Color Splasher necklaces I had the kids make for my mum and my mother-in-law…

They turn color with warm or ice-y water – note dark blue patterns… Rockstar used to have Cars toys made from the same material as these beads so he was all Yeah I Know These Things
This Mother’s Day I celebrated the blessing of my children by telling them we are making one necklace for Daddy’s Mummy and one for Mummy’s Mummy.
The 2 necklaces are almost identical; I’m not even sure which is in the pic and which is in the box. They look simple, but lemme tell you – when it’s an opinionated not-yet 2 year old doing most of the threading and an opinionated 6-year old who gets huffy at his sis and then abruptly goes, “Wait. It’s beads. Why am I even threading beads” <trots off to look for macho Star Wars-something> (So then we enlisted him on Gift Presentation Duty..)
(Super pretty and elaborate means not done by them, sadly. And I don’t think either grandmother wanted something I made, they want something by the darling grandkids :D.) So it took awhile.
Some days, it was one bead. It is the most thoughtful Mother’s Day gift I could think of for Kings’ and my mums this year. Like, I don’t always manage to think of something. But in the end I think there was a lot of craft opportunity what with Wetlands Park on the weekend and the kids made something for all the grownups – keychains, bracelets, origami or etc… The Rockstars have warm, sweet cousins who give lots of cuddles! Not like a certain reserved Mr I Need My Personal Space haha so I was quite impressed his cousins will walk up to you and just give you a hug. Though what with the Miss being very sticky he is also getting there now…)
And THEN – something funny too – somehow Kings and I thought Mother’s Day was on Saturday. I called my own mum to wish her on Saturday. And then late morning on Sunday we realized Mother’s Day itself is SUNDAY <palms forehead> Actually quite dumb but honestly I had in my mind that the entire weekend is Mother’s Day anyway. So I called my mum to wish her on the actual day again and she laughed at me and said the nearest post office in Island Glades has closed down and so she hasn’t sent my card yet anyway <snort>.
Anyway my inlaw family is here for long weekend, and what with the heavy rain everyone went to Wetlands Park, and there was craft and gift giving there and I wanted to write something quickly because I’m already late to post which is why I didn’t wait for picture vetting and Kings is still zzz-ing from working late into the night after the Mother’s Day festivities but You Who Write Me An Email On Mother’s Day Just To Say Something Nice – you are why I rush things out. When I first agreed to blog for Kings’ platform, the idea of writing my thoughts publicly really scared me. Haters will read your blog a lot more carefully than people with good in mind. But you whom I don’t even know – thank you for the nice emails. For texts and FBs.
The blog helps me learn – from making me think more, try harder, knowing it’s out there and more critical than supportive people read it. (Lemme just say – it’s a lot easy to shoot something anonymously.) So, you supportive people who share your ideas (What, you think I’m just really good at parenting? <snort> I wasn’t even a kiddie person until Rockstar was born, I’ve said many times) and send encouragement out of the blue. You have no idea how much that means to me.

And a BIG THANK YOU to my inlaw family for scented red flower and unicorn! (I mention because everyone in the club Bel Air region will know the clubhouse hands out yellow and pink tulips when ’tis the season)
I’m sure the Miss loves the horsie too. The Miss And I Shall Share Unicorn! (Wow I get new material every day)

(JD looks like that because she was not in the mood for pics, not because she picked up the unicorn and I had to shampoo it last night – but we can certainly give her a taste of the cookies I also got!)
Happy Mothers Day To All.
ps: Too many of my friends had difficulties conceiving, complications and fears during pregnancy….. Both Rockstars were delivered by semi-emergency (he wasn’t dropping and they couldn’t see why; after they opened me up they realized it was because the chord was unusually short and wrapped round his neck – natural birth would have been dangerous) and emergency (she was early, there was no warning – we were literally about to go for regular 3km walk on the Peak with JD and dropped by the hospital “just to be sure” – they put a tag on me and said “you’re not leaving til you’ve had the baby”) C-section. I have to remember to be thankful.
Mother’s Day is not just about celebrating all the hard work mothers do. It’s for mothers to be thankful for one of the greatest gifts we have been blessed with. Praise the Lord. The responsibility and the opportunity to discharge said responsibility to the very best of our ability is an honor.
Happy belated mother’s day to you Aileen! Haha I don’t even know whether people wish belated wishes for mother’s day.
So pink unicorn does exist.
I just love the photo of Miss Rockstar hard at work threading the beads.
My dear friend. Thank you. Hope you are having a good time on your trip.