Little Miss’ Baby Dedication

Last Sunday, a week after she turned one, we did Little Miss’ Baby Dedication. As Island ECC practices believer’s baptism (i.e. when you are old enough to choose to be baptized), it was more a step for us parents, dedicating her to the Lord. I thought of it as a reminder of how we raise our kids for a time, whereupon they grow up and become their own person – kind of like us being good stewards of our blessings but to remember they come from the Lord. We don’t “own” two children, and I hoped the reminder would make me a better parent. Reminding myself I have to learn to let go someday would also temper any tendency to go Achievement Junkie on The Rockstars.

(Most) eyes closed in prayer

(Most) eyes closed in prayer

Rockstar gives a high five!

Rockstar gives a high five!

So does Little Miss!

So does Little Miss!

I also felt we needed this step because parenting is…… this huge crushing responsibility that threatens to overwhelm me (That’s another human being! Someday that’s someone’s husband/ wife/ mum/ dad/ best friend/ boss/ subordinate/ let’s all hyperventilate now!)

Sometimes it’s like I pass other parents who have 3, 4 kids in tow and I’m all WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU HAVE KIDS! I CAN SEE THEM, THEY’RE RIGHT THERE! SO HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY WALK CALMLY DOWN A STREET LIKE YOU CAN BE ALL NORMAL? (New readers: this is meant to be funny.)

Am I the only one who passes those SPCA posters with the huge puppy dog eyes and the phrase “a pet is a lifetime commitment” and think O…..Kay. And Then What Do They Say To The People Who Also Have Kids? And Where Posters? Freak. Out. ….Now. You can mostly spoil dogs right, they aren’t going to grow up and ruin someone’s life. Unless you are my mother because my mother is the Grand Master of Dog Spoiling…………

But seriously – when I worked and kids were the last thing on my mind, I formed the idea that I couldn’t do anything without the Lord. Lotsa market people are religious or superstitious, because it’s a pretty clear illustration of You Can Do Everything Right And Things Can Go Horribly Wrong Anyway. That you are not in control after all. Like the Titanic and Icebergs. You have fancy-wancy risk assessment software to manage this or that tiny movement in the market you have invested in (and really, used to be people would react over like, a 0.3% increase in default probability which is such a massive contrast to all the belly-ups nowadays), you hedge til the cows come home and have all the colorful spreadsheets, the ones with the macros written from scratch, but then you hit Big Fat Iceberg and so we’re all gonna die.

It’s not like I think of viewing God as a good luck charm in the markets, more like I feel I need Him in my life in order to face the challenges life inevitably brings. (And there is no greater challenge than parenting. Social media alone is just a sea of icebergs.) Viewing that current difficulty in life as something He has allowed in order to make me a better version of myself might help me handle it better.

Through the decade+ in the market, I got more and more convinced that I couldn’t achieve if I distanced myself from Him by not trying my sincere best to honor Him in what I said or did, or if my heart wasn’t right. And that was “just” markets and investments, when Yours Truly deliberately did things like forbid RMs from telling me if I was dealing for This Client We Just Bumped Into At Starbucks And Please Let’s Speak In Account Numbers.

Parenting, on the other hand – children. Person. Little. Depends on you. And worst of all? You love them more than you ever thought possible. And- and- get this: You’re supposed to raise ’em. Yes. You.

How much more do I need the Lord to guide me now? How much more do I need my heart to be in the right place now?

So here we are. Oh, Rockstar kinda picked out what Little Miss was wearing because he had the same new shirt he decided to wear that day. I added the flower band because I've never put a flower band on a baby girl so there.


So here we are. Oh, and Rockstar kinda picked out what Little Miss was wearing because he had a matching shirt he’d agreed to wear that day. I added the flower band because I just bought it on a whim from Zara. Rockstar decided the white looked better than the pink. I’m not sure he looked up long enough but I agreed so it all worked out.

And then we went home…. and had Cake. What a Cake it was. It was Cake so good I am addressing it with a capital C to pay it proper respect. Best ordering efforts and all that, this is actually a Sweet 16 cake and Kings had them sell us the topper from the photograph as well and then I cut off the “6” with a scissors. Because of how her original cake turned out last week. Rockstar got to blow out the candle. Another bonus for all the times she’s pulling him about by the shirt and swarming up him.

The Rockstars wrestling over not touching the cake because what Little Miss wants to do is palm-slap it

The Rockstars wrestling over not touching the cake because what Little Miss wants to do is palm-slap it

See? It all works out in the end, we had Baby Dedication Cake. And it was chocolate orange-flavored. And it was good. And Rockstar didn’t even manage to finish one slice but his friends living nearby really enjoyed it.

