Bedtime in the Rockstar household….
Me: Our Father…
Miss: Ow Fah-thah…
Me: Who art in Heaven…
Miss: <enthusiastically> Who art! In Heavn!
Me: Hallowed be thy name…
Miss: <enthusiastically> Hello’d! Thy name!
Me: Thy Kingdom –
Miss: Come!
Me: Uh, ok. Thy will be done…
Miss: Amen?
Me: Not yet, Thy will be done…
Miss: <obligingly> Thy will be done…
Me: On earth –
Miss: Earth…
Me: As it is in Heaven.
Miss: Heaven. Amen?
Me: Not y –
Miss: AmenAmenAMEN?
Me: A bit more, darling.
Miss: Oh.
Me: Give us this day…
Miss: Oh…
Me: Give us this day…
(Heard quietly in the darkness)
Miss: Oh….. gosh.….
(Still too long for her, I guess…)
They should really have a Lord’s prayer for toddler version.
Thank you for the photo! Can tell by looking at her laughing away that she was really gleeful and happy with her performance wearing the owl laundry basket over herself.
Yeah she can be a real goofball. When she’s not having food fight or walk fight or reading fight or……!