Miss: <cheerfully> Cheese please!
(After she’s had about half and JD has had the other half off the floor)
Miss: <cheerfully> Cheese please!
Me: You going to eat that or feed it to JD?
Miss: <cheerfully> Feed JD! Cheese please!
Me: Can you please stop feeding JD, she’s old and you’re going to make her fat.
Miss: <cheerfully> Fat JD Please!
(And so next night she’s alternating “Fat JD Please” with “Cheese please”)
A girl and her dog… Note dog’s expression…
The two photos really make us go Awwwwwwwwwwwww! So sweet. They really share a special relationship.
JD surprisingly even after so long doesn’t like the camera… So yes it’s not easy to get her to stay still long enough to take pics with expressions like that…