#6 / #313
Feeding time in the Rockstar household, I emerge from the shower to find:
The Miss (holding up nearly empty bowl): More please!
Me: Did you really feed yourself that?
The Miss: Feed JD.
Rockstar (barely looking up from Playmobil space station): It’s true. I saw her.
Me: Why are neither of you filled with remorse? (Rockstar was supposed to stop her from feeding JD and obviously she is supposed to be practicing feeding herself)
Rockstar (still not looking up from space station): Well we’re not proud of it….
The Miss: Feed JD more please!
Random pic of Partners In Crime. No they didn’t get to do this for long, because for one thing she’s not wearing a helmet…
Next time you will need to take JD into the shower with you to stop Miss Rockstar from feeding her.
And another comment eaten by Disqus… i said, JD is not entirely blameless because she actively canvases the two for handouts (and some bad joke about how our border collie should be in politics)… Since she likes water but not soap, I believe joining me in the shower would be fitting punishment. But I don’t think I would be able to keep the other two from shrieking and canvasing to join in…