Rockstar: She really put all the carrots in herself?
Me: And the daisies too.
Miss: <smug> Clap, Koko. Clap.

Unimpressed Rockstar (who clapped obligingly anyway – he almost always does, I actually don’t remember him ever refusing)
Miss: (Seriously, the way a grownup might offer another something to drink)
Koko. Woh-tuh-ring can?
(Rockstar did obligingly water the vegetable patch, despite Unimpressed Face – I consider this very nice of him because he had earlier passed swift judgement that the “pree-tee” garden patch has no laser guns, light sabers or evil Sith to fight.)
And a BIG THANK YOU to the mums-of-little-girls who introduced me to the world of miniaturism for role-play fun and motor skill and vocabulary development! The pieces are VERY SMALL so caveat emptor if you have a toddler who puts everything in their mouth, DO NOT buy these things.
If not for my mum friends whose daughters can handle all these little parts AND who play with these build-on sets for years, I would never have thought to look at these…
And for those who can buy them for their kids, because of the small parts, you should probably go with better quality… these are a Japanese brand that my Korean friends taught me to look for… so they don’t break apart easily or are at least made with better, non-toxic materials – like that West Wing episode where someone asks why you need to spend so much on a glass bowl or ash tray that’s going up in space and the other guy hammers it so it breaks into 3 dull-edged pieces only. Well the Miss isn’t doing space travel any time soon, but then her gardening set didn’t cost USD 200 per glass bowl either…..

Yes this is a letter box that you can really post letters in, and get the letters out the back as well!
There’s dream houses, schools, nurseries, toy shops, burger bars, fish n chips vans, picnic tables, water theme park…. My girlfriends have cottage houses, kitchens and doctor’s and dentist’s offices…
(Oh btw I don’t approve of the sweet shop ones, or the little girls’ toys that have all the pretty colorful cupcakes and doughnuts etc btw, especially not when they’re still really young… They could have made a ribbon or other craft shop with just as much sparkle and color, why did it have to be sweets… I just think you can have a lot of fun with color and glitter without also encouraging eating junk because that craving can last all the way into adulthood… Kind of a thing about starting young at not wanting things that are bad for you. Such a win-win, if what you enjoy is stuff that is good for you anyways.)
Ko ko is ever so obliging to the Miss even though in the photo he is looking at the pieces with a puzzled look – as if he is thinking why are these interesting?