So the circus took ourselves to Sai Kung yesterday, only to discover practically all our regular hangout cafes gutted in heavy renovations that would take some 6 months. JD couldn’t swim in the sea either, because all the dog-bath shops were closed (I know this because I walked with each Rockstar round to each one I was aware of in the area just to make sure, because we drove all the way here and JD hadn’t had a swim in the sea in like, forever :() and we would then be traipsing the hour-long drive home with a salty wet dog in the front seat.
(Or, I Can’t Believe I Let My Husband Swing Two Children At Once, Near A Large Body Of Water)

….Or to chase Ko-ko round and round……. Even as the excited dog starts barking and shoots by, thereby earning a telling off from Daddy for herding someone’s much-loved mutt alighting from a boat at the pier…..
(YES we were very careful with the Miss)
As we drove off into the sunset, with Kings.
Rockstar’s good friend in school did a magic trick specially for him, which his mum Whatsapp-ed over and so we watched it in the car going back….. And Rockstar filmed his own thank you for me to send back (we all chipped in in the car too)….
But not before Rockstar mused, “You know, (friend) did a magic trick recently, and I got to be his assistant in class. Wouldn’t it be cool if one day we grew up and I became a famous scientist like Isaac Newton and he was a famous magician like David Copperfield?”
Just so…
Thank you Aileen for posting these beautiful and warm family bonding photos with very entertaining captions.
Rockstar, may you become a famous scientist when you grow up (if that’s what your ambition is)!