Little Miss-Speak #52 – Why Waste A Perfectly Good Dead Bug


One fine day scooting…

Miss: Mummy, what’s that?

Me: Oh I think it’s a huge cricket. Can you hear that sound around us? That’s the sound those bugs make by rubbing their legs together. They do it to find their friends while staying hidden in the bushes.

Miss: <looks around, then leans closer to the one on the side of the path> How come I can’t hear any-thing (from this one)?

Me: Oh, erm….. it might be taking a nap. They make the sound by rubbing their legs together, you can see this one is not moving. In fact… it’s not likely to be napping out in the open on its side either……..

Miss: How come it’s not?


Me: (thinking: Come on, Aileen, this is how all the little kiddie bull begins) Ok, it might be hurt or even dead. Actually it’s probably dead. Because if it wasn’t dead it would probably be hiding in the bushes.

Miss: Oh……… <pause><brightens> Then can I step on it? Cwunch? <starts waggling an eager foot at it>

Me: Ewww no! Why?!

Miss: Why cannot? <Stares at me like I’m the crazy one – why waste a perfectly good dead bug?>

Me: Erm.. Erm.. Because……. what if it’s just hurt and not totally dead? Then you’d be killing it.

Miss: Oh, I see <scoots off without another word>




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