If you didn’t guess by their facial expressions, this is my dog telling on my child. For reasons known only to her, JD had decided this evening she didn’t want Rockstar to touch her cheeks. Of course this just makes him want to do it more, so she’s come over to me vegging on the sofa in front of bad reality tv to complain.
Rockstar is posing for a pic while deliberately annoying the dog for the camera. And yes, dog and child regularly take turns yanking each other’s chains. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe they aren’t the same species…
And yes we remind Rockstar constantly 1) not to push his luck 2) not every dog is JD
Haha, both their expressions are so alike!
Tho maybe their expressions aren’t quite alike this one time, I have always seen a family resemblance between the two. And they regularly switch roles
my brother pulled our dog’s mouth to the sides, forming a smile. the dog is a mixed breed (dont know what breed, was a wild dog) and is fierce. it bit my brother’s leg and he has to undergo stitches. until today the scar’s still there. btw this happened 20+ years ago. the scar’s pretty long and serious leh. about 10cm+ long.
Oh dear 10 stitches and 20+ years is one really bad bite… I grew up with 8 mutts, my mum always seemed to b bringing mutts home, I haven’t been bitten very badly, but they have bitten each other… That is not to say fierce purebreds don’t do that too though.. Yes my mum likes to remind me a dog is at the end of the day still an animal… Though it doesn’t stop her spoiling hers like humans