Yesterday I went to Great in Pacific Place looking for a tree and they weren’t here yet, and then the tree lady got all uppity about how people book their trees before they arrive (snobby, much?) and they’re gonna be all gone if I don’t book mine like, now.
Well excuse me for not deciding on a real tree yet – I absolutely love the smell of the real trees, but get guiltier and guiltier every year (rarely buy flower bouquets for the same reason, only flowers in pots) and was thinking maybe, maybe this is the year I shall not require “good cheer” via real pine smell and shall instead go for That Plastic Tree Which Kings Will Insist On Throwing Out The Moment Christmas Is Over, Thereby Possibly Being Even Worse For The Environment If It Is Some Made In China Non-Biodegradeable Thing Yes It’s Possible I Had Too Much Caffeine Again. Oh, but the HKD 100 for 5 decorations said tree lady in Great pointed out were brilliant and much better than what Park n Shop has. You should go get some. I might go back for more, Ms Rockstar hasn’t seen acorns painted in gold yet.
But over the weekend Kings was holed up at home preparing for a host of Asia Bankers’ Club events (think glass house wine tasting/ private jet sale financing/ helicopter riding/ paintings auction/ electric car demo – type stuff) and so I decided to entertain Rockstar with chicken soup.
This is a picture of Rockstar holding the gingerbread-village-in-a-box we got from Park n Shop along with the chicken soup ingredients. It is upside down. Neither of us was inclined to care by this stage, me lugging a heavy bag of groceries (for Chicken Noodle Chicken Soup) and Rockstar complaining about walking all the way there and walking all the way back while we were both tripping over the dog.
That Dog. You would’ve thought after winning HK Agility International Competition (team obstacle event at advanced level) she would be able to walk straight, but nooooo. We trip over That Dog all the time. Even more if she is on a leash. Someone told me Border Collies don’t run straight from being bred to run in circles round sheep, but That Dog has an additional Walk Right Into Your Legs Gene.
(Come to think of it fortunately at the Bishan Dog Run Of Olde when they checked that she is not A Vicious Animal I Allow Near Children (seriously – they seriously did things like wave their hands over That Dog’s face and lumber stiff-legged at her in order to mimic a toddler’s movements, the guy said, and then gave That Dog a card before she was allowed in certain dog runs back in the day in Singapore) the Person Pretending To Be Toddler did not require her to walk in a straight line….)
On the way to the school bus Rockstar has run at full speed in the chilly morning wind through the adjacent play area, rammed into the dog and fallen over, then in fury asked why we can’t “get a new dog.”
Anyway we make it home, and that evening make the Chicken Noodle Chicken Soup because I can’t find chicken stock and so dump chicken noodle into the pot instead (yes I cook this way! Rockstar chopped tomatoes and potatoes!) and then next evening after school Rockstar starts on the gingerbread.
No it is not easy. The icing just went everywhere – Rockstar took one look and one lick, declared the icing was “disgusting” and mostly methodically stuck M&Ms and sprinkles.
I don’t know how people who bake and decorate cakes do it – IT’S SO HARD. It’s so annoying! Do bakers swear all the time? Resort to a life of crime? Secretly order from Sift (she’s a former banker btw) and Cova? When I’m done with the fiddly icing bag and eating so many “mistakes” I feel sick (and this Rockstar is no help – HOW can an almost-5yr old not like icing?! Okla to be fair he licked up a couple of his own mistakes but not without an “Ew”.) I do not feel cheerful, warm and happy.
Anyway this the best we could do. Oh, shut up.
Ice, ice baby. How can people DO this for fun, relaxation and all manner of other positive fuzzy feelings, I would like to know? Every time the bloody gingerbread walls collapsed I had to keep from swearing my head off in front of my elder child.
And this one with Ms Rockstar’s contribution:
Crane (per Rockstar) to aid (demolish?) this little rickety gingerbread village’s construction. Even as William, the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s blue hippo mascot roars menacingly before going on a stampeding sugar-fueled rampage. That Dog btw, keeps stalking the gingerbread. No I did not give her Rockstar’s sprinkled-to-death leftovers, but she did get a bite of the mostly plain gingerbread he was eating.
Ms Rockstar chose the Christmas Tree baby toy (kept looking at that one over the others but I forgot to snap a pic of her chewing the top of the tree) – you can fit the baby-friendly star on top, and it opens up to reveal a crinkly gift-wrapped pressie and little bear rattle. Loves! Rather than all the powdery glittery fake snow decor I shall deck our halls with baby friendly toys.
More pics soon…
Ps: I’m kinda hoping for a potted (never as pretty – there’s this kind they ship in from the States that is really lovely but always chopped down) tree we can put on the balcony after so wish me luck with that too
Hope you have decided on the type of tree that you want for this Christmas and gets it before it is out of stock.
Was it Rockstar’s idea to get the Gingerbread village? How come Rockstar is assembling it on a bed/sofa and not on a table? I think I will give this craft a pass after reading your experience with it, hehehehe. Don’t fancy licking away mistakes, hehehe.
Some ideas of where else to get your Christmas trees (in no particular order):
P&F Garden (50 Shui Choi Tin Village, Victoria Rd., Pokfulam. Tel: 2812 0948)
Or from last year’s list