Feeding time in the Rockstar household one day… Alternating between feeding herself and letting me do it (some days no one may touch Spoon, so decrees Her Highness)…
Miss: <successfully spooning a mouthful> Egg. ‘Ummeeee.
Me: Yes, egg is yummy…
Miss: <looking over at Rockstar on sofa> Ko-ko. Ko-ko.
Rockstar: <looking up mildly annoyed at being called away from his Youtube. In that instance the resemblance to Kings’ default face when you interrupt him on the laptop is uncanny> Hm? What…? What now?
Miss: (to Rockstar) Clap. Ko-ko, clap.
Rockstar: <still humorless> What am I clapping for?
Miss: Egg. ‘Ummeeee.
Me: Eggs deserve a clap for being ‘Ummeee I guess.
Rockstar rolls his eyes and claps obligingly. The Miss grins conspiratorially at me and claps enthusiastically… We got Ko-ko to clap in the middle of his Youtube, more power to us.
Miss (hiding her Steiff pony under a pillow> Horsie gone. Where Horsie? <lifts pillow> There Horsie! Hor-seeeeeeee! <throws pony at Rockstar>
Rockstar: Mum. She just threw a “Horsie” at me.
Me: Sounds like the words to a song.
Ko Ko is being so nice to the little Miss who is such a cutie!