Little Miss: <pointing to floor-level light> Hot.
Me: No, darling, warm.
Little Miss: Warm-hot.
Me: It’s not really hot, darling. It’s just warm.
Little Miss: Hot.
Me: Warm. If it were hot you wouldn’t be touching it because it would hurt. You would say “Ow”.
Little Miss: <takes hand away and looks at me> Ow.
Little Miss: <decisively> Hot.
Me: Uh…
Miss Rockstar has proved her point that it is hot and not warm with her “Ow”. Smart girl!
Sigh. Stubborn girl. Let’s see when I can take this further with “they wouldn’t be putting hot lights where everyone can touch them, would they?” and see what she comes up with THEN
When she has more words in her vocab, you can be sure that she will come up with something you didn’t expect then.
Lil Miss – 1 ; Mummee – 0….
Yeah totally. Didn’t see that coming. (ducks head)