Remember that comment by the Miss about Rockstar having to return the favour because she was attending his friend’s party? That “favour” was today…
Miss: Mummy. It’s my friends’ party today?
Me: Yes darling.
Miss: <seriously> Ko-ko must not fight in the party, Mummy. It’s my friends’ party.
Rockstar: <snorts> Why would I want to fight at your friends’ party?
Miss: You won’t. Because it’s my. Friends’. Party.
I guess “please” is too much to ask; Rockstar was ordered to be on his best behaviour (and I similarly instructed by her to make sure of it) when he meets the Miss’ friends. I suppose next she will be picking out our outfits for future social events. I still remember when Rockstar got mad at me for giving him “goofy thumbs up” in front of his friends while volunteering at a school event… And so it begins with the next one… :D)
The party, btw….

(Seriously though, it was like, “Where is she?? HOW did my daughter disappear so quickly?!” OH. FACE PAINTER. Of course. Boom. Buncha girls find their way clean across the room.

I mean… what ELSE could they be doing, right? (They were squishing their faces for all the mummies to take pics :D)
And that’s just where the dining was, they had games elsewhere before it was time to eat. Oversized bouncing castle under the high, mirrored and chandelier-ed ceiling of a grand ballroom. Dis is art. Excuse me while I spend a bit more time being impressed, please.

The Miss’ friends are twins! (I also remember observing that the Miss’ classmate’s Elsa Coronation dress is either tailored to fit perfectly, or else her friend is perfectly-proportioned for off the rack dress-ups (and I say this as someone who has browsed dress-ups on for several big Halloween and other party years
(It amazes me how other mums organise these things. Coordinating the RSVP list alone for these things I find crazy daunting and have therefore never done one. Rockstar, 7.5 years and conveniently having his birthday so close to Christmas and huge thing for skiing to boot, has let me off the hook every year – to this day I have never organised a single full-blown kiddie party for the kids. Your Friends Are All Traveling/ You Are Traveling has worked every time. The Miss…. loves everyone’s birthday relatively equally :D)
Wow, what a grand party! I don’t even want to guess how much this would cost. Did Miss Rockstar choose the face mask (face painting) herself? No more butterflies? Tigers now? She even poses for you when you are taking her photo. She could be in the Cats Musical with that pose and a face drawn like that. Nice!
She initially did choose butterfly… But then she overheard one of her classmates ask for a tiger and changed her mind. It was very nice the other mum kept apologising, but it was quite unnecessary since both the Miss and me found the tiger freaking trippy! A bit… too… trippy. When she started crawling on the floor meowing (well, screeching, really) and growling and initially frightened another toddler
Oh sorry forgot to respond re cost… I do not want to discuss THIS party as that might be a faux pas, but I think you might be entertained to hear some general (as in, I heard the figures since a year ago and TOTALLY NOT RELATED specifically to this party) figures – this venue is one of the hugely kiddie-friendly recreation clubs in HK, of which there are quite a few. Like “everything” else good and desirable in HK, there is a long waiting list for membership – which runs several HKD million. More often, the memberships are passed down from the older generation to the current one which has small kids (i.e. from grandparents to parents) and it was told to me about a year ago that to TRANSFER membership roughly in this way still requires HKD 1mil fee.
Separately, we may be having a “go-Dutch” gathering back there soon – not the ballroom but the large play area – that bears a charge of HKD 210 per child for 2 hours.