Overheard recently…
Rockstar: <To Miss, while barely looking up from his book> Notti. You are so. Notti.
Miss: Hey. Relax.
Me: <butting in> What did she just say? Did she just say –
Rockstar: <snorts> Yeah.
Me: It sounded like –
Rockstar: Yeah she said “hey, relax”.
Me: ?! You don’t think that’s weird?
Rockstar: No, I know she’s naughty <shrugs><turns back to book>.
Me: Uh……
Ooooooo, Miss Rockstar is so witty with her response.
It’s funny to hear these words coming out of such a little person, but for us of course we had attached additional meaning to them… She can repeat a lot of things parrot-like so to b honest I’m not sure how much of that meaning she intended, but certainly it’s pretty funny coming from her