Rockstar: Miss, Miss, can you count for Ko-ko?
Rockstar: No really, Mum, she knows this – Come on, Miss – One….. Two….
Rockstar: <encouragingly> Three, four, five…..
Rockstar: <encouragingly> Six…. seven…..
Rockstar: <bit impatiently> eight, nine, ten.
Miss: Well done, Ko-ko! <claps>
Can’t help but smile at Miss Rockstar’s response! Does Rockstar like to eat the dragonfruit with red flesh too?
Good question I’m actually not sure if he’s tried it, maybe he has but we forgot… but I do distinctly remember the Miss was served red dragon fruit at a pre school session once and does like it…. the juice seems quite hard to wash out though, if I remember correctly..
Hahaha, smarty girl
Yeah lah!