Many of Rockstar’s school friends worked creatively in many different mediums of expression, culminating with the showing of their original works – poems and prose, fashion design, weavings (particularly with varied textures and materials), towering building constructions, musical interpretations, dance moves, video games with some interesting original-designed villains, to name a few…
So this is a quick and by no means exhaustive post of some of the creations on the night, in one of those inspiring Can’t Believe These Are Made By Kids moments
Bravest, most inspiring answer I got to the question, “What is the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself through the Exhibition process?” was the very honest, “Coding is hard and I got so mad (when there were) bugs and I really had to try so hard to stick with it and finish.”
(He admitted it was hard! He didn’t give up! My reply was, “That’s so encouraging. I find coding hard too, and if you had insisted it was all super easy, I might think I was the only one who found it hard, and that I just wasn’t cut out for it… and then maybe I’d give up and never learn it.”)
This post, I hardly need to write nuthin’
I Can’t Even, I Can’t Even. And the one on the right reaches almost from floor to ceiling I Can’t Even.
And of course fashion and costume design…
…looks store-bought, but they made what they’re wearing – skirt, scarf, multi-pocketed pants, full armour and shield…