At Hong Kong park recently…
Me: Look, Miss! Look, it’s a turtle! Turtle! What do you see?
Miss: <points at turtle> That.
Me: What is it?
Miss: That. See that.
Me: That is a turtle. Tur-tle. Can you say turtle?
Me: I thought you knew that one, turtle?
Me: That’s strange, I was quite sure you knew “Turtle.”
Miss: <Flat, end-of-discussion-tone> See that.
Me: <mild exasperation> But what is that? What do you see?
Miss: <looks up abruptly and gasps> B-uhd! Looo-Look! B-uhd!
Me: Very good, there’s a bird flying overhead. And what’s that right in front of you?
Miss: <looks to the side><excitedly> Buh-tee-fly! Buh-tee-fly!
Butterfly flutters off unperturbedly…
Miss: Buh-tee-fly go!
Me: <giving up> Ok let’s go too, next pond. Come darling, next pond. Bye-bye, we’re moving on.
Miss: Bye, Turtle.
Miss Rockstar sure knows her own mind.
Sigh the more you try to push them to do something the more they make you vomit blood… Rockstar was like that for awhile too…