Me (reading enthusiastically): The owl says “to-whit, to-woo”; the chicken says “cock-a-doodle-doo!” The seagull says “me-ew, me-ew…” And Miss says?
<thoughtful pause>
Little Miss: Ap-ple! Bis-kit! More, please! <giggles winningly>
Here’s a few pics of the Miss I “saved” ……and then forgot to put up. About a year ago – so cute and “innocent” before becoming the cheeky goofball she is today …and that’s one of my old dresses. People who remember me as a toddler – my nanny’s kids etc – say we look very much alike. But I can tell you we did not have the same personality. I was very dependent on approval from a young age, a tiger parent’s dream. The Miss is fearless, a real live wire… and – though it’s not so obvious with Rockstar nowadays since he’s old enough to be reasoned with – both kids would make a tiger parent vomit blood.
Miss Rockstar is so polite to say please when asking for more food.
She looks so sweet in the red top/dress.
She can be very sweet, and does nice things for her brother too… But also very bull-headed when the mood takes her… Not mean (other than the occasional prodding of her brother with a ninja turtle weapon) though, just bull-headed…