Rockstar posing with “our” baby… Took some coaxing to get him to hold her, and then after he was comfortable he wouldn’t hand her back… Which is something, because the Rockstar is very much not a huggy, kissy child. Good luck, any future baby boyfriends…
This my favorite… more natural, he wasn’t smiling especially for the camera…
Then it was the dad’s turn:
And then… it was mine
(She was feeding sleepily though)
Ps: I’m still 56kg on a good day, 57kg on a bad one… I have two of these Vince cotton jersey navy blue dresses, the one I’m wearing in the pic is an XS from before I was pregnant, I also have an L (last piece on final sale why not) which I used when pregnant – they fit pretty much the same to me, except I have to hike up the L a lot…
Both Rockstars are so adorable together!
Thanks dear, for us we especially valued that moment becaue Rockstar is very undemonstrative in his affections usually