1) “Adults are hoping for answers (to ‘What you want to be when you grow up?’) like ‘I want to be an astronaut, or a neurosurgeon’……… You adults and your imaginations. Kids, they’re most likely to answer with ‘pro-skateboarder’…. or ‘mine craft player’. See, us kids are most likely to answer based on… what we think is cool. And it’s typically the opposite of what adults wanna hear.” 13 year old Logan LaPlante’s Hackschooling makes me happy at University of Nevada (“hack” schooling as in life “hacks”, hacking easier or more productive ways of doing things). If you’re in the mood for something heavier than cute animal mustaches then watch this kid, he can really speak:
Oh, and the comments re Hackschooling video had some pretty good quotes too:
“……..When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” ~ John Lennon
I especially love Albert Einstein’s: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
2) This 7 year old girl didn’t get a pet dragon from her parents for Christmas. So she wrote to scientists at Australian agency CSIRO to see if they could make her one.
The lovely scientists published a response on their blog:
“…………Over the past 87 odd years we have not been able to create a dragon or dragon eggs… And for this Australia, we are sorry.”
3) This is just cute: Kids totally winning at this Hide and Seek thing.
4) This is inspiring: 35 Pictures That Prove The World Isn’t Such A Bad Place

That’s what the dollar “bought” them at the dollar store… Instead of the plastic-y cheap toy for a dollar, they got the experience of doing something for nothing
5) This one’s by what is obviously a Dad of Awesome Toddler. (No wait, they’re all awesome toddlers. This one’s dad was just funnier.)
Also click link for more funny little kiddie notes (updated from last time this was up here)

But couldn’t resist putting this one up. It says “Dear Dad can I do Karate, I promise I won’t hurt you”
Oh and here’s one of Rockstar’s – he wrote for the “My Garden, My Friend” essay competition via the school recently:
(He didn’t win anything, but in the interests of praising the effort he’d got a little Chima Lego set from us for the trouble… And ironically he really did the proverbial Astronaut When I Grow Up thing that LaPlante in item (1) mentioned)
6) “It’s not Mc Donald’s that makes you fat. It’s your choices that make you fat….” 280 lb high school biology teacher loses 37lbs in 90 days on a diet 3 of his students map out for him – limiting intake to 2,000 calories a day and adhering to 15 nutritional guidelines recommended by the FDA.
The catch? They have to do it on a Mc Donald’s menu.
Yes they probably watched Supersize Me for homework. That is one dedicated teacher. I would just never eat 90 days of only Mc Donald’s fare to make my lesson more interesting to students. Story here.
7) This Friday Little Miss’ commentary butts into The Mens’ horsing around…
Good weekend, dears…..
I love Rockstar’s “My Garden, My Friend” piece with its unique sketches of the spider plants in the rocket and the astronaut standing beside the rocket. And he got the idea to illustrate that spider plants are the best in cleaning air by showing it on the winner’s podium. You really must save this piece of work (in hard copy).