And here, a few more pictures of Cake, as it left the store. Though in the interests of full disclosure I have to say they still spelled Little Miss’ name wrong on it. It would seem the fabulousness of Cake however kept everyone else from noticing it during pickup and even when Kings filled the electronic order form (correctly, I might add) except me – when we finally took it out of the box at home after church.

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And so our baby was Dedicated, and there was Cake, and it was all Good.

Pink and blue... Little Miss' on the left, Rockstar's almost-5-year-old one on the right...

Pink and blue… Little Miss’ on the left, Rockstar’s almost-5-year-old one on the right…

Praise the Lord.

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6 Responses to Little Miss’ Baby Dedication

  1. mun says:

    Thank you, thank you for putting this post up so quickly despite being busy. 🙂

    Praise the Lord indeed for Miss Rockstar and Rockstar. May He look after them and guide them always.

    What a colourful cake! The cake looks huge. Glad to see Miss Rockstar laughing happily in the photo waiting to palm slap the cake, hehehe.

    Wow, Miss Rockstar can do a perfect wink at 1 year old. Glad you capture that photo.

    • Aileen says:

      Thank YOU dear.. yes Praise the Lord indeed, may He keep us safe…

      sadly I think she’s only winking because of the camera flash, not sure we’ve ever seen her wink otherwise…

      The cake is on the big side for us bearing in mind we don’t have a sweet tooth, but otherwise it looks kinda bigger than it is because it’s placed in front of them… Actually the pink bit is all icing sugar so not really super edible, as is the bottom where the cake plate/tray and her misspelled name is…

  2. jk says:

    That’s an Awesome looking cake!!! The topper looks great. Thanks for sharing this post on Little Miss’ Baby Dedication.

    p/s Does Lil Miss wink very often? 🙂
    pp/s i’m still thinking about the ruined Haagen Dazz cake. 😛

    • Aileen says:

      Neither of my kids can wink, i think! It’s probably a reaction to the camera flaw (sheepish)… but I know someone’s under-1yr-old baby who can wink perfectly… Rockstar only just started, probably because some of his friends are doing it…

      Yes kind of worked out, we got the magnificent cake for Dedication instead, because of the ruined cake the week before…

  3. Mei says:

    1) Aileen ar, why you no wear blue blue like your family wan??? N there I was thinking from the previous post that you guys might be going for a family photo shoot what with the matchy kids outfits 🙂

    2) N that’s a GREATTT make up cake! Totally rocking looking cake for Lil Miss Rockstar’s 1st bday!

    3) Re parenting, tell me about it… >.< I constantly undermine myself if I'm doing ok… The guilt of if I am doing my best, how else can I be better… Am I not nurturing her to my best ability? Am I not doing more when she's so eager to learn? It's not that I expect to raise some Baby Genius. But more of what I can do to bring out the best my child can be.. (Note, I'm not defining what is "best" nor do I benchmark it. But more to guiding her so she learns to give her best shot. I think efforts speak louder than results). All this can crush a 1st time Mom… What more I'm a Working Mom… Some days I feel like a Sheety Mom when the guilt creeps in n I self bash myself up… N some other days, I look at my very verbose 3.5yr old Ms Smarty Pants / Bossy Boots (tongue in cheek yeah) n think, I'm not "that" sucky of a parent I think myself to be… N I allow myself a very, very small pat on the back… 🙂

    Lastly, here's to Motherhood & Fatherhood (with Dad's Day around the corner! ). The struggle will be constant. Efforts, overwhelming. Worries, never ending. Results, never with a certainty. And yet, the journey strangely fulfilling & without a doubt, enriching… 🙂

    A toast to all parents out there… 🙂

    • Aileen says:

      1) Actually me so stressed we might be late (baby had shots 2 days ago so her timing was quite different) that me barely paid attention to what I was wearing 🙁 and it was very hot, usually we attend church sit in back in shorts but thought baby dedication better not wear shorts…

      2) Everyone matchy-matchy might be a bit too Von Trapp family yeah! “Thhhhe Hillllls are a-liiiiiiiiive……..”

      3) I hope as Little Miss gets older and I (hopefully) blog more about her adventures, you will either do me the favor of emailing, if not commenting, your input, as you are the mum of an older girl 🙂 I tell hand-wringing should I shouldn’t I would-be dog owners If You Can Worry You Will Do Alright. And then for parents well……..for us there is Cake 😀

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