstar claims lots of his friends were doing that when they “got” it) so it’s all good. Rockstar had a lot of fun, that last week of school…
Wow! Rockstar is really moving it in the photo! He must have really enjoyed himself. I really like how the school teaches children about being green at such a young age,
Yeah I was quite impressed that Rockstar came back suitably “green-ed” and I think the fact he enjoyed the festivities also played a part in him remembering so much… I initially wanted to put their bulletin up which had all the week’s festivities but then I have to block out logins, picture, and somehow the App (updated version) I’m using for it chops the picture a lot and I’m trying to post with minimal time taken, what with the kids home and all…
One general comment I get from some Asians I meet will be that they have so much play in ESF schools but I think if Rockstar didn’t enjoy himself that much he would’ve remembered a lot less…